
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
β 地中贫血β-thalassemia
α 地中贫血α-thalassemia
尿道绵体spongy body of penis
尿道绵体cavernous body of urethra
尿道绵体小梁trabeculae of spongy body of penis
尿道绵体小梁trabeculae of cavernous body of urethra
尿道绵体白膜albuginea of cavernous body of urethra
尿道绵体腔caverns of spongy body of penis
尿道绵体腔caverns of cavernous body of urethra
姆利希手法Heimlich maneuver
绵体中隔septum of cavernous bodies
绵体膜spongy membrane
绵体部spongy part
绵体部cavernous part
绵状血管淋巴管瘤cavernous hemolymphangioma
绵窦支branch of cavernous sinus
绵窦脑膜瘤meningioma of cavernous sinus
绵窦颈动脉痿栓塞疗法embolization in carotid-cavernous fistula
绵肾medullary sponge kidney
蛇头状脐周静脉曲张caput medusae
蜇螫伤puncture by jelly fish
豹肢畸形complete phocomelia
马回parahippocampal gyrus
马旁回hippocampal gyrus
马槽alveus of hippocampus
绵状血管瘤cavernous hemangioma of liver
阴茎绵体小梁trabeculae of cavernous body of penis
阴茎绵体白膜albuginea of spongy body of penis
阴茎绵体白膜albuginea of cavernous body of penis
阴茎绵体神经cavernous nerves of penis
阴茎绵体腔caverns of cavernous body of penis
阴蒂绵体神经cavernous nerves of clitoris
颅内绵状血管瘤intracranial cavernous hemangioma
颅内绵状血管瘤intracranial cavernoma
颅骨绵状血管瘤cavernous hemangioma of skull
髓质绵肾medullary sponge kidney