
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
不成立的共同unsuccessful general average
不计免赔率大小的average irrespective of percentage
外投资与海外企业融资financing of overseas investment and overseas enterprise
战争险中仅限指只有在海上遭受损害时才赔偿seaborne only
仅限上范围sea-borne only
以托运人外代理人为收货人unto shipper's foreign agent
优先事留置preferred maritime lien
作为共同损得到的损失补偿damage made good as general average
作为共同损得到的损失补偿damage allowed as general average
作为共同损所获补助金额amount to be made good as general average
修改运规章amended shipping instructions
口港口estuarine port
码头open sea terminal
航行贸易自由freedom of the high sea
"共同关税则"税heading (CCT)
共同general average
共同损分担的赔偿要求claim for contribution in general average
共同损分摊值general average contribution value
共同损分摊额general average apportionment
共同损开支费用general average disbursement
共同损性质general average nature
共同损担保general average bond
共同损支配appointment of general average apportion
共同损无限制担保unlimited general average guarantee
共同损牺牲指货船航行发生事故,为了船舶和货物等利益而作出的特殊牺牲general average sacrifice
共同一般损理算adjustment of general average
共同损理算员general average adjuster
共同损索赔claim for general average
共同损账户general average account
共同损货物分摊额cargo's proportion of general average
共同损费用条款average disbursement clause
共同损避难港费用cost allowed in general average
冷冻味品frozen marine products
加勒比多国运公司Caribbean Multi-National Shipping Company
劳合社损保证书Lloyd's average bond
劳埃德协会损分担协议Lloyd's average bond
劳氏上保险单格式Lloyd's S. G. Form
劳氏事情报劳氏日报是海运专业报Lloyd's List
劳氏共同损分担担保,保证及救助协议Lloyd's Average Bond, Guarantee and Salvage Agreement
劳氏共同损契约担保Lloyd's average bond
劳氏"损担保"格式Lloyd's Form "Average Bond"
包装不适应洋航行insufficiently packed for ocean voyage
单独指部分损失particular average
单独损不计免赔率W.A.irrespective of percentage
单独损不赔free of particular average unless caused by...
单独损不赔条款free of particular average clause
单独损不赔条款free from particular average clause
单独特殊损理算adjustment of particular average
单独损绝对不赔free from particular average absolutely
只保所列单独free from particular average, unless (F.P.A. unless)
只限water borne only
同一域和同一国家same sea and country
四种指海运中四大海难, 即 strading 搁浅,sinking 沉没, burning 火灾,collision 碰撞SSBC
国家关辖区national customs territory
国家管辖sea areas under national jurisdiction
国际事仲裁规则此规则于1978年6月由国际商会通过,正式向各会员国推荐International Maritime Arbitration Rules
国际洋运输international sea-borne shipping
国际路英里= 1852 公尺international nautical mile
国际运保险合同contract of international insurance of transport by sea
国际运公会International Marine Conference
国际International Nautical Miles
货船离港at sea
地域运许可证part cargo charter
小额损费petty average
牙关于订立国际货物销售合同的统一法Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sales of Goods The Hague, 1964 1964
1936 年美国上运输法American Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1936
1978 年联合国上货物运输公约即汉堡规则United Nations Convention on the Carrier of Goods by Sea 1978
开采洋石油资源exploitation of offshore petroleum resources
微小petit average
您能给我说说单独损赔偿水渍险和单独海损不赔平安险的区别吗?Can you tell me the difference between WPA and FPA?
我们的产品已在外数个地区有售,并受到了消费者的欢迎Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there
投保运险是很重要的,货物在海上可能遭遇各种风险,例如火灾、暴雨、碰撞、偷窃、泄漏、爆炸等Ocean shipping cargo insurance is important because goods run the risk of different hazards such as fire, storm, collision, theft, leakage, explosions, and etc
拉丁美洲和加勒比食糖出口国集团Group of Latin American and Caribbean Sugar Exporting Countries
收集外商情collection of foreign business information
政府间事协商组织海事组织Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
日本事保险公司Nippon Kall Kyokal
日本运公司Japanese Marine Corporation
普通上风险ordinary marine risk
普通事险common adventure
民间外投资公司Overseas Private Investment Corporation
沿和内地工业关系relation of coastal and inland industry
沿工业保留地sea shore industrial reservations
沿污染coastal pollution
沿渔业coastal fishing
沿经济区coastal economic zone
沿航运intra-coastal service
沿货运coasting shipping
沿贸易intra-coastal trade
沿运输coastwise transport
法定statute miles
波罗的商业及航运交易所设于伦敦,是全球最大租船市场,兼营空运业务Baltic Exchange
浪冲落指甲板货物被浪冲入海的损失washing overboard
上优先受偿权marine lien
上保险商marine underwriter
上保险法marine insurance act
上商业maritime commerce
上固定平台fixed offshore platform
上建筑sea construction
上排出discharge afloat
上援救assistance and salvage at sea
上旅行travelling by sea
上无线电书信sea letter telegram
上气象观测站ocean station
上突堤码头ocean pier
上船舶用品证书certificate of sea stores
上货物运输会议Conference on the Carriage of Goods by Sea
上距离单位=3 海里marine league
上运输ocean freightage
上运输ocean transport
上运输保险marine transportation insurance
上险水险投保单marine insurance application
上险承保人marine insurer
上险经纪人marine insurance broker
事仲裁厅maritime disaster inquiry agency
事保险合同契约contract of marine insurance
事意外报告制度Marine Accident Report Scheme
船长事报告ship protest
事报告书指海难事故报告sea protest
事文件marine document
事法droit maritime
事管理marine superintendent
事险水险理赔部marine claim department
产业ocean industry
产经济marine economy
customary house
关税基数customs basis
主持拍卖customs auction
关棧搬运工bonded carman
关专用发票special customs invoices
关交货价指卖方将货物运至输入国,办完报关及交纳关税后,在海关区场交给买方货物的交货价条件ex customs compound
关人员官员customs officer
关人员custom house officer
关仓单customs warrant
关仓库customs shed
关仓库货物岀仓单customs warrant
关代理人customs attorney
关代理人customs-house agent
关保税制造厂customs bonded manufacturing plant
关保税单customs bond debenture
关免验exempt from customs examination
关再进口许可证customs re-entry permit
关分支关卡customs station
关副关长deputy commissioner of the customs house
关区custom district
关处分通知customs decision
关存款custom deposit
关官员customs officer
关官员custom house officer
关封志customs seal
关巡逻检查员customs patrol inspector
关当局customs authority
关总署custom house administration
关总署customs head office
关总署headquarters of the customs service
关手续custom formalities
关手续和准则customs procedure and norm
关扣押customs seizures
关报告custom house report
关报表customs return
关措施customs action
关搬运customs cartage
关搬运费customs cartage
关收税官员collector of custom
关放行customs office may clear
关放行pass the customs
关条例customs regulation
关检查custom inspection
关检查员examiner of the customs
关检查证jerque note
关检疫条例sanitary customhouse regulation
关法庭customs court
关法院customs court
关特准设施special customs-privileged facilities
关皮重customs tare
关监察署Inspector General of Customs
关移民检疫customs immigration quarantine
关税则customs tariff description
关税则说明customs tariff description
关税捐customs dues
关管理局bureau of customs
关组织customs organization
关结关办法method of customs clearance
关缉私人员customs preventive officer
关缉私员Preventive Officer
关缉私处Preventive Office
关缉私机关preventive service
关署bureau of customs
关舱单customs manifest
关边界customs frontier
关过境作业customs transit operation
关过境制度的结构structure of customs transit regime
关进口报关手续customs entry
关进港单customs bill of entry
关鉴定人customs surveyor
关附加税customs surcharge
军基地福利商店Navy Exchange
员留置权seaman's lien
商利益marine interest
商国家maritime nation
商留置权marine lien
因斯—肖克莱法Hayes-Shockley method
hydrographic chart
地货币单位相当 20 美分gourde
ocean space
域合作勘探开发cooperative exploration and development in the sea
sea defense
外业务商务oversea business
外业务会计accounting for overseas activities
外买主oversea buyer
外交易overseas trading
外交易活动overseas transaction
外企业overseas business
外企业融资financing of overseas business
外信贷投资overseas loan and investment
外债券colonial bond
外兑现支票cheque cashing overseas
外公司overseas corporation
外公司offshore company
外利率overseas interest rate
外加工出口工业offshore industry
外合营企业joint overseas ventures
外合营企业joint overseas venture
外商情foreign business information
外商情报告oversea business report
外市场overseas market
外市场上市的外国证券foreign securities listed in overseas market
外所有权overseas holdings
外投资offshore investment
外投资信托off-shore mutual funds
外投资信托公司off-shore mutual investment company
外投资公司overseas investment company
外放款offshore loan
外旅游overseas trip
外景气overseas business condition
外生产offshore production
外税项overseas taxation
外约定纸币overseas promissory note
外经济overseas economy
外经济基金overseas economic fund
外经营活动foreign operation
外融资offshore financing
外设厂offshore structure
外货币结余overseas currency balance
外购买offshore purchase
外贸易ocean trade
外贸易ocean-going commerce
外资产overseas asset
外资产foreign assets
外资产oversea assets
外项目overseas project
岸电台coast radio station
岸缉私队coast guard
峡港口指英国南部沿岸及法国北部港口channel ports
底电缆电报submarine telegraph
底等深线submarine contour
式传输电桥Hayes transmission bridge
式传输电路Hayes transmission circuit
式复印机Hayes printer
式电桥Hay bridge
day bill
损估价第二条件second condition of average
损保单average policy
损保证书average warranty
损保证金收据average deposit receipt
损公估人nautical assessor
损分担协议书average agreement
损平均分担average contribution
损异议书,海难证明书captain's protest
损按比例分担条款average distribution clause
损清偿法average loss settlement
损清理书average statement
损清理人average taker
损清算人报告人average stater
损理算书average adjustment
损相关指数average of relatives index numbers
损证明average survey record
损调查记录average survey record
损调查证明average survey record
损费用支付条款average disbursement clause
水损害货物sea-damaged goods
污染sea pollution
洋上运输sea carriage
洋不定期货船ocean tramper
洋工程ocean structure
洋废弃物清除ocean disposal
洋生态系统ocean ecosystem
洋自然资源保护区marine nature conservation area
洋调查ocean graphic survey
洋运输transport maritime
洋运输ocean carriage
港设施harbour accommodation
湾石油公司Gulf Oil Company
欧洲各海运国所签牙-维斯比规则即:"修改统一提单的若干法律规则的国际公约协定书"Hague-Visby Rules
赛矩阵Hessian matrix
赛行列式Hessian determinant
marine transport
transport maritime
海洋运输ocean transport
运业shipping interests
运业sea carrying trade
运业务maritime transport operation
运交易所shipping exchange
运交易所以船舶租赁业务为主maritime exchange
运代理商maritime transportation agent
运企业shipping enterprise
运企业家shipping entrepreneur
运企业组合marine syndicate
运保险marine transport insurance
运保险公司marine insurance company
运保险凭证marine insurance certificate
运保险商marine underwriter
运包装sea worthy packing
运市场shipping market
海上保险运意外事故accident of navigation
劳埃德公司提供运意外事故详细资料服务casualty report service
运抵押maritime mortgage
运指南shipping card
运提单ocean bill of lading
运收人maritime revenue
运检验员marine inspector
运滞期条款loss of time marine clause
运班轮ocean liner
运程序ocean shipping procedures
运联盟shipping conference
运船舶ocean carrier
运董事会marine syndicate
运许可证shipping permit
运设施shipping facilities
运货sea borne articles
运费用cost of marine transport
运运费sea freight
运逾期费协议书average agreement demurrage
运阻塞shipping congestion
运险sea risk
陆空联合数据aero amphibious data
陆联运overseas/overland transportation
陆运输carriage by land and sea
险监督marine superintendent
marine peril
cast away
难救助损失salvage loss
开发技术deep ocean technology
探寻潜水船deep submergence search vessel
救助潜水船deep submergence rescue vessel
特别单独指在特定事故发生场合的单独海损。在单独海损不赔条件下,仍可获得赔偿specified particular average
特另关发票special customs invoices
国家sea locked country
by water
相互承认的调查损报告mutually agreed survey report
关盖章under customs seal
综合损补偿费allowances charged to general average
综合损计算表statement of general average
综合洋货运aggregation of marine cargoes
编制外业务报表按当时汇价换算法monetary nonmonetary method of translating statement
美国事委员会U.S. Federal Maritime Commission
联邦事委员会Federal Maritime Commission
sea faring
条件navigation condition
用品免税单bill of victualling
船壳损条款hull average clause
船长报告书captain's sea protest
船长事报告指货运中遭遇海难,船体及货物受损,由船长作出报告送最先抵达的港口主管单位,请予证明的文件master protest
船长难证明书captain's sea protest
英国His Majesty's Customs
船长详细事报告extended protest
负单独损责任即货运中由于海上自然灾害及意外事故造成的损失,保险人负责赔偿,包括单独海损在内with particular average
货物火险与运险fire and marine insurance
边境关办事处frontier office
污染coastal pollution
污染责任offshore pollution liability
贸易short sea trade
运货near cargo
进口港,关港port of entry
邮政电报、底电报postal telegraph cable
阿贝—默特判别检验Abbe-Helmert criterion test
联运land-and-sea coordinated transport
集装箱运班轮制container marine line system
事保险non-marine insurance