
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
船舶工艺研究所Shanghai shipbuilding Technology Research Institute
船舶研究设计院中国民用船舶设计领域"领航者"Shanghai ship design and research Institute
产卵物种catadromous species
中国事仲裁委员会China maritime arbitration commission
中国国际运集装箱集团股份有限公司China International Marine Containers
中国船舶及洋工程设计研究院中国海洋装备设计的摇篮Marine design and research Institute of China
中国船舶工业系统工程研究院/洋电子科技有限公司海洋防务装备的"推动者"China's Shipbuilding Industry Systems Engineering Institute/ Ocean Electronic Science and Technology Ltd.
中船广州文冲坞修股份有限公司一一华南上改装修理"桥头堡"Guangzhou Wenchong Dockyard Co. LTD
人工artificial sea-grass
人工磁场电磁流计electromagnetic current meter
洋中引入introduction from the sea
低位水门low sea suction
保持制keep the sea
光栅图显示系统raster chart display system
光栅航raster navigational chart
全球上遇险和安全系统 GMDSS 标识global maritime distress and safety system GMDSS identities
全球事宽带通信网络broadband global area network (DGAN)
水保鲜运输船refrigerated seawater fish carrier
出任军上将get one's flag
加拉帕戈斯特殊敏感new mandatory ship reporting system in the galapagos particularly sensitive sea area (GALREP, PASS)
区域North Sea area
和波罗的海研究站Research Platform on North and Baltic Seas
和波罗的海研究站Forschungsplattform in nord and Ostsee
联合海浪计划Joint north sea wave project
单独损险with particular average
厄克曼流计Ekman current meter
压载水舱通ballast valve
国家事主管机关National maritime administration
1974/1978 国际上人命安全公约International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 74,78, as amended from time to time published by IMO (SOLAS)
国际事人命安全公约SOLAS convention
国际事会议National Maritime Conference
国际事卫星组织International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT)
国际事卫星组织的公务活动空间段INMARSAT space segment
国际事承包商协会International Marine Contractor Association
国际事标准International maritime standards
国际事活动International maritime activities
国际事组织委员会和分委员会Name of Committee and Sub-committee
国际员培训、发证和值班规则STCW convention
国际运危险货物输规则International Maritime Dangerous Goods IMDG Code (IMDG 规则)
国际运燃料排放greenhouse gas emission from international shipping by fuel burning
国际航空和上搜救手册International aeronautical and maritime search and rescue IAMS AR manual
上使用的门doors used while at sea
上保持永久关闭的开口openings permanently kept closed at sea
keep the sea
在沿海域作业dredging within coastal area
地中环境及水产养殖网络ecosystem approach to management
地磁场电磁流计geomagnetic electro kinetograph
声学流计acoustic current meter
多用途濒战斗舰multi-purpose LCS
大加勒比区域wider Caribbean region
定深扫测量at definite depth
平台升降jacking conditions
广船国际股份有限公司-洋装备制造企业上市的"先驱"Guangzhou Shipyard International Company Limited
废氧化铁或废绵铁iron oxide, spent or iron sponge, spent (UN 1376)
德国上职业联合会Professional Accident Insurance Association for Seamen
德国上试验风场与基础设施公司German Offshore Test Field and Infrastructure GmbH &Co. KG. (DOTI)
德国员工伤事故保险联合会SBG (See-Berufsgenossenschaft)
德国联邦事与水文局federal maritime and hydrographic agency (FMHA/ BSH)
所有类型船舶专用水压载舱和散货船双舷侧处所保护涂层性能标准performance standard for protective coatings for dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carrier
体积swept volume
测量wire-drag survey
测量船sweeping ship
绞车sweep winch
面积area swept
拖底扫测量aground sweeping
指定一个特别敏感identification of a particularly sensitive sea area
指定特殊区域和确定特别敏感区导则"导则"guidelines for the designation of special area and identification of particularly sensitive sea area Guidelines
挖泥船作业限定域 R2dredging within R2
挖泥船作业限定域 R3dredging within R3
挖泥船作业限定域 R1dredging within R1
地效翼船wing in-ground effect craft
日本事协会Class NK Nippon kaiji kyokai
单浮筒系泊系统exposed location single buoy mooring system
标准standard salt water
沿区域coastal service area
沿国的保护权right of protection of the coastal state
沿国的大陆架Continental shelf of a coastal State
沿海域内作业挖泥船限定海域dredging within coastal area
沿航区营运限制service restriction
沿航区营运限制coastal service restriction
沿航运coastal shipping
沿营运限制coastal service restriction
泛加勒比区域Caribbean Region
波涛汹涌的confused sea
波罗的区域Baltic Sea area
泵舱通pump room sea-suction valve
泵舱通pump room sea valve
洗舱水加热器butter worth heater
洗舱水加热器tank cleaning seawater heater
活动式底生物呼吸测量器free vehicle respirometer
上保安审核员security auditor at sea
上保险marine insurance
上安装offshore installation
上意外相遇规则accident meeting rule at sea
上拖航ocean towing
上无线电中继浮筒radio relay buoy
上服务资历seagoing service
上猎奇豪华邮船adventure ocean
上环境保护委员会Marine Environment Protection Committee
上移动平台mobile offshore unit
上立体补给舰three dimensional underway replenishment
上获救须知instruction on how to survive in the survival craft
上补给underway replenishment
上观测浮筒marine research buoy
上试航sea trials
上试验试航,航行试验sea test sea trials
上货物运输合同carriage contract at sea
上通道系统offshore access system
上隔水管系统riser system at sea
上顶推船组tractor pusher tug at sea
上风电场offshore wind farm
上风电转换系统offshore wind energy converter
德国事与水文管理局Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographic
事发生纠纷地maritime dispute
IMO 事安全委员会IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
德国事局Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt
事强制令maritime injunction
事律师maritime lawyer
事总验船师chief marine surveyor
事扣押权maritime lien
事请求保全preservation of maritime claim
事赔偿责任限制制度limitation liability for maritime claims
事赔偿责任限制基金limitation fund for maritime claims
关检验人surveyor of customs
关过境单证customs transit document
关过境手续customs transit procedure
sea forces
军主管机关naval authority
军区域战区弹道导弹防御navy area theater ballistic missile defense
军卫星监视系统navy ocean surveillance satellite
军系数admiralty constant
军系数admiralty coefficient
军裕度Admiralty board margin
军锚Admiralty anchor
冰观测sea ice observation
况裕度sea magin
A4 sea area A4
A3 sea area A3
A2 sea area A2
A1 sea area A1
区休渔area closure
啸波tsunami (seismic wave)
图作业图纸track chart
图或航海出版物nautical chart or nautical publication
图桌chair table
岸值守单位coast watching unit
岸地区coastal area
美国岸带管理法coastal zone management act
岸带调查coastal zone survey
峡船channel ship
底回接系统subsea tieback
底探测submarine detection
底探测船seismic survey ship
底矿物采集船seabed mining ship
底管道探测跟踪单元pipe tracker sensor unit
底管道系统seabed piping system
底计程仪bottom log
底重力仪sea bed gravimeter
底阀sea suction valve
底阀箱sea chest
底集油管汇subsea manifold
harbor dues
损修理wreck repair
损载荷damaged load
星张力腿平台sea-star TLP
水光学测量sea water optical measurement
水冷却控制系统cooling sea water control system
水冷却泵sea water cooling pump
水冷却管sea water cooling pipe
水化学取样sea water chemical sampling
水化学实验室sea water chemical laboratory
水压力柜sea water pressure tank
水压载salt water ballast
水压载处所salt water ballast space
水吸入箱sea chest
水吸入箱振动sea chest vibration
水声学测量sea water acoustics measurement
水密度sea water density
水循环泵sea water circulating pump
水泵sea-water pump
水润滑管轴承sea water lubricated stern tube bearing
水淡化sea water desalination
水淡化船desalinating ship
水淡化船distilling ship
水淡化装置seawater desalinator
水淡化装置sea water desalting plant
水温度计sea thermometer
水溶解氧现场测定仪in-site seawater oxygen meter
水滤器sea water strainer
水滤器sea water filter
水系统sea water service system
水腐蚀盐水腐蚀sea water corrosion
水腔sea water jacket space
水营养盐分析#nutrients analyzer for seawater
水蒸发器sea water evaporator
水过滤装置seawater filter
水进口海水吸入口sea intake
水进水阀sea inlet valve
水阀通海阀Kingstone valve
水阀箱sea chest
洋专业调查船oceanographic research vessel for single-purpose
洋哺乳动物系统marine mammal system
洋地质实验室geological laboratory
洋地质调查船marine geological research vessel
洋声吸收测量survey of acoustic absorption in the ocean
洋工程作业船offshore operating vessel
洋工程支援船offshore support vessel
洋工程施工船offshore construction vessel
洋工程装备marine engineering equipment
洋工程辅助船offshore auxiliary vessel
洋开发船ocean development ship
洋开发装备ocean development equipment
洋水文气象调查船marine hydro-meteorological research vessel
洋法law of the sea
洋渔业调查船ocean fishery research ship
洋温差发电ocean thermal energy conversion
洋温差发电系统ocean thermal energy conversion system
洋环境噪声测量ambient sea-noise measurement
洋环境的污染pollution of the marine environment
洋生物调查船marine biological research vessel
洋石油支持船offshore support vessels
洋科考装备ocean scientific investigation equipment
洋空间规划maximum spawning potential
洋立体管控系统three dimensional management and control system at sea
洋综合调查船oceanographic research vessel for multi-purpose
洋考察船oceanographic ship
德国洋设施条例marine facilities ordinance
洋调查船observation ship
洋运输装备ocean transport equipment
洋钻井平台offshore drilling unit
洋防务装备ocean defense equipment
流观测current observation
-淡水交替腐蚀sea-fresh water corrosion
ocean ports
湾区域gulfs area
湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会Gulf Cooperation Council
源污染marine pollution
滨泥地tidal flat
珍品采集船pearl boat
生物污底fouling by marine organism
sea grasses
sea transport
运输合同contract for the carriage of goods by sea
运单sea waybill
运提单bill of landing
运货物集中运输aggregation of marine cargo
里区域twelve-nautical-mile zone 12
面如镜fresh breeze
面搜寻协调船co-ordinate surface vessel
面气象观察室sea surface meteorological observation room
面气象观测sea surface meteorological observation
面温度、湿度、风梯度仪temperature humidity and wind gradiometer
面状况观测sea state observation
面稳定模式sea stabilization mode
水试验sea water immersion test
涂料的洋环境模拟加速试验artificial accelerated aging test of natural marine environment for ship and marine coating
工程deep-water offshore engineering
滑翔机sea explorer
/ 远洋渔船deep sea/ pelagic fishing ship
深远环形超大型浮式基地very large floating ring base
澳大利亚事安全局Australian Maritime Safety Authority
战斗舰littoral combat ship
烟台中集来福士洋工程有限公司CIMC Raffles Offshore Co. Ltd
特别敏感particularly sensitive sea area
特定的沿航区specified coastal service
特殊special area
狂涛,波峰长而翻卷,大片白沫密集地随风成 串飞溅,整个面成白色,海面翻滚动荡汹涌 澎湃,影响能见度。very high waves with long over hanging crests. the resulting foam in great patches is blown in dense white streaks along the direction of wind. on the whole the surface of the sea takes a white appearance. tumbling of sea becomes heavy and shock like. visibility affected.
瓦登国家公园wadden sea national park
电子图显示和信息系统electronic chart display and information system
电子图显示和信息系统显示库ECDIS display base
电子图显示和信息系统标准显示器ECDIS standard display (ECDIS 标准显示器)
电子航行electronic nautical chart
目的地customs office of destination
短途上运输short-sea traffic
离陆驶向stand to sea
空中充满白沫和飞溅水雾,风吹飞沫使面白 茫茫一片,能见度严重受影响。the air is filled with foam and spray. sea completely white with driving spray. visibility very seriously affected
空白track chart
系统 #子航system electronic navigation chart
系统光栅航图数据库system raster navigational chart database
区域red sea area
美国岸警卫队United states of coast guard
美国运输部事局United States Department of Commerce Maritime Administration
群岛道通过archipelagic sea lanes passage
水腐蚀#sea water corrosion-resisting steel
水腐蚀试验sea corrosion resistance testing
IMO 航安全委员会IMO subcommittee on safety of navigation (NAV)
实习室navigation laboratory
路线图track chart
航行在keep an offing
—般性能洋工程用锚general offshore anchor
浮体载荷计算软件wave loads calculation system
船上洋污染应急方案shipboard marine pollution emergency plan
船上有毒液体物质污染洋应急计划shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances
船型近结构物ship-shaped offshore structure
船舶上航行导航系统ship navigating system at sea
船舶涂料洋环境暴露试验exposure test to marine environment for ship and marine
良好况区域benign area
英国外公民护照British national overseas passport
超级上试验super sea trial
较高性能洋工程用锚higher-performance offshore anchor
交通near-sea traffic
供应拖船supply ship
供应拖船offshore tug
供应船offshore supply ship
供应船适装证书certificate of fitness for offshore support vessels
多任务舰light multipurpose vessel
海区coastal waters
海域内作业挖泥船限定海域dredging within greater coastal area
渔船offshore fishing ship
航区营运限制greater coastal service restriction
航行限制greater coastal service restriction
装卸站offshore loading station
装置结构物offshore structure
调查offshore survey
适当的最新纸质图卷appropriate portfolio of up to date paper charts (APC)
通海接头sea connection
sea opening
旋塞sea cock
自由进水的free flooding
连接件sea connector
遮蔽域作业挖泥船限定海域dredging within sheltered water area
或半闭海enclosed or semi-enclosed sea
防止和制止从事国际上运输船舶走私毒品、精神药物和前体化学品指南Guidelines for the Prevention and Suppression of the Smuggling, Psychotropic Substances and Precursor Chemicals on Ships Engaged in International Maritime Traffic
阿拉伯湾石油公司Gulf Oil Corporation Limited
阿拉伯的阿曼区域Oman area of the Arabian Sea
阿斯卡尼亚洋重力仪Askania marine gravimeter
霍尔木兹Hormuz Strait
非常严重的very serious marine casualty
韩国洋科学技术院Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology
territorial seas
马萨诸塞事学院Massachusetts Maritime Academy
驶出gain an offing
高位水门high sea suction
高性能洋工程用锚high-performance offshore anchor
髙压HPSW 系统high pressure sea-waterHPSW systems
区域black sea area