
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
上网费者Internet user
不动产物权的extinction of the property right
专职防队full-time fire brigade
中止时效的原因reason for suspending end
侵害费者权益的行为acts infringing upon the rights and interests of a consumer
侵犯费者的人身自由infringe upon the personal freedom of a consumer
债权creditor's right extinguish
关于耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书修正案哥本哈根修正案Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer
关于耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书修正案伦敦修正案Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
了农业税和农业特产税rescinded the agricultural tax and taxes on special agricultural products
学籍struck off the school roll
录用cancel the recruitment
指定rescind the appointment
该担保cancel the guaranty
受损害的费者aggrieved consumer
费者推荐食品recommend food to consumers
对能源费实行包费制charge a fixed lump sum on the energy consumed per month
居民费价格总水平the consumer price index
强制compulsory disinfection
归于cease to exist
志愿防队volunteer fire brigade
损害费者权益harm the right and interests of consumer
毒药剂medical disinfectant
灭人剥削人的社会制度eliminate the system of exploitation of man by man
灭抵押权extinguish the mortgage interest
灭贫穷落后elimination of poverty and backwardness
费信息consumer information
费信息information for consumers
费信息information for consumption
费安全safety in consumption
费者人身、财产安全safety of the person and property of consumer
费者合法权益legal rights and interests of consumers
费者权益rights and interests of consumers
费者权益争议dispute over the right and interest of consumer
费者权益保护法the Law Protecting Consumer Rights and Interests
费者的监督supervision by consumers
防产品fire protection products
防公益活动fire protection activity for public good
防安全safety of fire control
防安全布局fire safety layout
防安全检查fire safety inspection
防安全监测fire safety monitor
防安全责任人person responsible for fire safety
防安全责任制safety accountability system for fire prevention
防安全重点部位key fire safety spots
防宣传教育fire protection publicity and education
防技术标准fire protection technical standards
防档案fire protection archives
防演练fire protection drillings
防监督机构organ for supervision over fire prevention and control
防设施fire protection facilities
防设计fire protection design
防车通道fire truck passage
防验收check and approve fire control measures
除一切形式种族歧视国际公约International Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination
除事故obviate accidents
除传染病put an end to infectious diseases
除危害eliminate the harm done
除危险elimination of dangers
除对规划实施的影响eliminate the impact on the implementation of the plan
除就业歧视eliminate discrimination in employment
除影响eliminate the effect
除影响make amend
除战争eliminate war
除污染eliminate pollution
除油污染eliminate oil pollution
除贫困eliminate poverty
除隐患eliminate the potential risks
除隐患remove the hidden dangers
除隔阂eliminate estrangement
清洗clean and disinfect
清理、修订现行抑制费的不合理规定和政策eliminate or revise unsuitable regulations and policies that discourage consumption
燃料耗量限值标准norm for fuel consumed
用户和费者users and consumers
用益物权usufruct extinguish
社会费品零售总额retail sales of consumer goods
禁止和立即行动除最恶劣形式的童工劳动公约Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention
能源耗高、环境污染重excessive energy consumption and serious environmental pollution
能源energy consume
能源费结构pattern of energy consumption
节约型的费方式economical pattern of consumption
节约、环保、文明的生产方式和费模式conservation-oriented, environmentally friendly and civilized patterns of production and consumption
规范公务standardize expenses related to carrying out official duties
误导费者misleading to the consumers
遮挡火栓cover a fire hydrant
防疫disinfect for epidemic prevention
降低reduce material consumption
降低reduce consumption
预防为主、防结合putting prevention first and combining prevention with fire fighting