
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 润油系统 | all forms
中央强制干油润滑系统central forced feed grease lubrication system
中央润滑油系统central oil lubrication systems
干油压力润滑系统pressure grease system
干油和稀油润滑系统grease and oil lubrication system
干油和稀油润滑系统grease and oil system
干油润滑系统grease lubrication system
干油集中压力润滑系统centralized pressure-grease system
干油集中润滑系统centralized grease lubricating system
油脂润滑系统grease lubricating system
油雾润滑系统mist lubrication system
润滑油再生系统oil recovery system
润滑油再生系统oil reclamation system
稀油循环润滑系统circulating oil system
稀油润滑系统oil lubricating system
稀油集中压力润滑系统centralized pressure-oil system
稀油集中润滑系统centralized oil lubricating system
粗轧机干油润滑系统roughing mill grease lubrication system
自动干油和稀油压力润滑系统automatic pressure-grease and oil lubrication system
自动干油集中润滑系统centralized grease automatic system
自动干油集中润滑系统automatic centralized grease system