
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
不断加的欧元区危机deepening eurozone crisis
中证沪300指数Shanghai Shenzhen CSI 300 Index
债务负担重的欧元区debt-saddled eurozone
全球经济度衰退steep global downturn
资本流动性紧缩exacerbate the contraction of capital flows
国际金融危机层次影响deeper impact of the international financial crisis
实施度改革implement deep reforms
对外开放的depth of opening up
帮助陷困境的银行help deeply troubled banks
影响have far-reaching effects
拓展广度和expand the breadth and depth
300 股指CSI 300 Index
300 股指期货CSI 300 Index futures (指以沪深 300 指数作为标的物的金融期货合约)
化了解、互信与合作deepen understanding, trust, and cooperation
化互利合作deepen mutually beneficial cooperation
化全球供应链合作deepen the global supply chain cooperation
化区域合作deepen regional cooperation
化区域经济一体化deepen regional economic integration
化双边合作deepen bilateral cooperation
化双边和多边合作further deepen bilateral and multilateral cooperation
化合作议程deepen cooperation agenda
化国际金融监管合作deepen cooperation in international financial regulation
化在金融部门投资和监管领域的双边和多边合作deepen bilateral and multilateral cooperation on financial sector investment and regulation
化在金融领域的合作deepen cooperation in the financial sector
化多边双边经贸合作deepen multilateral and bilateral business cooperation
化多边合作deepen multilateral cooperation
化宏观经济合作deepen macroeconomic cooperation
化宏观经济、财政、金融和结构性问题合作deepen cooperation on macroeconomic, fiscal, financial, and structural issues
化对话和交流deepen dialogue and exchanges
化改革intensify reform
化改革开放deepen reform and opening up
化绿色增长合作deepen cooperation in green growth
化重点领域改革deepen reforms in key areas
化金融企业改革deepen the reform of financial enterprises
化金融体制改革deepen reform of the financial system
圳发展银行Shenzhen Development Bank (前身是1987年由深圳当地21家农信社合并成立的"深圳市联合信用银行",后改名为"深圳发展银行",简称"深发展",1987年5月成为中国第一家面向社会公众公开发行股票并上市的商业银行。2012年8月1日,深发展和平安银行正式合并为一家银行,更名为"平安银行")
圳外汇交易中心Shenzhen Foreign Exchange Trading Center
圳市农村商业银行Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank
圳市商业银行Shenzhen Commercial Bank
圳指数Shenzhen index
圳综合指数Shenzhen Composite index
圳股市Shenzhen stock market
圳证券交易所Shenzhen Stock Exchange (成立于1991年7月,简称"深交所")
层次影响deep-seated impact
层次矛盾deep-rooted structural imbalance
度大且流通性好的金融市场deep and liquid financial markets
度经济衰退deep recessions
度萧条deep depression
陷主权债务危机的国家countries at the centre of the sovereign debt crisis
陷危机be in deep crisis
陷困境的欧元区beleaguered eurozone
会计师serial accountant
债券分析师senior bond analyst
分析师senior analyst
当权派学者senior establishment scholar
银行家senior bankers
资本capital deepening
道•琼斯圳指数Dow Jones Shenzhen Index
金融化论theory of financial deepening