
Terms for subject Electronics containing 测 定器 | all forms | in specified order only
一阶固定预测器fixed first-order predictor
光度测定积分器photometric integrator
发射光谱测定检测器emission spectrometric detector
变压器绕组间互感系数测定电桥Felice balance
固定中子探测器【核】stationary neutron detector
固定式测量仪器仪表fixed measuring instrument
固定频率外电离层探测器fixed frequency topside sounder
外围设备测试定序器peripherals test sequencer
天波观测定时器sky-wave observation timer
太阳方位测定器组件sun finder assembly
定[计]时误差检测器timing error detector
小型化电子测向定位指示器miniaturized electronic direction finding location indicator
振荡器不稳定度测量系统oscillator instability measurement system
晶体管测试定位器transistor test fixture
测试应答评定器test answer evaluator
激光测距仪与标定目标寻的器laser ranger and marked-target seeker
电压测定器voltage tester
盲目固定消干扰探测器blind anchored interference-cancelling detector
稠度测定器consistency probe
脉冲测定器impulse meter
自定时限测量继电器independent-time measuring relay
轨道测定与飞行器姿态基orbital determination and vehicle attitude reference
重心测定器center-of-gravity locator
驻波比测定器standing-wave coefficient measurer