
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
一次性海水温度度自动记录仪expendable bathythermograph
中子度分布neutron depth profiling
中子度分布轮廓仪neutron depth profiler
俄歇度分布Auger depth profiling
俄歇度分布Auger depth profile
俄歇元素度分布Auger element depth profile
光学能级瞬态能谱分析法optical deep-level transient spectroscopy
光线调制percentage beam modulation
光调制optical modulation depth
共辄水conjugate depth
冷停堆cold shutdown reactivity margin
半值half value depth
双相关能级瞬态电容谱分析法double-correlation deep-level transient capacitance spectroscopy
双相关能级瞬态能谱分析法double-correlation deep-level transient spectroscopy
发电机定子槽stator slot depth
可变度传感器variable depth transducer
响应度函数一种模拟焦深与照度关系的曝光软件depth of response function
回声测deep-sea lead
回声测echo sounding machine
图像焦image depth of focus
地下deep earth burial
放射性废料地下埋处置deep geological disposal
地下水位埋藏depth of water table
场效应能级瞬态能谱分析法field effect deep level transient spectroscopy
pit depth
调制光盘pit depth modulation CD
调制光盘compact disc-pit depth modulation
埋入的depth of laying
埋置depth of laying
埋置depth of embedding
声呐定位、测高、探sonar locator, altimeter and depthometer
声电能级瞬态能谱分析法acoustoelectric deep-level transient spectroscopy
宽比high-aspect ratio
span-depth ratio
breadth to depth ratio
局部腐蚀工艺partial etchback process
局部焦local depth of focus
岩层bed depth
差分能级瞬态能谱分析法differential deep-level transient spectroscopy
杀琅undercoat enamel
放射性废物海处置I deep-sea disposal
废物地下埋处置waste disposal deep underground
放射性废物地下埋处置deep underground disposal
归一化焦normalized depth of focus
恒电容能级瞬态能谱仪constant capacitance deep-level transient spectrometer
戈德斯通空通信综合设施Goldstone deep space communications complex
截水槽cut-off depth
扫描能级瞬态能谱分析法scanning deep level transient spectroscopy
投掷式温expendable bathythermograph
控制棒插入insertion depth
插入depth of insertion
搜索depth of search
改进型可变度声呐improved variable depth sonar
有效焦usable depth of focus
有效肤skin depth
机载激光水测量器airborne laser bathymeter
机载脉冲激光测系统pulsed laser airborne depth sounding (system)
sill depth
水库工作available depth of reservoir
水库有效available depth of reservoir
沟槽接触触点trench contact depth
河床bed depth
河道刷stream scour
浅水测设备shallow sounding apparatus
千分尺depth micrometer
bathymetric chart
导航设备bathymetric navigation equipment
曲线fathom curve
depth gauge
井排水deep well drainage
井水deep water
井注入deep well injection
井泵bore-hole pump
亚微米技术deep submicron technology
亚微米集成电路deep submicron integrated circuit
体声波deep bulk acoustic wave
反应离子蚀刻deep reactive ion etching
吸设备deep suction apparatus
圳甚小天线地面站卫星通信有限公司Shenzhen VSAT Satellite Communications Co., Ltd.
放射性核废料under land waste disposal
埋基础deep lying foundation
X射线deep X-ray
deep bed
层勘测deep prospecting
岩层处置deep rock disposal
床玻璃纤维过滤器deep bed glass fibre filter
度优先搜索算法depth first search algorithm
度优先生成树depth first spanning tree
度侵蚀deep erosion
度分布共振电离质谱测定技术depth profiling resonance ionization mass spectrometry
式泄水孔low level outlet
式泄水孔draw-off culvert
扩散条型deep diffused stripe
deep-level excavation
施主能级deep donor level
deep slot
槽式感应电动机current-displacement induction motor
槽式转子extended bar rotor
槽式转子throttling-type rotor
槽式转子deep-bar rotor
电机槽效应deep-slot effect
槽鼠笼电动机deep slot motor
槽鼠笼电动机deep bar motor
水机动目标deep mobile target
水测深仪deep sounding apparatus
水潜水deep diving
水电影系统deepwater motion picture system
沟槽deep trench
沟槽隔离deep trench isolation
注人P型沟道金属氧化物半导体deep-implanted p-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor
注人P型沟道金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管deep-implanted p-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
注人质子处理deep implant proton processing
海声传感器评估系统deep-sea system for evaluation acoustic transducer
海救援潜水艇deep submergence rescue vehicle
海沉积abyssal deposits
海测深deep-sea lead
海生物pelagic organisms
照型照明器depth lighting fixture
燃耗high burnup
燃耗long burn-up
燃耗燃料棒high burn fuel rod
太空轨道中继站orbiting deep space relay station
空天线deep space antenna
空测量设施deep space instrumentation facility
空站通信终端子系统DSS communications terminal subsystem
空站通信设备子系统DSS communications equipment subsystem
空网络deep space network
空语音预调制处理机premodulation processor-deep space voice
空通信综合设施deep space communications complex
结太阳能电池deep junction cell
耕犁deep plough
耗尽沟道屏蔽deep-depletion channel shielding
耗尽金属氧化物半导体deep depletion metal-oxide-semiconductor
能级发射deep-level emission
能级俘获陷阱能谱分析法deep-level trap spectroscopy
能级俘获谱分析法deep-level transient spectroscopy
能级傅里叶光谱分析法deep level Fourier spectroscopy
能级光谱分析法deep level optical spectroscopy
能级导纳谱分析法deep-level admittance spectroscopy
能级瞬态电容谱分析法deep-level transient capacitance spectroscopy
能级瞬态结电容谱分析法deep-level transient junction capacitance spectroscopy
能级瞬态能谱仪deep-level transient spectrometer
能级瞬态谱deep-level transient spectrum
能级陷阱deep trap
腐蚀工艺etch-back process
蚀刻电成型微复制deepetching electroforming microreplication
蚀河床deeply eroded river bed
部剂量depth dose
部剂量当量指数depth dose equivalent index
部吸收剂量depth absorbed dose
隐地下通信系统deep underground communications system
电动机鼠笼槽deep-bar slot
卸压系统下降管淹没insertion depth
淹没immersion depth
溅射度剖面sputter depth profile
炉膛furnace depth
焊接熔weld penetration
优值figure of merit for depth of focus
光量容度depth of focus/exposure latitude
燃料燃耗extent of fuel burn-up
燃耗burn-up level
燃耗burnup fraction
燃耗irradiation level
燃耗burnt-up fraction
瑞利焦Rayleigh depth of focus
亚微米技术very deep submicron technology
电杆基座埋设depth of pole footing
电流穿透depth of current penetration
电流贯入depth of current penetration
留下刻印象burn in
百分度剂量用最大剂量的百分比表示percentage depth dose
研究的depth of investigation
表面硬化层case depth
积雪depth of snow-cover
立式井泵vertical deep-well pump
bathymetric chart
精密度数字转换器precision depth digitizer
防御概念defence-in-depth concept
结构structural depth
耗尽depletion depth
能谱分析式能级瞬态谱分析法spectral analysis deep level transient spectroscopy
能量解析能级瞬态能谱分析法energy resolved deep-level transient spectroscopy
腐蚀etched depth
蚀刻etched depth
裂纹fracture depth
调制percentage modulation
亚微米技术ultra-deep submicron technology
superdeep holes
超声波度仪ultrasonic depth finder
轻掺杂漏区结构lightly doped deep drain structure
适用焦usable depth of focus
选择性度转换电子穆斯堡尔能谱分析法depth-selective conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy
penetration depth
闸门槽slot depth
陆基电光空监视系统ground-based electro-optical deep space surveillance (system)
depth of rainfall
地震震源depth of seismic focus
飞行时间中子度分布time-of-flight neutron depth profiling
马德里空通信综合设施Madrid deep space communications complex
高分辨率能级瞬态能谱仪high resolution deep-level transient spectrometer
高阶次能级瞬态能谱分析法multiexponential deep level transient spectroscopy