
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 测线 | all forms | in specified order only
下检测线lower limit of detection
中间感应回线系统瞬变探测transient soundings for a central induction loop system
井中声波/伽马射线测井bore hole sonic/gamma ray log
井中测井伽马射线传感器drillhole logging gamma-ray sensor
伽马-伽马射线测井gamma-gamma log
伽马射线/中子测井gamma ray/neutron logging
伽马射线测井gamma ray logging
侧向测井/伽马射线测井laterolog/ gamma ray logging
卫星发射无线电干涉测地Satellite Emission Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying
双曲线多普勒测速与定位系统hyperbolic dovap
固定全球定位系统测地线阵列permanent GPS geodetic array
国际无线电干涉测量组织International Radio Interferometric Surveying
国际紫外线探测卫星International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite
国际紫外线探测器international ultraviolet explorer
地下管线测量underground pipeline survey
地层分析测井曲线图formation analysis log
地层密度/伽马射线测井formation density/gamma ray log
基线测量baseline survey
基线监测baseline monitoring
基线高层大气测站网世界气象组织baseline upper-air network WMO
基长基线干涉测量very long baseline inteferometry
大型无线电观测站large radio observatory
太阳后向散射紫外线和臭氧总量测图系统光谱仪solar backscattering ultraviolet/total ozone mapping system
X 射线地形测量学X-ray topography
γ射线环境监测系统gamma ray environment monitor system
X 射线能谱测定法X-ray energy spectrometry
X 射线荧光能谱测定法X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
X 射线衍射测量法X-ray diffractometry
γ射线谱测定设备gamma ray spectrometric equipment
恶劣环境自然伽马射线测井仪hostile natural gamma ray sonde
感应电气/伽马射线测井induction electrical/gamma ray log
探测深度特征曲线depth investigation characteristic
无线电与电子学测量委员会Radio and Electronics Measurements Committee
无线电声波探测系统radio acoustic sounding system
无线电探测radio finding
无线电探测器radio finder
无线电探空仪探测radiosonde observation
无线电探空测风站radiosonde and radiowind station
无线电探空观测数据radiosonde observation data
无线电气象仪探测radiometeorolograph observation
无线电测向测距radio directing and ranging
无线电测距radio ranging
无线电测距radio range
无线电测距仪radio distance indicator
无线电通信遥测系统radio-linked telemetry system
机载伽马射线光谱测量airborne gamma ray spectrometric survey
校正的测线长度corrected line length
欧洲空间局 X 射线观测卫星ESA X-ray observatory satellite
氧化镁射线探测器magnesium oxide radiation detector
水泥胶结/伽马射线测井cement bond/gamma ray log
〔地下水〕流线测定法streamline technique
海军无线电测向处naval radio direction finder service
海洋通用深水测量曲线图general bathymetric chart of the oceans
热中子俘获瞬发伽马射线光谱测定法thermal neutron capture prompt gamma-ray spectrometry
甚长基线〔射电〕干涉测量very long baseline radio interferometry
用垂向电子探测地球物理学法的电磁导线测量electromagnetic traversing with vertical electrical sounding geophysical method
电磁导线测量electromagnetic traverse
电磁测井曲线图electromagnetic log
电磁转换通量探测线electromagnetic-diverted flux search coil
电视与红外线气象观测业务卫星operational TIROS
电阻率测深曲线resistivity sounding curves
短基线干涉测量short baseline interferometry
竖曲线测设vertical curve location
紫外线太阳能监测器monitor of ultraviolet solar energy
紫外线太阳辐射监测仪monitor of ultraviolet solar radiation
红外线测定infrared measurement
红外线测绘仪infrared mapper
红外线测绘系统infrared mapping system
红外线测距和探测infrared ranging and detection
红外线测量infrared measurement
红外线测量系统infrared measuring system
红外线测量规划infrared measurement program (me)
红外线物理测量法infrared physical measurement
线性位移测量仪linear displacement gauge
线性位移测量仪linear displacement gage
线路采集测试器line acquisition tester
联线射电干涉测量connected-element radio interferometry
自动定位遥测天线automatic positioning telemetering antenna
自动铅垂线监测系统automatic plumbline monitoring system
航空无线电测距仪airborne range-only
质子激发 X 射线光谱测定法proton excitation x-ray spectrometry
轴线测绘信息系统axis mapping information system
轻便型无线电高空测风仪系统’mobile rawinsonde system
遥测数据传输线telemetry data link
阴极射线管测试器cathode ray tube tester
雷达无线电探测与电定位〔装置〕radio detection and ranging
高温X射线地形测量法high-temperature X-ray topography