
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
市场market depth
市场depth of the market financial market
度的金融市场deep financial market
层原因underlying cause
market depth
depth of the market financial market
贸易trade deepening
Senior ...
人事管理人员Senior Personnel Manager
信息官员Senior Information Officer
审计师Senior Auditor
工作人员senior staff
经济学家Senior Economist
资本即提高资本/劳动力比例capital deepening
资本市场deepening of the financial market
资本市场deepening of the capital market
资本市场financial deepening
金融deepening of the capital market
金融deepening of the financial market
金融financial deepening
金融financial depth
金融市场deepening of the capital market
金融市场deepening of the financial market
金融市场financial deepening