
Terms for subject Geophysics containing 测 井仪 | all forms | in specified order only
三臂井径仪测井3-arm caliper log
下井仪测井状态tool logging state
中子测井仪neutron logging tool
中子孔隙度岩性测井仪neutron porosity lithology tool
井下重力梯度测量仪borehole gravity gradiometer
井周微声波测井下井circumferential microsonic tool
井径仪测量曲线caliper curve
井斜仪倾角测量记录teleclinometer dipmeter log
井眼几何形状测井下井borehole geometry tool
井眼声频示踪仪测量borehole audio tracer survey
井眼补偿声波双感应测井仪borehole compensated sonic dual induction tools tool
井眼补偿声波双感应测井仪borehole compensated sonic Dlls tool
井筒特性测井仪borehole properties tool
伽马一中子测井仪芯子gamma ray neutron cartridge (serial number)
地层倾角测井数值记录仪Dip Log Digital Recording Service
全井眼静液压测量仪full-bore hydrostatic reference tool
原始井壁中子探测仪raw sidewall neutron detector
双侧井测井仪dual laterolog legging tool
双侧向测井仪dual laterolog tool
双侧向测井仪卷盘状态dual laterolog cartridge status
双侧向同时测井仪simultaneous dual laterolog tool
双感应测井仪dual induction tool
双感应测井仪dual induction logging tool
双源距中子测井下井dual spaced neutron tool
双臂井径仪测井2-arm caliper log
四臂井径仪测井4-arm caliper log
地层倾角测井仪偏斜deviation with dipmeter
地层微电阻率扫描仪测井formation micro-scanner log
地球化学测井仪geochemical logging tool
声波测井仪sonic logging tool
声波测井仪器外壳sonic logging housing
声波测井仪器面板sonic logging panel
声波全波测井仪full wave sonic tool
声波测井井下仪器芯子【电子线路短节】sonic logging cartridge
声波测井油气指示仪acoustic log hydrocarbon indicator
声波组合测井仪sonic combination tool
多参数能谱仪连续碳氧比测井multiparameter spectroscopy instrument continuous C/Olog
多极阵列声波测井仪multipole array acoustic log tool
多次传播电阻率测井仪multiple propagation resistivity tool
套管磁测井仪magnetic casing logging tool
存储式生产测井仪memory production logging tool
小井眼能谱密度测井仪slim-hole spectral density logging tool
岩性密度测井仪litho-density tool
岩性密度测井仪仪器序号litho-density tool tool serial number
岩性密度测井仪仪器序号LDT tool serial number
岩性密度测井仪刻度方式litho-density tool calibration mode
岩性密度测井仪刻度方式LDT calibration mode
岩性密度测井仪可用标志LDTlitho-density tool available flag
带井径仪的常规源距声波测井normal space acoustilog with caliper
带井径仪的长源距声波测井long space acoustilog with caliper
带推靠器动力的伽马一伽马测井仪powered gamma-gamma tool
库斯特生产测井仪Kuster production logging tool
电极一井径测井仪minilog caliper
微屏蔽测井仪micro-guard logging tool
恶劣环境下双侧向测井仪hostile dual lateralog tool
恶劣环境井径测井仪hostile environment caliper tool
恶劣环境地层倾角测井仪hostile environment dipmeter tool
感应测井仪机芯编号induction cartridge number
感应电阻率测井仪induction resistivity logging tool
感生伽马能谱测井仪induced gamma ray tool
数字声波波形测井仪digital sonic waveform tool
数字式高分辨率地层倾角测井仪high-resolution digital dip logging tool
数字阵列声波测井仪digital array acoustilog tool
核孔隙度岩性测井仪nuclear porosity lithology tool
核孔隙度岩性测井仪井下电子线路筒nuclear porosity lithology tool electronics cartridge
核孔隙度岩性测井仪井下电子线路筒NPLT electronics cartridge
核磁测井仪nuclear magnetism tool
核磁共振测井仪nuclear magnetic resonance tool
水泥胶结测井仪门坎宽度Cement bond log tool gate width
水泥胶结测井仪门坎宽度CBL gate width
油基钻井液倾角测井仪oil-base dipmeter tool
流体识别测井仪fluid identification tool
测井仪器位置logging unit location
测井仪器序号logging unit number
测井仪器系统logging instrument system
测井仪快速检查fast inspection of tool
测井仪测量总深度logger's total depth
测井仪最终响应分析ultimate logging tool response analysis
深探测电磁波传播测井仪deep electromagnetic propagation tool
温度测井下井temperature logging tool
点式屏蔽测井仪dits short guard logging tool
照相井斜仪测井曲线photoclinometer log
球形聚焦测井电阻率测井spherical focused log resistivity tool
球形聚焦测井电阻率测井SFL resistivity tool
生产测井仪production logging tool
生产测井组合下井production stack logging tool
生产测井组合仪production logging stack
生产测井组合仪production logging combination tool
用电磁波传播测井仪求冲洗带含水饱和度的标志flag of use electromagnetic propagation log tool-water saturation in flushed zone
用电磁波传播测井仪求冲洗带含水饱和度的标志flag of use EPT-SXO
电磁波传播测井仪electromagnetic propagation logging tool
电磁波传播测井仪姿态status of electromagnetic propagation log tool
电磁波传播测井仪姿态status of EPT
有无电磁波传播测井仪的标志flag for electromagnetic propagation log tool (availability)
有无电磁波传播测井仪的标志flag for EPT (availability)
示踪剂伽马射线测井下井tracer gamma ray tool
第二补偿中子测井仪得出的孔隙度短源距计数率short space counts for porosity from the second compensated neutron tool
第二补偿中子测井仪得出的孔隙度短源距计数率short space counts for CNS
组合式生产测井仪combination production logging tool
综合生产测井仪器串integrated production logging tool string
能谱密度测井仪spectral density logging tool
脉冲回声测井仪曲线pulse echo tool logs
脉冲热中子衰减测井仪pulsed neutron thermal decay tool
脉冲自然伽马能谱测井仪pulsed spectral gamma-ray tool
自然伽马测井仪gamma ray tool
自然伽马一中子测井仪水的车间测量值gamma ray neutron shop water measurement
自然伽马一中子测井仪车间测量基值gamma ray neutron shop zero measurement
自然伽马能谱测井仪spectral natural gamma-ray tool
自然伽马能谱测井仪natural gamma-ray spectroscopy tool
自然伽马能谱测井仪回路natural gamma-ray spectroscopy tool loop
自然伽马能谱测井仪回路NGT loop
自然伽马能谱测井仪序号natural gamma-ray spectroscopy log tool serial number
自然伽马能谱测井仪序号NGS tool serial number
补偿中子测井仪compensated neutron logging tool
补偿中子测井仪姿态status of compensated neutron log tool
补偿中子测井仪姿态status of CNL
补偿中子孔隙度测井仪compensated neutron porosity tool
补偿地层密度测井仪formation density compensated tool
补偿地层密度测井仪近探测器计数率near compensated formation density tool count rate
补偿地层密度测井仪近探测器计数率near FDC count rate
补偿地层密度一中子测井仪compensated density-neutron tool
补偿密度一井径测井仪compensated densilog caliper
补偿密度测井一井径仪compensated densilog caliper
裸眼井音频示踪仪测量borehole audio tracer survey
岩性记录仪侧向测井recorder laterolog
过套管电阻率测井仪through casing resistivity tool
远探测器补偿中子测井仪far detector compensated neutron logging tool
远离井壁的感应测井仪stand-off for induction log
井壁远离补偿中子测井仪stand-off for compensated neutron log tool
井壁远离补偿中子测井仪stand-off for CNL
连续地层倾角测井仪continuous dipmeter
连续地层倾角一遥测井斜仪continuous dipmeter teleclinometer
连续定向井斜测量仪continuous directional inclinometer
通用测井仪响应分析universal logging tool response analysis
通用测井仪响应算法universal logging tool response algorithm
闪烁自然伽马测井仪scintillation gamma ray tool
阵列感应成像测井仪array induction imager
阵列感应成像测井仪主探测器误差校正array induction imager tool master sonde error correction
阵列感应成像测井仪主探测器误差校正AIT master sonde error correction
阵列感应成像测井仪主测试环路增益校正array induction imager tool master test loop gain correction
阵列感应成像测井仪主测试环路增益校正AIT master test loop gain correction
阵列感应成像测井仪井眼校正array induction imager tool enable bottom-hole correction
阵列感应成像测井仪井眼校正AIT enable bottom-hole correction
阵列感应成像测井仪井眼校正模式array induction imager tool bottom hole correction mode
阵列感应成像测井仪井眼校正模式AIT bottom hole correction mode
阵列感应成像测井仪井眼校正版本号array induction imager tool bottom hole correction version number
阵列感应成像测井仪井眼校正版本号AIT bottom hole correction version number
阵列感应成像测井仪仪器居中标记array induction imager tool centering flag
阵列感应成像测井仪仪器居中标记AIT centering flag
阵列感应成像测井仪基本测井模式array induction imager tool basic logs mode
阵列感应成像测井仪基本测井模式AIT basic logs mode
阵列感应成像测井仪基本测井版本号array induction imager tool basic logs version number
阵列感应成像测井仪基本测井版本号AIT basic logs version number
阵列感应成像测井仪基线测井array induction imager tool enable basic logs
阵列感应成像测井仪基线测井AIT enable basic logs
阵列感应成像测井仪径向剖面Array Induction imager Tool enable radial profiling
阵列感应成像测井仪径向剖面AIT enable radial profiling
阵列感应成像测井仪径向剖面版本号array induction imager tool radial profiling version number
阵列感应成像测井仪径向剖面版本号AIT radial profiling version number
阵列感应成像测井仪径向参数化Array Induction imager Tool enable radial parameterization
阵列感应成像测井仪径向参数化AIT enable radial parameterization
阵列感应成像测井仪径向参数化版本号array induction imager tool radial parameterization version number
阵列感应成像测井仪径向参数化版本号AIT radial parameterization version number
阵列感应成像测井仪径向处理模式array induction imager tool radial processing mode
阵列感应成像测井仪径向处理模式AIT radial processing mode
阵列感应成像测井仪探测器温度和压力误差校正Array Induction Imager Tool enable sonde error temperature & pressure correction
阵列感应成像测井仪探测器温度和压力误差校正AIT enable sonde error temperature & pressure correction
阵列感应成像测井仪暂停标高响应处理array induction imager tool suspend answer product processing
阵列感应成像测井仪暂停标高响应处理AIT suspend answer product processing
阵列感应成像测井仪深度标高响应值AIT array induction imager tool answer product level
阵列感应成像测井仪温度选择array induction imager tool temperature selection
阵列感应成像测井仪温度选择AIT temperature selection
阵列感应成像测井仪电阻率选择array induction imager tool resistivity selection
阵列感应成像测井仪电阻率选择AIT resistivity selection
阵列感应成像测井仪过量程滤波器array induction imager tool overrange filter
阵列感应成像测井仪过量程滤波器AIT overrange filter
阵列感应成像测井仪钻井液电阻率刻度深度array induction imager tool mud resistivity calibration depth
阵列感应成像测井仪钻井液电阻率刻度深度AIT mud resistivity calibration depth
阵列感应成像测井仪钻井液电阻率因子array induction imager tool mud resistivity factor
阵列感应成像测井仪钻井液电阻率因子AIT mud resistivity factor
高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量或地层学高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量directional survey with high-resolution dipmeter tool or SHDT stratigraphic high-resolution dipmeter tool
高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量或地层学高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量directional survey with HDT or SHDT stratigraphic high-resolution dipmeter tool
高分辨率地层倾角测井仪stratigraphic high-resolution dipmeter tool
高分辨率地层倾角测井仪high-resolution dipmeter tool