
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一次性利the windfall profit
一般利general profit
一般利general rate of profit
上缴国家利turn over all profit
上缴国家利profit paid to the state
下半年,他们获得了 100%的利Over the last half of the year, they earned profits of 100%
不变利线constant-profit lines
不得强制我方透露利分配方案We shall not be obligated to reveal our profit-sharing plan
不断下跌的汇率一直是企业利亏损的引发因素Failing exchange rates have been a contributory factor to the enterprise's loss of profits
不易控制的利uncontrollable profits
不确定性作为利的来源uncertainty as source of profit
专卖利monopoly profits
两家公司即将在彼此间分配利The two companies are going to divide the profits between them
个别产业利rate of individual industrial profit
临界起码threshold return
争夺利a scramble for profit
争夺利scramble for profit
事后的利ex post profit
产品净利明细表the statement analysing net income from product sales
银行价值分析10要素产品利、人员、个性、有形传输系统、组合、产品、程序、房产和财产、计划化、潜力profit, people, personality, physical delivery system, portfolio, products, processes, plant and property, planning, potential
产生利to yield profit
产生利to produce a profit
人力务源利profitability of human resources
从…中获得的利润profit arising from...
企业主利entrepreneur's income or profit
企业主利所得entrepreneur’s income
企业利profit of entreprise
企业利中的利息成分interest element in business profits
企业利对应所得税business income versus taxable income
企业利提成the enterprise profit drawing
企业利earnings ratio
企业利的提取the enterprise profit drawing
企业家利entrepreneurial profit
企业整体综合利consolidated profit
会计利使用税accounting profit royalty
假设利paper profit
偶得利casual profits
偶然利the aleatory profit
充分平均利full average profit rate
先前的利previous profit
先期的利previous profit
全额利分配share the entire profit
公共事业的经营营运operating surplus of public enterprises
公共事业的经营利operating surplus of public enterprises
公司利corporate profit
公司利corporate profits
公司利率与股东自有资本或销售额比率ratio of profits to stock holder's equity or to sales
公司利的税率是10%The company profits are taxed at 10%
公司去年利翻了一番The company doubled profits last year
公司1999年度总结令人振奋,净利增长 30%The company's results for 1999 are exciting that the net profits have risen by 30%
公司应纳利税责任corporate profits tax liability
公司所得利corporate income profit tax
公司的利作为股息分配给股东Profits of the companies are distributed as dividends to the shareholders
公司纳税前corporate profits before after taxes
公司纳税前利corporate profit before tax
公司间利的相互抵消elimination of intercompany profit
公布的利reported profit
公苛利corporate profit tax
内部利所得税income taxes on intercompany profit
内部转让利internal transfer profit
再投资利plowed-back profits
再投资利ploughed-back profits
再投资利的特殊免税special exemption reinvested profits
冒险利venture profit
冒险利贴现累计法venture worth method
农业利agricultural profit
净值利profit rate of net worth
净利retained profits
净利retained earnings
净利对净销额之比ratio of net profit to net sales
净利对资本之比ratio of net profit to capital
净利权益net profit interest
净的利net profit
证券dilutive securities
分享利to share a profit
分单位责任和利divisional responsibility and profit
分外利the unearned profit
分店分号branch profits
分配净利赎回redemption of stock by distribution of net profit
分配利distribution profit tax
创业者利founder's profit
创办the promoter's profit
创办利promoter’s profit
profit (gain)
profit return
一数量图profit-volume chart
一销售量比率profit-volume ratio
-业务量图profit-volume graph
业务量图profit-volume chart
/业务量的价格制定profit/volume pricing
-亏本分界图profit-loss breakeven point chart
份额share in the profit
作为一种功能报酬profits as a functional return
作为一种功能报酬profit as a functional return
再投资reinvested profit
再投资reinvested earning
再投资reinvested earnings (profits)
再投资plow back the profit
再投资plowback the profit
减少profit squeeze
分享有价证券profit-sharing reserve
分成gain sharing
分成留成制度profit sharing system
分成单据profit-sharing certificate
分成合同profit-sharing contract
分红不予计列exclusion of dividends received from profit
分配the apportionment of interest
分配profit disposition
分配allocation of interests
分配net income amortization
分配distribution of profit
或收益分配账户income distribution account
划分division of profit
利息比率dividend cover
利率interest rate of return
利率或内部收益率interest or internal rate of return
profit system
包干额fixed profit quotas
及亏损profit and loss
和风险投资比profit to risk investment rate
图表profit graph
图解profit graph
在整个经济中所占的地位role of profit in the economy
均等原则principle of equal advantage
基金profit fund
对净产值的百分比profit percentage of net output
对分制half-profit system
对销售比率profits/sales ratio
对销售比率profits /sales ratio p/s ratio
对销售比率profit /sales ratio p/s ratio
将在股东之间分配Profits will be distributed among the shareholders
尺度profit measurement
差距利润预测与目标利润之间的差异profit gap
平均化equalization of profit
影响的转移profit impact shift
很大的价格a fat price
或亏损将由我们之间平均分摊,每方可贷记或借记账款The profits or loss shall be divided equally between us, the account of each shall be credited or debited
所得税tax on profit
、技术转让费和利息往往是单向流动的The flow of dividend, royalties, and interest is likely to be in only one direction
投资比profit to investment ratio
投资比benefit-to-cost (ratio)
控制管理profit control
提成profit drawing
提款profit withdrawal
改善计划profit improvement plan
改善计划与执行情况评价profit improvement plan and performance evaluation
数据mass of profit
方程式profit equation
最大profit maximization
最大化maximum of profit
最大化的不确定性uncertainty for profit maximization
最大化规则rule for maximizing profit
条例regulation of profit
构成reward structure
汇回本国transfer home the profits
汇回本国repatriation of profit (原主)
law of profits
rate of return
revenue position
benefit-cost ratio
profit yield rate
earning power
率下限the profit threshold
率低下法则law of diminishing rates of profit
率低下说theory of the falling rate of profit
率分析analysis of profitability
率均等equality of rate of profit
率递减法则law of diminishing rates of profit
留成基金fund of partly remained profit
留成计算表statement of retained net income
的分配distribution of profits
的最大化maximization of profits
目标profit goal (objective)
管制regulation of profit
累计accumulated profits
累计profit markup
经济profit economy
缩减profit squeeze
职能return function
股息之比dividend cover
衡量profitability measures
statement of net income
profit chart
计划预算profit planning budgeting
计算书statement of profit calculation
计量profit measurement
诱因profit incentive
账户the profit account
资本化capitalization of profit
边际margin-profit on sales
还原资本capitalized profit
profit volume
magnitude of profit
金额amount of profit
销售量图表profit volume chart
销售量比率profit volume ratio
销售额比率contribution ratio
销售额比率profit-volume ratio
预测profit forecasting
预算profit budget
风险分析profit risk analysis
高的作物lucrative crop
利到平均利的转化conversion of profit into average profit
剩余价值到利的转化conversion of surplus-value into profit
剩余价值到利的转化conversion of surplus value into profit
动态利dynamic theory of profit
双重利double profit
合理利reasonable profit
合理利目标goal of reasonable profits
合理的利fair profit
合资公司的协议应明确说明双方的利、权利和责任The agreement of the joint venture should spell out the benefits, rights and duties of both parties
合资各方的利分配和亏损分担的比例ratio of profit distribution and losses to be borne by each party
合资各方的利分配和亏损分担的比例the ratio of profit distribution and losses to be borne by each party
同等利曲线isoprofit curves
商业利merchant's profit
商业利trading profit
商业利business profit tax
商业利commercial benefit tax
商品利commodity returns
在此笔交易中他们净获利3 万英镑They net ted a profit of £30.000 from this deal
垄断利monopolies' profit
垄断利monopoly profits
垄断利monopoly profit
垄断利资本化capitalization of monopoly profits
增大利profit maximization principle
增量利incremental benefit
外国来源股票定购权利foreign source stock option profits
大量费用与利的经济分析macroeconomic cost-benefit analysis
如果雇主的纯利连续四周内超过一万美元,则该雇主应将其利润的5%支付给雇员If the net profit of an employer exceeds ten thousand dollars during successive four weeks, the employer shall pay 5% of such profit to his employees
定额利quota profit
实业家利benefits to industrialists
实业家利benefit to industrialists
实得利realized profit
实得利ex-post realized profit
实质净利real net profit
实质利real prof it
实际值利actual value profit
实际利real prof it
实际利realized profit rate
实际利actual yield rate
实际利actual yield
客商将所得利用于在特区内进行再投资为期5年以上者,可申请减免再投资部分的利润所得税An investor who reinvests his profits in the Special Economic Zones for 5 years and longer may claim exemption of income taxation on profits from such reinvestment
将利汇回本国transfer home the profit
市场策略的利影响profit impact o£ market strategy
希望利the aspired profit
带来利to yield profit
带来利to produce a profit
平均净average net profit
平均利average profit
平均利average rate of profit
平均利率法则law of average rate of profit
平均累积日利cumulative average daily profit
年利annual returns
年利annual return
年度内保留利的少数股东利益minority interests in the retained profit of the year
应付利分享奖金profit-sharing bonus payable
应付利分红profit-sharing bonus payable
必需利necessary profit;minimum profit
总利overall return
总营业利gross operating profit
意外利the windfall profit
意外的利windfall profit
意外的利incidental profit
成本一产量一利分析cost-volume-profit analysis
成本一利一数量分析cost-profit-volume analysis
成本一数量一利分析中的安全边际margin of safety in cost-volume-prof it analysis
成本一销售额一利分析中心的安全幅度margin of safety in cost-volume-profit analysis
成本-利分析cost-benefit analysis
成本加利cost plus a profit
成本加利合同cost plus profit contract
成本加利定价法cost plus pricing
成本销量利关系cost-volume-profit relationship (graph chart, 图表)
成立公司前、设立登记前利profit prior to incorporation
我们从利中留出一万美元保留款作为机动Out of the profits, we have saved $10.000 as retainage for flexible use
我们利的增加与开支的下降是成比例的Our increase in profit is proportional to decline in overheads
我们各得一半利We share the profits on a fifty-fifty basis
我们的利比预期的少Our profits are less than expected
扩大利wider margins
投机利speculative profit
投资利return of investment (报酬)
投资利profit on investment
投资利可盈利率,获利能力the profitability of the investment
投资利return on investment (报酬率)
投资利rate of return on investment
投资利益率profit to investment ratio
投资者间分享利share profits among the investors
抚恤金利分享计划pension and profit sharing plans
报酬根据账册所示的、会计年度末的净利决定The consideration was determined by the net profits shown in the account books at the end of the fiscal year
持有的投资平均额的利按年率计算the annualized rate of return on the average investment held
指拨的利appropriated profit
按利分发奖金distribute bonuses out of profits
按正常利定价normal profit pricing
按目标利率定价target rate-of-return pricing
攫取超渝利grab super-profits
攫取高额利grab super-profit
施工单位的间接费用和利contractors’ overhead and profit
普通利ordinary rate of profit
暂时减少利earning hiccup
最低利minimum project
最低利minimum profit ratio
最大共同利maximum joint profit
最大利规划maximum profit programming
最大期望利maximizing expected profit
最大限度利the maximum surplus
最高利top gain
最高利maximum profit
最高利定价profit maximization pricing
最高利maximum profit ratio
有限利limited profit
期望利aspired profit
期望利expected rate of profit
期望的边际利expected marginal profit
未分利undivided profits
未分利tax on undistributed profit
未分摊利undistributed profit tax
未分派的利business savings
未分派的利undivided profits
未分配公司利的免税exemption of undistributed corporate profits
未分配利undivided profit
未分配利净额net business savings
美国未分配利undistributed profit tax
未分配的利retained earnings
未提取利undrawn profits
未调整投资利计算法the unadjusted return on investment method
权益利profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth
权益利率,负债与净值总额利润率profit ratio of capital rate of return; return on investment, profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth
权益资本利return on equity
标准利standard profit
概率利预算probabilistic profit budgets
榨取超额利grind super-profit
正常利an orderly profit
正常利normal return
正常利normal rate of profit
正常利normal rate of return
正常利normal profit rate
正当的利fair profit
每年利annual rate of profit
每桶贴现利discounted profit per barrel
每百元固定资产原值实现的利profit realized from every 100 yuan of the original value of fixed assets
每股利earnings per share
比较利comparative rate of profit
活动毛利activity gross margin
流动资本利rate of return on operating capital
滑油机油greasing oil
滑油小铁桶light iron grease barrel
现值利present value profit
现值纯利present worth net profit
现金利cash earnings
生产利productive profit
生产利分配production profit sharing
生产成本利rate of profit based on the cost of production
生产率差别利productivity differential profit
生存和繁荣必要的最低利minimum profit needed for the survival and prosperity
由于合并而获得的利profit from amalgamation
由于经济衰退,许多公司的利都大大地减少了Because of the recession n., profits of many companies were considerably reduced
真正利true rate of profit
社会平均资金利average social profit rate on funds
社会总生产资金的平均利average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital
社会生产资本的平均利average profit rate of the social production capital
税前利the pretax profit
税前利profit before tax
税前现金利cash profit before tax
税前的利总额pretax profit
税后净经营利net operating profit after tax
税后利post- taxation profit
税后利收益earning after tax
税后利profit after tax
税后利留交比例national ratio between the after-tax profit to be kept by the enterprises and the amount to be turned over to the state
税后利留交比例national ratio between the after-tax profits to be kept by the enterprises and the amount to be retained over to the state
等值年利equivalent annual profit
等利曲线图isocontribution map
纯利neat profit
纯利rate of net profit
纯粹利pure profits
纳税估利留存率tax retention ratio
纳税前的利profit before tax
纳税后利after profit
经济利纯粹利润economic profit pure profits
经济利现值present value of economic profit
经理对税前利作了猜测The manager guess-ed at the pretax profits
经营中所得利,应按等量分配The profits that may accrue from the business are divided equally
经营利opening profit
经营利operating profit
经销利distributive profits
经销商利distributor's profit margin
职工利分享计划employee profit sharing plan
股东利分配权right to share profits
航运利shipping interests
花钱少,见效快,利require less money, produce quicker results, earn more profits
获取利to secure profit
获得利to get a profit
获得利earn a profit
营业利收益operating profit income
营业利opening profit
营业利earned profit
营业利盈余operating surplus
营运利或费用对销售额之比ratio of operating profit expenses to sales
营运利总额gross operating profit
营销利marketing margin
虚假的利fictitious profit
虚假的利fictitious profit
虚投利inflate profits
规模及利最大化return of scale & maximum of profit
计算副产品利computation of profit from by-product
让渡利the profit upon alienation
让渡利profit d’expropriation
负利negative profits
负利阶段stage of negative return
贡献利contribution margin (approach, 法)
质量差是该公司利低的一个重要原因Poor quality is an important factor in the firm's lower profits
贴现利与投资比discounted profit to investment ratio
贴现利投资discounted profit-to-investment ratio
贴现利投资discounted profit ratio
贸易利the trade margin
资产利return on assets
资产总额利rate of return on total assets
资本净利profit rate to net worth
资本利capital profit (盈利)
资本利profit rate of net worth
资本利tax on capital profit
资本化利不分配利润capitalized profis
资本化的利capitalized profit
资本总额利报酬率rate of return on total assets
资本未平均化的利the unequalized profit rate of capital
资金利profit to investment ratio
赚得利realize a profit
超常利supernormal profit
超计划利extraplan profit
超计划利bonuses for overfulfilling the profit norm
超额利supernormal profit
超额利征收额excess profits levy
超额利手续费excess profit commission
超额利的保证excess profits levy
超额利super profit tax
超额利windfall profit tax
超额利excess profit tax
超额利excess-profits tax
超额利excess profit duty
超额利贷款excess profit credit
较小的利narrower margins
边际利margin of profit
边际利fringe benefits
边际利图表marginal profit chart
边际利profit margin rate
边际利marginal profit ratio
边际生产纯利marginal net product profit
过去几年以来,我公司的利稳定不变The profits of our company have level led off over the last few years
适当利reasonable profit
递增性 利incremental rate of return
重商主义理论的"让步利"the mercantilist theory of "concession of profit"
销售利selling profits
销售利总额gross profit on sales
销售利profit margin on sales
销售利margin on sales
销售的利幅度profit margin on sale
销售的边际利profit margin on sale
销售的边际利profit margin on sales
销售边际利margin profit on sales
销售额与利额的相关度degree of leverage
附加利supplemental profit tax
美国附加利additional profits tax
限制产量以保证利的经济理论scarcity economics
除税后公两之利与收入比率ratio of profit after taxes to income, corporate
静态投资利static profitability on investment
非常利extraordinary profits
非法利exorbitant profit
非法获取利make unlawful gain
非直线利函数non-linear profit function
非经常利nonrecurring profit
项目期望投资利expected project return on investment
预定利target profit rate
预期利desired profit point
预期利the expected rate of profit
预计利estimated profit
预计利the anticipation of profit
预计利anticipation of profit
预计利风险率risk-benefit ratio
额外利premium returns
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