
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 测量器 | all forms | in specified order only
中等能量质子与电子探测器medium energy proton and electron detector
仪器测量系统instrumented measuring system
光量子检测器optical quantum detector
地球辐射收支测量器Earth radiation budget instrument
带有海道测量仪器与导航设备的深海钻孔地质剖面测量系统deep ocean logging profiler with hydrographic instrumentation and navigation
引力质量探测传感器gravitational mass sensor
摄影测量仪器photogrammetric instrumentation
日本精密测量仪器协会标准Japan Measuring Association Standard
月球测量探视器lunar survey viewfinder
标准测量仪器standard measuring instrument
泰勒戴大地测量仪器公司teledyne geotronics
热量收支测量仪器heat budget instrument
记录杂散能量监测器A recording stray energy monitor
高度测量传感器altitude measurement sensor
高级测量仪器公司Advanced Measurement Instrument Inc.