
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
三轴气triaxial gas-bearing table
潜艇速度ascending speed
不同心non-concentric float
中性neutral buoyancy (液体比重等于物体比重时产生的浮力)
中性力槽neutral buoyancy trough (一种模拟失重环境的设备)
中性力模拟器neutral buoyancy simulator (一种模拟失重环境的设备)
中性力设备neutral buoyancy facility
中性力试验neutral buoyancy test
主动式指令定向声呐标系统directional command activated sonobuoy system
二进制点常数binary float-point constant
全向声呐omni-directional sonobuoy
动力悬dynamic suspension
动压气轴承hydrodynamic gas bearing
动压气轴承gasdynamic bearing
动压气陀螺仪hydrodynamic gas-bearing gyro
动能悬拦截器试验kinetic hover interceptor test
半液速率陀螺half floated rate gyro (采用液浮技术使浮子质量减轻的速率陀螺)
单自由度液积分陀螺single-degree-of-freedom floated integrating gyro
卫星一标通信satellite-buoy communication
反潜声呐antisubmarine sonobuoy
可移动三轴气moving three axis air-bearing table
合成悬粒子干扰物synthetic particulate chaff
声呐标参考系统sonobuoy reference system
声呐标导弹落点走位系统sonobuoy missile-impact location system
声呐标阵sonobuoy pattern
声呐标阵barrier pattern
定向directional buoy
应急emergency flotation gear
微静电悬陀螺micro electrostatically suspended gyro
suspension (体)
区熔法floating-zone method
区熔硅floating-zone grown silicon
尘粒airborne particle
式积分陀螺floated integrating gyro
惯性平台floated inertial platform
floating ratio (液浮速率陀螺的)
液燃料slurry fuel
燃料suspension fuel
suspended solid
suspended phase
聚合suspension polymerization (作用)
速率积分陀螺floated rate-integrated gyro
陀螺floated-type gyro
陀螺float type gyroscope
颗粒物suspended particles
成组block floating point
扩充点运算extended floating point operation
指令主动声呐标系统command active sonobuoy system (一种机载反潜侦察与分类装置)
指令控制声呐标系统command active sonobuoy system
捷联式电悬陀螺strapdown electrically suspended gyroscope
推力悬陀螺仪thrust floated gyroscope
摆式pendulous float
数据data buoy
数的点表示法floating-point representation
无源磁悬passive magnetic suspension
无线电信标radio-beacon buoy
无线电声呐radio sonobuoy
有效可用available buoyancy
有源磁悬active magnetic suspension
机载声呐标接收机airborne sonobuoy receiver
加速度计gas-suspended accelerometer
air floating table
平台air floating platform
gas bearing pendulum
支承gas suspension
流体动力轴承gas hydrodynamic bearing
线性加速度计gas-floated linear accelerometer
转台air-bearing table
轴承gas bearing
轴承air bearing
轴承伺服转台air-bearing servotable
轴承加速度计gas bearing accelerometer
轴承平台air-bearing table
轴承支架gas-bearing support
陀螺air-supported gyroscope
陀螺仪air-suspension gyroscope
陀螺仪air-bearing gyroscope
陀螺仪air bearing gyroscope
陀螺平台air bearing gyro platform
流体静力轴承hydrostatic bearing
充电floating charge
充蓄电池floating battery
充蓄电池bypass accumulator
力式液位计buoyancy liquid level indicator
力频率buoyancy frequency
可变地址floating address
头技术fly-head technique
游动活塞floating piston
动作用floating action
动加速度计floating accelerometer
动参考地址floating reference address
动喷管floating nozzle (喷管面积靠内部气流压力自动调节的)
动天顶仪floating zenith telescope
动头存储器fly-head storage
动安装连接器float mounting connector
动平台发射floating platform launch
动平板罗盘floating-card compass
动执行程序floating executive
动断接器floated connecting and disconnecting mechanism
动格式float format
动模块relocatable module
动环密封floating seal
动环密封装置floating ring seal device
动目标模块relocatable object module
动磁头floating magnetic head
动程序freely-locatable program (可自由分配存储单元的程序)
动程序库relocatable program library
动符号relocatable symbol
动线floating lines (航空照相制图中用的)
floatation bag
regolith (月面的)
floating earth (电气设备的地端悬浮)
子偏移滞环float-displacement hysteresis
子储备float storage
子式汽化器float-type carburetor
子式罗盘float-type compass
子式黏度计float viscosimeter
子式黏度计float viscometer
子振荡float oscillation
子活门float valve
子液位计float level meter
子组件float assembly
子角动量float angular momentum
suspended dust
式陀螺仪floating gyroscope
center of buoyancy
定位buoy anchor
标黏度计float viscosimeter
标黏度计float viscometer
floatation fluid
液体积补偿器fluid volume compensator
点下移floating-point underflow
点乘floating multiply
点乘法floating multiply
点二进制floating-point binary (的)
点减floating subtract (法)
点加floating add
点子程序floating-point subroutine
点子程序floating subroutine
计算机点寄存器floating point register
点截断截尾floating-point truncation
点指令系统floating point instruction set
点指令系统floating point instruction set
点指令组floating-point instruction group
点操作栈floating-point operation stack
点操作码floating-point operation code
点数floating-point number (一种以浮点格式表示的数值)
点数据floating-point data
点模型floating-point mould
点状态矢量floating-point status vector
点硬件floating point hardware
点移位floating-point shift
点程序floating-point routine
点程序floating-point program
点简缩floating-point compaction
点系数floating-point coefficient
点累加器floating point accumulator
点累加器floating accumulator
点缓冲器floating-point buffer
点编码简缩floating-point coding compaction
点计算floating point calculation
点输入格式floating-point input format
点输入浮点输出floating input-floating output
点运floating-point calculation
点运算floating-point operation
点运算库floating-point arithmetic library
点运算操作floating-point arithmetic operation
点运算硬件floating-point arithmetic hardware
点运算程序包floating-point arithmetic package
点部件floating point unit
球平台floated sphere platform
码头berthing barge
科兰Vulkollan (高抗腐蚀热固塑料,法国商品名)
空器巡航导弹防御系统float cruise missile defense system
空器巡航导弹防御系统aerostat cruise missile defense system
caisson (打捞沉船用)
筒-干簧管液位计float-dry reed pipe-type liquid level indicator
airborne particulate
粒监测仪suspended solids monitor
aerosol (含有悬浮物的气体,如烟,雾等)
起时间float up time
floating anchor
相位失真雕效应plastic effect (显示屏出现浮雕似的图像)
飘弹道惯性导弹buoyant ballistic inertial missile
海上漂试验floatation test on the sea
海洋资料站ocean data station buoy
加速度计liquid suspension accelerometer
加速度计floated accelerometer
喷管liquid bearing nozzle
喷管hydraulic bearing nozzle
摆式加速度计liquid floated pendulous accelerometer
摆式加速度计floated pendulous accelerometer
支承floatation suspension
积分陀螺floated integrating gyro
轴承/摆动密封喷管fluid bearing/rolling seal nozzle
速率陀螺floated rate gyro
陀螺floated-type gyro
陀螺fluidic gyroscope
陀螺liquid floated gyro
陀螺fluid-floated gyroscope
陀螺fluid sphere gyro
陀螺仪liquid-floated gyroscope
陀螺仪floating gyroscope
陀螺仪floated gyro
陀螺平台liquid floated gyro platform
区晶体生长float zone crystal growth
flotation collar
探空仪floating radiosonde
气囊floating bag
气袋flotation bag
装置flotation gear
装置flotation device
试验floatation test
电悬陀螺electrically suspended gyro
电磁悬系统electromagnetic suspension system
电磁能悬器设施EM levitator facility
定位技术magna drive
陀螺仪magnetically suspended gyro
磁性子液位计magnetic float-type liquid level indicator
磁悬launch system magnetic levitation (发射系统)
磁悬加速度计magnetic suspension accelerometer
磁悬加速度计magnetic suspended accelerometer
磁悬发射辅助magnetic levitation launch-assist
磁悬控制力矩陀螺magnetic suspension control moment gyro
磁悬液浮陀螺仪magnetic suspension floated gyro
磁悬magnetic levitation vehicle
磁悬陀螺仪magnetic suspension gyroscope
磁悬飞轮magnetic suspension flywheel
磨料悬abrasive slurry
空中悬微粒airborne particulate
系留空器雷达系统tethered aerostat radar system
美国国家海洋和大气局数据标处NOAA Data Buoy Office
自动数据搜集automatic data collection buoy
自动系泊气象automatic moored weather buoy
自由漂空间机械臂free-floating space manipulator
规格化点运算normalized float-point operation
轻型液惯性平台floated lightweight inertial platform
遥测telemetering buoy
锂悬液燃料lithium suspension fuel
锚定光学moored optical buoy
陀螺gyroscopic float
陀螺gyro float
雷达声呐radar sonobuoy
静压气加速度表hydrostatic gas bearing accelerometer
静压气轴承hydrostatic gas bearing
静压气陀螺仪hydrostatic gas bearing gyro
静压气陀螺加速度计hydrostatic gas bearing PIGA
静压液单自由度速率积分陀螺仪hydrostatic floated single degree of freedom rate integrating gyro
静压液陀螺仪hydrostatic bearing gyroscope
静压液陀螺仪hydrostatic bearing gyro
静压液陀螺加速度计hydrostatic liquid bearing PIGA
静压液陀螺加速度计hydrostatic bearing gyroscope accelerometer
静电悬electrostatic suspension
静电悬支承加速度计electrostatically suspended accelerometer
静电悬器设施electrostatic levitator facility
静电悬式陀螺仪加速度表electrically suspended gyroscope accelerometer
静电悬支承真空陀螺electrostatically supported vacuum gyro
静电悬支承转子electrostatically suspended rotor
静电悬陀螺electrostatically suspended gyro
静电悬陀螺electrostatically suspended gyroscope
静电悬陀螺监控器electrostatically suspended gyro monitor
式罗经non-float type compass