
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
万亿次点运算/秒trillion floating-point operations per second
uplift pressure
中子嬗变掺杂悬区熔硅neutron transmutation doped float zone silicon
主控floating-gate master
二进制动程序符号汇编器symbolic assembler for binary relocatable programs
二进制点数字微分分析器binary floating point digital differential analyzer
二进制点运算binary floating point arithmetic
价格动开支escalation cost
低温电悬陀螺仪cryogenic electrically suspended gyroscope
信标beacon buoy
先进声呐标通信链路advanced sonobuoy communications link
光可编程栅金属氧化物半导体器件.optically programmable floating gate metal-oxide-semiconductor (device)
分子束悬molecular beam levitation
分布式栅放大器distributed floating gate amplifier
十亿次点运算/秒giga floating-point operations per second
动探针系统double floating probes system
精度点宏指令double-precision floatation macro order
双室动床double cell fluidized-bed
双漂漂游圆片自由漂浮于超临界流体中,与清洗容器顶部和底部均不触碰double floating
可扩展无线电声呐extendible radio sonobuoy
启动动输出程序start relocatable output routine
命令控制主动声呐标系统command active sonobuoy system
噪声测量noise measurement buoy
四端动零极子four-terminal floating nullor
固定利率与动利率fixed rate & floating rate
均匀悬uniform suspension
基极动二端异质结光电晶体管two-terminal heterojunction phototransistor with a floating base
声呐标参考点sonobuoy reference position
声呐标定位系统sonobuoy localization system
大气中尘放射性airborne activity
燃料组件失控漂uncontrolled levitation
头气气溶胶电离探测器aerosol ionization detector
定向命令激活声呐标系统directional command active sonobuoy system
实际动率即扣除通货膨胀影响后的浮动率real escalation rate
封悬区熔encapsulation floating zone
带自动遥测和记录的automatical recording and telemetering buoy
带自动遥测和记录的automatic recording and telemetering buoy
干悬反应堆dry suspension reactor
总悬total suspended solid
分子污染控制airborne molecular contamination control
deflocculating agent
float zone
区熔floating zone melting method
区熔float zone
区熔硅float zone silicon
固体物suspended solid
安装float mounting
suspended droplet
式水堆aqueous slurry reactor
态动力堆suspension power only pile
态反应堆suspension reactor
态燃料suspension fuel
杂质suspended impurity
液沸水反应aqueous boiling slurry reactor
混合的dangling hybrid
燃烧suspension burning
物体接触反应设备suspended-solid contact equipment
粉尘aerial dust
粒子器件技术suspended particle device technology
粒子显示suspended particle display
质泥沙输沙率suspended load
重水增殖反应heavy water suspension reactor
金属环floating metal rings
惰性动树脂inert floating resin
扩大范围点信息系统extended range floating point information system
接触件contact float
推斥悬repulsive suspension
斥力悬repulsive suspension
易沉的土地yielding ground
未经洗选的mine run pumice
杯形spar buoy
10¹²次点运算/秒美、法计数制trillion floating-point operations per second
每秒点运算次数floating-point operations per second
每秒万亿次点运算数trillion floating-point operations per second
每秒十亿次点运算数giga floating-point operations per second
每秒百万次点运算数million floating-point operations per second
每秒百万次点运算数mega-floating-point operations per second
陀螺gas-supported gyro
气载尘放射性airborne activity
氘气氛中生长的悬区熔单晶硅floating zone melted crystalline silicon grown in deuterium atmosphere
氢气氛中生长的悬区熔硅单晶floating zone melted silicon crystal grown in hydrogen atmosphere
水下标综合天线buoy integrated antenna, submarine
水下武器效能标系统weapon effects buoy system
汽相悬外延vapor levitation epitaxy
体效应floating-body effect
电池floating battery
充电trickle charge
充电floating battery
充电器trickle charger
充电池balancing battery
充电池floating battery
充电法floating method of charging
充蓄电池buffer accumulator
充蓄电池buffer battery
充蓄电池float charging accumulator
ice floe
lift force
空气中称量的力修正buoyancy correction
可变输出floating output
动低能离子枪系统floating low-energy ion gun system
动信标light vessel
动偏差管形速调管floating drift tube klystron
动地址relocation address
动安装float mounting
动安装连接器float-mounting connector
动床fluidized bed
动床floating bed
动式水位继电器floating switch
动式水位继电器float switch
动式流量计float-type flow meter
动指令计数器relocation instruction counter
动接点floating contact
动控制floating control
动标灯floating beacon
动核岛nuclear floating island
动核电厂floating nuclear power plant
动欧姆接触floating ohmic contact
动水位控制阀float level control valve
动泥浆float slime
动漂移速调管floating drift tube klystron
动点计算floating-point computation
动率一般指年率escalation rate
动环密封floating-ring seal
动电子沟道场效应晶体管floated electron channel field-effect transistor
动电站floating power station
动盖floating head
动程序库relocatable library
动程序段relocatable segment
动管float tube
动管板floating head
动输人floating input
动输人晶体管floating input transistor
动输出relocatable output
动输出程序relocatable output routine
动部分floating component
动顶盖空腔floating head plenum
吊起重船floating derrick
头式热交换器floating head heat exchanger
继电器floater relay
子开关liquid level switch
子式气压计float gauge
子测量float measurement
子自动气压计float barograph
尘散射aerosol scattering
式码头floating jetty
托力hydraulical uplift pressure
托力hydraulic uplift pressure
栅传输线模型技术floating-gate transmission-line model technique
栅反相器floating gate inverter
栅放大器floating gate amplifier
栅晶体管floating gate transistor
栅电可擦只读存储器floating gate electrically erasable read-only memory
栅电子隧穿金属氧化物半导体电可擦可编程只读存储器floating-gate electron tunneling metal-oxide-semiconductor EEPROM
栅电离注人金属氧化物半导体floating-gate ionization-injection metal-oxide-semiconductor
栅结构floating gate structure
栅薄氧化层 ROM 存储单元floating-gate thin oxide cell
栅薄氧化层金属氧化物半导体晶体管floating-gate thin oxide MOS transistor
栅触发器floating gate flip-flop
栅金属氧化物半导体晶体管floating-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor
栅阵列图像传感器floating gate array image sensor
栅隧穿注人金属-绝缘体-半导体floating-gate tunneling injection metal-insulator-semiconductor
栅隧道氧化物floating-gate tunnel oxide
栅隧道氧化物基叠层存储器stacked storage on flotox
栅雪崩注人金属氧化物半导体器件floating-gate avalanche-injection metal-oxide-semiconductor device
float rod
标式自记水位计float type water-stage recorder
标测量float measurement
float slime
floating point
计位floating number
点乘floating multiply
点乘法器floating-point multiplier
点二-十进制floating binary-coded decimal
点二进制floating-point binary
点二进制编码十进制floating binary-coded decimal
点便笺存储器floating-point scratchpad
点值符号比特先传floating-point value sign bit first
点八进制floating octal point
点减floating subtract
点制阵列处理机floating-point system-array processor
点加速器floating-point accelerator
点十进制floating-point decimal
点地址floating address
点处理单元floating-point processing unit
点处理器单元floating-point processor unit
点寄存器floating point register
点平均值与方差floating-point mean and variance
点指令集floating instruction set
点操作码floating operation code
点无序的floating-point unordered
点暂时存储器floating-point scratchpad
点根析离floating-point root isolation
点模数转换器floating-point analog-to-digital converter
点溢出floating overflow
点状态寄存器floating-point state register
点空操作floating-point no operating
点算术逻辑部件floating point arithmetic logic unit
点联机算法floating point on-line algorithm
点自然对数floating log natural
点解释程序floating-point interpretive program
点解释自动翻译程序floating interpretative automatic translator
点输人、浮点输出floating input, floating output
点输出floating-point output
点运算floating-point operation
点运算器floating point arithmetic unit
点运算器floating point arithmetic logic unit
点运算/秒floating-point operations per second
点运算系统floating-point system
点逻辑机floating point logic machine
点错floating error
点阵列处理机floating-point array processor
点除floating divide
球控制阀float controlled valve
电位中性点floating neutral
置扩散放大器floating diffusion amplifier
置输入电路floating input circuit
置输出floating output
置输出电路floating output circuit
船起重机pontoon crane
运就位架设erecting by floating into position
海军海洋气象自动观测发报navy oceanographic and meteorological automatic device
海洋观测oceanographical buoy
海洋sea buoy
海洋观测oceanographic buoy
海洋研究ocean research buoy
液态金属燃料悬反应liquid suspension reactor
液态金属燃料悬反应liquid metal fuel suspension reactor
混合悬物、混合生成物移除mixed suspension, mixed product removal
介质过滤器buoyant media filter
作用floating action
式流速仪float current meter
控制器draft controller
gas buoy
熔解金属阴极cathode layer
燃料组件防漂安全保护装置fuel-assembly levitation safeguard
电动悬electrodynamic levitation
电可擦栅雪崩注人金属氧化物半导体器件electrically erasable floating-gate avalanche-injection metal-oxide-semiconductor device
电可擦栅雪崩注人金属氧化物半导体存储器electrically erasable floating-gate avalanche injection metal-oxide-semiconductor memory
电子束悬区熔提纯electron beam floating zone purification
电悬陀螺导航electrically suspended gyro navigation
电悬陀螺导航惯性测量单元electrically suspended gyro navigation inertial measuring unit
百万次点运算/秒mega-floating-point operations per second
石墨球漂levitation of the graphite spheres
磁力悬magnetic levitation
磁悬承片台magnetically levitated wafer stage
磁悬运输系统magnetic levitation transport system
空气动力声悬aerodynamic-acoustic levitation
空气轴承动垫air bearing lift pad
等离子体动模式plasma float mode
系留声呐标系统moored sonobuoy system
燃料组件漂subassembly levitation
绝对点加floating add absolutely
自动automatic float point
自对准self-aligned floating gate
自记遥测automatical recording and telemetering buoy
自记遥测automatic recording and telemetering buoy
被控floating-gate slave
规格化点乘normalized floating multiply
规格化点减normalized floating subtract
规格化点加normalized floating add
规格化点除normalized floating divide
触点contact float
钠润滑静压动轴承sodium lubricated hydrostatic floating bearing
元件防漂安全装置antilevitation safeguard
静电悬陀螺仪electrostatically suspended gyroscope
静电悬陀螺导航electrostatically supported gyro navigation
静电悬陀螺监测器electrostatically supported gyro monitor
动程序non-relocatable program
非规范化点乘unnormalized floating multiply
非规范化点加unnormalized floating add
非规范化点除unnormalized floating divide
高级无源声呐passive advanced sonobuoy