
Terms for subject Electronics containing 混凝土 | all forms | in specified order only
严寒气候浇注混凝土concreting in freezing weather
二次混凝土安全壳concrete secondary containment
人造混凝土artificial concrete block
低收缩性混凝土low-shrinkage concrete
低级混凝土low-grade concrete
混凝土框架all concrete frame
刚硬性混凝土stiff concrete
加气混凝土blowhole concrete
加筋喷混凝土reinforcing shotcrete
单层混凝土路面one-course concrete pavement
混凝土fat concrete
双向钢筋混凝土two-way reinforced slab
双鼓混凝土搅拌机dual-drum paver
反应堆井坑混凝土盖板reactor well closure concrete slabs
可拆卸混凝土removable heavy concrete block
后张预应力混凝土post-tensioned concrete pile
含水混凝土water bearing concrete
含沥青多的混凝土fat concrete
含硼混凝土boron-containing concrete
在工厂拌和好的商品混凝土ready-mix concrete
压气混凝土pneumatically placed concrete
喷射混凝土spraying of concrete
喷射混凝土拌合料shotcrete mix
混凝土运输搅拌车中混合mixed in transit
放射性下脚料埋入混凝土embedding in concrete
安全壳埋入混凝土的底部衬bottom liner plate
埋置混凝土buried concrete
混凝土outer concrete shell
多孔混凝土hollow concrete
大体积混凝土仰拱mass concrete inverted arch
大体积混凝土内热量增加heat rise in mass concrete
寒冷气候浇注混凝土concreting in cold weather
就地浇筑的混凝土cast-in-place concrete
带有混凝土搅拌的载重车truck with agitator body
带有螺纹钢筋的混凝土spiral concrete column
干喷混凝土dry-mix shotcrete
干拌合混凝土dry mixed concrete
干法喷混凝土dry-process shotcrete
干硬性混凝土concrete of stiff consistence
底座安装在混凝土座上的配电装置pad-mounted switchgear
快速混凝土试验accelerated concrete test
按体积为混凝土配料volumetric method
振浇混凝土vibrocast concrete
收集堆芯熔化物的混凝土漏斗结构位于堆芯下部corium ring
新拌混凝土green concrete
新拌混凝土fresh concrete
旋转拌制的混凝土spun concrete
无细粒混凝土no-fines concrete
早强混凝土high-early-strength concrete
混凝土衬砌的concrete lined
未经蒸汽养生的混凝土unsteamed concrete
松散铺浇混凝土loosely spread concrete
格型混凝土块体cellular concrete block
混凝土lean concrete
气压浇注混凝土air-placed concrete
气孔混凝土blowhole concrete
水泥混凝土cement-concrete road
汽车载运的混凝土truck-mounted concrete pump
沥青混凝土拌合机asphaltic concrete mixer
沥青混凝土芯墙堆石坝rock-fill dam with asphaltic concrete core
泡沫湿碾矿渣混凝土foamed-slag concrete
泡沫溶渣混凝土foamed-slag concrete
泵输混凝土pump concrete
活节铺块式混凝土铺面沉排articulated mat type concrete pavement
浇注混凝土concrete enveloped
浇筑混凝土装置concrete incorporation plant
混凝土中心拌和厂centralized concrete mixing plant
混凝土中的底部衬steel plate membrane encased in concrete
混凝土中的梁架steel beam encased in concrete
混凝土中预埋铁件iron embedded in concrete
混凝土养护层concrete curing mat
混凝土内衬concrete lining
混凝土冷却作业concrete cooling operation
混凝土分离concrete disintegration
混凝土制品concrete products
混凝土包覆的concrete lined
混凝土升降机concrete lift
混凝土卸料漏斗concrete hopper
混凝土反应堆容器安全壳concrete reactor vessel
混凝土和钢筋之间的结合力bond between concrete and steel
混凝土喷射器concrete sprayer
混凝土喷射装置concrete spouting plant
混凝土四面体concrete pyramid
混凝土浇筑块concrete block
预制混凝土块体cement block
混凝土块护坡concrete block protection
混凝土块护岸concrete block protection
混凝土坝段坝块concrete block
混凝土垫层blinding concrete
管道混凝土垫座concrete saddle
混凝土埋入件系统concrete embedment system
混凝土基块concrete foundation block
混凝土基础垫板concrete mattress
混凝土塑性稠度wet consistence of concrete
混凝土墩石concrete pillar
混凝土安全concrete shell
混凝土concrete jacket
混凝土concrete encasement
混凝土安全壳concrete containment
混凝土屏蔽concrete shield
混凝土平仓机concrete spreader
混凝土心墙concrete diaphragm wall
土石坝混凝土心墙central concrete membrane
混凝土成熟经养护硬化maturing of concrete
混凝土截水墙concrete cut-off wall
混凝土拌和concrete mix
混凝土拌和料预热装置concrete mixer heating attachment
混凝土拌和船concrete mix barge
混凝土振捣器concrete vibratory tamper
混凝土排架concrete bent
混凝土推铺机concrete placer
混凝土搅拌厂mixer plant
混凝土搅拌器汽车agitator truck
混凝土搅拌汽车motor truck concrete mixer
混凝土搅拌设备concrete mixing plant
混凝土搅拌车truck mounted mixer
混凝土concrete slab
混凝土cement flag
混凝土板护坡concrete slab works
混凝土板衬砌cement slab revetment
混凝土构筑物concrete structures
混凝土标号concrete number
混凝土格床基础concrete grillage
混凝土框架构架concrete frame
混凝土气冷硬化air hardening of cement
混凝土水槽concrete flume
混凝土水灰比强度定律a low stipulating the relation between water-cement ratio and strength
混凝土水磨石面concrete terrazzo
混凝土泵浇注concrete pump placing
混凝土流动试验flow test of concrete
混凝土浇注架concrete placing mast
混凝土浇注架concrete placing boom
混凝土浇注设备concrete spouting plant
混凝土浇灌作业concrete pouring
混凝土浇灌架concrete distribution mast
混凝土浇筑塔pouring tower
混凝土浇筑机concrete placer
混凝土浇筑栈桥concrete placing trestle
混凝土浇筑设备placing plant
混凝土湿喷法wet shotcreting method
混凝土生物屏蔽concrete biological shield
混凝土电抗器concrete reactor
混凝土的可浇筑性placeability of concrete
混凝土的和易性placeability of concrete
混凝土的收缩concrete shrinkage
混凝土的砌体concrete masonry
混凝土的经济配筋率economical ratio of reinforcement to concrete
混凝土砂浆流动性mobility of concrete
混凝土空气冷却贮存库concrete air cooled vault
混凝土立方试样cube concrete test specimen
混凝土立方体试块试验concrete cube test
混凝土管道concrete pipe
混凝土薄浇筑层thin concrete laying
混凝土表面硬化case-hardening of concrete surface
混凝土覆盖层concrete coating
混凝土试块检验concrete check
混凝土路基concrete ballast
混凝土路面桥concrete slab bridge
混凝土输送管道concrete delivery pipe
混凝土输送设备concrete transporting equipment
混凝土运输搅拌车truck-transit mixer
混凝土运输车transit truck
混凝土运送车ready-mix truck
混凝土运送车上搅拌的混凝土transit-mixed concrete
混凝土配料蜗杆传送器cement proportioning worm conveyor
混凝土配比proportioning of concrete
混凝土钢筋concrete reinforcement wire
混凝土锥形柱concrete-taper pile
混凝土键槽concrete key trench
混凝土锯,混凝土切割机concrete saw
混凝土防渗心墙concrete diaphragm wall
混凝土防火法concrete fireproofing
混凝土集中搅拌设备;厂central concrete mixing
混凝土震捣器concrete rammer
混凝土顶板concrete ceiling
混凝土预拌工厂ready-mix plant
混凝土高层浇筑法high-lift concrete construction method
混凝土齿槽concrete key trench
湿混凝土water bearing concrete
漏斗管灌注的混凝土tremie concrete
炎热气候浇注混凝土concreting in hot weather
现场拌制的混凝土job-mixed concrete
现场浇筑的混凝土cast-in-situ concrete
现场连续浇混凝土in situ concrete
真空混凝土vacuum concrete
真空作业混凝土vacuum-processed concrete
硅粉混凝土silica fume concrete
混凝土hard concrete
碎石混凝土stone concrete
碎石混凝土gravel concrete
离心浇制混凝土centrifugal concrete pipe
第一批浇灌的混凝土first concrete
粉煤灰混凝土fly ash concrete
纤维加筋混凝土fibre reinforced concrete
纤维增强混凝土fibre reinforced concrete
混凝土fine concrete
经养护硬化的混凝土matured concrete
经水养护混凝土water cured concrete
耐火混凝土castable beton
耐热混凝土heat-resistance concrete
耐酸混凝土acid resistant concrete
胶态混凝土colloidal concrete
能够承受高压的反应堆混凝土安全壳concrete pressure vessel
脱泡去气混凝土deaerated concrete
膨润水泥混凝土cement bentonite concrete
蜂窝混凝土cellular concrete
螺纹钢筋混凝土spiral reinforcement
装饰混凝土decorative concrete
建筑装饰用混凝土architectural concrete
转筒式混凝土拌和机revolving-drum concrete mixer
转运混凝土浆的驳船concrete mix barge
载重车上的混凝土搅拌机truck mounted mixer
连续浇注混凝土uninterrupted concreting
骨料混凝土heavy aggregate concrete
混凝土屏蔽loaded concrete shield
混凝土屏蔽体heavy aggregate shield
重力式混凝土溢流坝concrete gravity overflow dam
混凝土steel concrete
钢板衬砌混凝土steel-lined concrete pipe
钢筋混凝土地面armoured concrete floor
钢筋混凝土安全壳reinforced concrete containment
钢筋混凝土屏蔽体安全壳reinforced concrete outer shield
钢筋混凝土concrete pole
钢筋网喷混凝土mesh reinforced shotcrete
钢筋量与混凝土总量的最优比economic ratio of reinforcement to concret
钢纤维喷混凝土steel fibre reinforced shotcrete
防水混凝土water proof concrete
陶粒混凝土ceramic concrete
集中拌合混凝土central-mixed concrete
预制混凝土板桩precast-concrete sheet-pile
预制混凝土模板precast concrete form
预制预应力混凝土模板prestressed precast concrete form
预填骨料混凝土packaged concrete
预填骨料灌浆混凝土colloidal concrete
预应力混凝土中的锚定板anchor plates in prestressed concrete
预应力混凝土中的锚环anchor loops in prestressed concrete
预应力混凝土压力容器prestressed concrete pressure vessel
预应力混凝土外壳prestressed concrete vessel
预应力混凝土安全壳prestressed concrete containment vessel
预应力混凝土安全壳prestressed concrete containment vessel
预应力混凝土压力容器冷却系统prestressed concrete vessel cooling system
预应力混凝土压力容器顶板prestressed concrete vessel top slab
预应力混凝土管沉箱prestressed concrete caisson
预应力钢筋混凝土电杆prestressed concrete pole
预拌混凝土ready-mix truck
颗粒细的混凝土fine concrete
飞射物圆筒形钢筋混凝土防护罩cylindrical reinforced-concrete missile shield
飞射物屏蔽混凝土missile shielding concrete
飞射物钢筋混凝土防护筒cylindrical reinforced-concrete missile shield
飞射物钢筋混凝土防护筒reinforced concrete missile shielding cylinder
黏性好的混凝土fat concrete