
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
临界裂纹critical crack depth
临界裂纹crack depth at fracture
交错interleaving depth
充电depth of charge
充电depth of charging
充电degree of charge
光密度即照片透光密度 photographic transmission density optical depth 光学厚度optical density
度点叠加common-depth-point stacking
度点网格common depth point grid
初始裂纹initial crack depth
加固和地下目标hard and deeply buried target
印度空网Indian deep space network
发射launching depth (舰载发射导弹的)
发射launch depth (reliability, 可靠度)
导弹发射井silo depth
度发射varying depth launching
度发射depth variable launch
回声测acoustical depth sounding
地基光电空监视系统ground-based electro-optical deep space surveillance (美国地基空间目标监视系统)
地基电子光学空监视网ground-based electro-optical deep space surveillance (美国)
堪培拉空通信站Canberra deep space communication complex (澳大利亚)
多谱段海洋multi-spectral bathymetry
多谱段海洋multi spectral bathymetry
度试验武器系统deep experimental weapon system
width-to-depth ratio
小型空应答机small deep-space transponder
差波束零值null depth of difference beam (差波束峰值电平与零值电平之比,通常用 dB 表示)
差波瓣零值null depth of difference pattern
模具drawing die
放电depth of discharge
转换time depth conversion
最大加工maximum machining depth
杀伤区纵depth of killing zone
杀伤区纵depth of kill zone
橡皮拉rubber pad drawing
冷板helium cryopanel (真空容器内板形制冷装备)
bathymetric chart
摄影测量photogrammetric bathymetry
depth probe
sounding line
海洋测oceanic sounding
材料的低温处理sub-zero treatment
冷处理cryogenic treatment
冷抽气cryogenic pump
冷泵cryogenic pump
冷涡轮喷气deeply cooled turbojet
冷温度cryogenic temperature (通常指低于液氮沸点-195°C的温度)
冷环路热管cryogenic loop heat pipe
冷空气涡轮火箭air turborocket with deep air cooling
冷空间deep cold space
冷隔热材料super-low temperature thermal insulation material
化研究in-depth study
地下deep underground
地下目标deeply buried target
圳航天科技创新研究院Shenzhen Academy of Aerospace Technology (中国)
埋地目标deeply buried target
太空任务deep-space mission
宽比depth-to-width ratio
小孔加工small deep hole machining
度修理heavy repair
度偏移depth migration
度冷凝deep freezing
度分布depth distribution
度千分表dial depth gauge
度基准面depth datum
度感depth perception
度撞击Deep Impact (美国彗星探测器,与坦佩尔-1彗星交会并撞击慧核)
度知觉depth perception
度穿透deep penetration
度自动控制automatic depth control
度衰落deep fade
度调频heavily frequency modulated
度辨别depth discrimination
循环vicious cycling (镍镉蓄电池的,亦称 deep cycling)
循环deep cycling (镍镉蓄电池的维修程序)
成水plutonic water
拉能力deep-drawing ability
放电deep discharge (蓄电池的一个维护程序)
断层deep fault
水核炸弹nuclear depth bomb
反潜水核炸弹nuclear depth bomb
水炸弹发射器antisubmarine projector
水电缆deep sea cable
abyss (水深超过800米)
海底带archibenthic zone
海超过 1 000 米的区域abyssal-benthic zone
deep space (内行星以外的空间)
deep space (在航天工程领域,定义为距地球约等于或大于地月距离的宇宙空间;国际电联新定义为距地球距离大于或等于 2*10⁶km 的宇宙空间)
探测器导航deep-space navigation
测控deep space network
飞行器跟踪与测量设备deep space instrumentation facility
飞行器跟踪与测量设备deep space instrumentation facility (设在地面上)
跟踪系统deep space tracking system
空一号Deep Space-1 (美国试验型空间探测器)
空任务支持deep-space mission support
空冷热模拟器deep space hot and cold simulator
空原位通信deep space in-situ communication
空原位通信网deep space in-situ communication net
空太阳天文台deep-space solar observatory
空应答机deep space transponder
空探测deep space exploration
空探测与跟踪系统deep-space detecting and tracking system
空探测器deep space probe
空探测器跟踪deep space probe tracking
空探测站deep space station
空探测设备deep space instrumentation facility
空操作deep space maneuver
空测量deep space measurement
空火箭deep-space rocket
空监视deep space surveillance
空监视deep apace surveillance
空监视雷达deep space surveillance radar
空真空deep-space vacuum
空科学任务deep-space science mission
空站deep space station
空站组合deep space station complex
空网deep space networks
空网deep space network
空网deep space net
空自主导航deep space autonomous navigation
空航天飞机deep space shuttle
空行星跟踪网deep space planetary network
空行星际跟踪网deep space planetary network
空观察雷达deep view radar
空警戒雷达deep space warning radar
空跟踪系统deep-space tracking system
空跟踪网deep space network (美国行星际探测器跟踪网)
空跟踪网deep space networks
空跟踪网deep space network (美国)
空跟踪网deep space network
空跟踪网络系统deep space tracking network system (印度)
空通信deep space communications
空通信deep space communication
空遥测deep space telemetry
空飞行deep-space flight
空飞行器deep space vehicle
能级deep energy level
能级中心deep level center
能级暂态谱deep level transient spectroscopy (学)
远突防deep penetration
激光测laser bathymeter
激光测laser sounder
火箭投放的水炸弹rocket thrown depth charge
explosive deepness
爆炸depth of burst
电子扩散depth of electron diffusion
碳化char depth
磁测magnetic sounder
积雪snow depth
穿透penetration range
突破纵depth of penetration
突防穿透penetration depth
bathymetric map
线depth contours
线图bathymetric chart
精密回声测precision depth recorder
作战deep operation
战斗combat in depth
打击武器系统deep-strike weapon system
突击attack in depth
junction depth
缩比爆炸scaled depth of burst
潜艇的航向与度自动控制仪automatic course keeping and depth keeping controls
薄田空中心Usuda Deep Space Center (UDSC, 日本)
螺纹screw flight depth
补偿depth of compensation
覆盖depth of coverage
调制度差difference in depth of modulation
顾问委员会Senior Advisory Council
小孔磨削super deep hole grinding
超长super-length holes
趋肤skin depth
轨道空中继站orbiting deep space relay station
轨道空成像仪orbital deep space imager (美国研制中的空间目标监视卫星)
载人空飞行器manned deep space vehicle
逸出escape depth
雷达成像与空网radar imaging and deep space network
雷达成像和空探测网radar imaging & deep space network
麻醉度监护仪anaesthesia depth monitor