
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
三维three-dimensional flow
不冲不淤noneroding and nonsilting velocity
不冲刷non-eroding velocity
不冲刷non-scouring velocity
不冲刷nonerodible velocity
不可压缩incompressible flow
不可压缩incompressible fluid
不淤积nonsilting velocity
不稳定non-permanent flow
不稳定transient flow
不稳定non-steady-state flow
不稳定nonsteady flow
不稳定气unsteady air flow
不能通航河unnavigable river
不黏滞inviscid fluid
mid stream
临界critical velocity of flow
临界critical flow discharge
临界水critical flow
main river
main current
摆动oscillation of main current
主河master river
主河main river
bumpy flow
二向two-directional flow
交通traffic flow
交通magnitude of traffic flow
交通车traffic flow
交通车current of traffic
低水low-water discharge
低水量观测observation of low-water discharge
低水位low water flow
低水位导low-water training dike
lateral flow
侧向lateral flow
侧向lateral inflow
flow backwards
inverted stream
偏斜deflection current
入海河口水estuarine flow
冲刷河scouring river
冲止stop-scouring velocity
冲积河alluvial river
diversion of stream
divided flow
工程flow separation works
切向水tangential water-flow
剪力shear flow
加速accelerated flow
uniform flow
单宽discharge of per unit width
卡门涡Karmen vortex flow
历史historic flow
历史最大highest ever known discharge
历史最大洪水maximum historical flood discharge
河流汇合flowing together
同向cocurrent flow
向岸onshore current
含砂河debris-laden stream
地下径groundwater flow
地下径underground run-off
地下径subsurface run-off
地下径ground-water runoff
地下水ground water flow
地下水phreatic discharge
地下渗underground percolation
地表sheet flow
地表overland flow
地表径overland flow
地表水ground surface flow
地表水overland flow
地表水ground flow
垂直平均mean velocity in vertical
weir flow
塑性limit of plastic flow
塑性plastic flow limit
墩前行近approaching velocity before pier
多向水polymodal current
大水large stream
天然水分布natural flow distribution
天然水河弯natural stream meander
天然河natural river
夹泥沙河silt laden stream
季节性seasonally flow
学术交academic exchange
定常stationary flow
实际actual velocity of flow
volume of passenger flow
局部股涌高height of surge of local stream
laminellar flow
摩擦laminar friction
山前区变迁性河shifting stream in front of mountain
山区急hill torrent
山区河river of mountainous region
山坡截intercepting ditch on sloping land
常年水河流permanently flowing river
常年有水河perennial flow river
常年有水河continuous stream
main river
平原河river of flatland
平均average velocity of flow
平均average discharge of flow
平均年洪水average annual flood
平岸bankfull discharge of flow
平岸bankfull discharge
annual flow quantity
年平均average annual flow discharge
年平均annual mean water dis charge
年最大maximum yearly peak discharge
年迳annual water flow
年迳annual runoff
应力stress flow
应力体动力学applied fluid-dynamics
bed current
底层bottom current
强烈strong drift ice
water flow
分析run-off analysis
区域runoff plot
时间flow-through period
条件runoff condition
模数modulus of runoff
rainflow method
流量discharge of runoff
modulus of flow
runoff amount
volume of runoff
预报prediction of runoff
循环水circulation flow
湍流hasty flow
湍流rapid stream
湍流flashy flow
湍流rapid flow
steep slope channel
rapid flow conduit
河流rapid flow river
急变rapid varied stream
slug flow
catch basin
closure embankment
cut-off channel
扩展水expansion flow
扩展水expanding current
技术交technical interchange
排水沟水分析analysis of flow in drain-ditch
sporadic flow
oblique flow
斜向水oblique flow
斜水局部冲高height of impact wave of oblique flow
断续河interrupted stream
open flow
明渠及管道水flow of water in open channels and pipes
明渠恒定均匀steady uniform flow in open channel
明渠恒定非均匀steady non-uniform flow in open channel
明渠水open channel flow
明渠的水stream flow in open channel
明渠非恒定unsteady flow in open channel
暴洪河flashy stream
暴雨storm flow
最低冰底面lowest base of drifting ice
最低冰水位lowest level of ice drifting
最大discharge of peak flow
最大maxi mum flow
最大容许maximum permissible flow speed
最大洪峰largest flood peak discharge
最大洪水maximum flood flow
最大洪水maximum flood discharge
最高冰水位highest level of ice drifting
最高冰的顶面top of highest drifting ice
未约束unrestricted flow
beam current
beam flow
枯水lowest water flow
枯水drought water discharge
枯水lowest flow discharge
桥位水方向current direction at bridge site
桥墩对涡的响应response of pier to turbulence
桥梁设计design discharge of bridge
横向lateral flow
横向transverse flow
横向cross flow
横向across flow
横向入transverse inflow
横向气cross air-flow
正向normal direction flow
速度air velocity
气体gas stream
current of water
stream flow
flow of water
不稳定性flow instability
不规则性flow irregularity
冲击力current force
冲刷current scour
分布flow distribution
force due to water current
force due to stream
动量方程momentum equation of water flow
压力stream flow pressure
压力pressure of stream current
均匀性flow uniformity
坡降fall of river
坡降fall of stream
导向设备current deflector
情况stream regimen
扩张flow expansion
扩散角flow diffusion angle
扩散角diffusion angle of flow
断面cross-section of stream
梯度gradient of water
特征flow characteristic
状态stream condition
痕迹current mark
线stream line
线flow line
能量方程energy equation of water flow
落差fall of stream
angle of current
调节flow regulation
连续性方程continuity equation of water flow
water discharge
阻力resistance of flow
水位量关系water stage-discharge relation
水位量关系曲线discharge curve
水位量曲线water stage-discharge curve
水土water loss and soil erosion
水平horizontal fluid layer
flow together
runoff concentration
convergence of drainage
汇集accumulated water
tributary river
污水discharge of sewage
sand flow
river flow
stream flow
分支river dissection
天然状况natural state of river
导流工程river training works
岸壁river wall
形态regime of river
径流stream run-off
挟带物stream borne material
搬运泥砂的能力competence of stream
改向stream diversion
整治river regulation
断面测量profile and cross-section survey for rivier
桥渡river crossing
横断面cross-section of river
横断面测量cross-section survey for river
比降gradient of river bed
比降river gradient
比降stream slope
比降gradient of stream
比降测量stream slope measurement
水位river stage
水位落差fall of stream
水位落差fall of river
水力条件hydraulic condition of river
水系system of stream of river
沉积fluvial deposit
沉积fluviatile deposit
沉积fluviatile deposits
沉积物river deposits
沉积物fluvial deposits
洪水river flood
类型type of rivers
类型river type
纵剖面profile of river
纵断面测量profile survey for river
解冻river thaw
解冻breakup of ice in a river
调查river investigation
陡岸river cliff
高程stream elevation
河水river flow
河道discharge of river
河道量己录stream flow record
河道量己录stream discharge records
河道量测量stream flow gaging
河道量测量stream flow surveying
河道分diversion of river
河道支river branch
洪峰velocity of peak flow
洪峰peak rate
洪峰crest discharge
洪峰discharge of flood peak
洪峰discharge of peak flood
洪水direction of flood
洪水flood direction
洪水径high-water run-off
洪水迳flood runoff
活动性河active devastated river
flow down
liquid fluid
体力学hydro mechanics
体动压力fluid dynamic pressure
体波动wave motion of fluid
体的压缩性compressibility of fluid
体的流动flow of fluid
体运动fluid motion
体运动学fluid kinematics
体运动学flow kinematics
体静力学fluid statics
ice floes
冰水位ice floe water level
flow moving
动性flowing property
动指数flow index
动生产线flow-line production
flowing deformation
plastic flow
direction of flow
向图flow graph
向测量current direction survey
flow soil
域平均宽度average width of drainage area
域特征characteristics of basin
域规划planning of catchment basin
域面积area of catchment basin
flow plasticity
塑状态flow plastic state
washing away
regime of flow
态混凝土concrete in fluid state
态混凝土chutable concrete
float wood
floating wood
drift wood
flow of water
水作业streamlined production
水作业flow production
水作业法continuous process
水力stream flow force
水压力flow water pressure
水压力stream flow pressure
水压力pressure of water flow
水坡water dispersing slope
水施工flow construction
水槽面surface of flowing canal
水生产线flow construction line
水管flow pipe
水线flow line
earth flow
soil flow
mud flow
sand flow
liquefied sand
running sand
shifting sand
floating earth
soil flow
mobile sand
砂土quick ground
砂地层fluidised bed
砂现象quicksand phenomenon
flowing raft
drift raft
floating raft
筏桥孔bridge span for drift raft
筏桥孔drift raft span of bridge
筏河流flowing raft river
线图flow map
线型stream shape
线型断面streamlined section
线型断面streamlined cross-section
线型桥墩streamlined pier
线型洞口streamlined inlet of culvert
线型洞口enlarged culvert inlet
过时间flowing-through period
current velocity
速水头velocity head of flow
速测量current velocity survey
discharge of stream
discharge of flow
volume of flow
量历时曲线discharge-duration curve
量表discharge table
浅水shallow water flow
土砂suspended sediment
浮标测current determination by float
bumpy vorticity flow
地区eddy zone
地区eddy region
激振vortex-excited oscillation
脱落vortex shedding
黏滞系数coefficient of eddy viscosity
涨潮flood current
渐变gradually varied flow
infiltrate flow
interstitial flow
vadose flow
力学mechanics of flow through porous media
压力seepage pressure
对土压力的影响seepage effect on earth pressure
流量seepage quantity
流量seepage discharge
渗入infiltration discharge
渗透seepage discharge
渗透discharge of permeability
swift current
turbulence flow
尺寸scale of turbulence
weir dam
overfall weir
overflow orifice
物产生的撞击和磨损strike and wear due to drifter
物力force of drift
地区overbank flow region
滩地overflow land
potential flow
tide current
潮汐tidal current
circular flow
理想inviscid flow
瞬时平均temporal mean velocity of flow
steady current
稳定undisturbed flow
稳定stead stream
稳定steady current
稳定河stable river
阻力resistance to pipe flow
turbulent region
摩擦turbulent friction
状态turbulent state
理论theory of turbulent flow
turbulent wind
tranquil flow
shaft for retarding the flow
缓慢slow flowage
船只或漂物的撞击力percussive force due to ship or drift
船只或漂物的撞击力impact load due to ship or drift
落潮ebb tide current
融雪径melted snow runoff
融雪径snow-melt runoff
行人与车辆分pedestrian and vehicle segregation
行近速水头approach velocity head
表层subsurface flow
表面surface current
表面surface velocity
表面涡surface eddy
表面迳run-off flow
表面迳surface run-off
调节河建筑物regulation structure
stream of traffic
vehicle stream
wagon flow
car flow, vehicle flow
密度density of wagon flow
opposite flow
opposing current
逆水obsequent stream
陡坡急flow of steep slope
陡坡水flow of steep slope
非压缩性incompressible fluid
非均匀紊inhomogeneous turbulence
非定常unsteady flow
非平衡non-equilibrium flow
非潮汐non-tidal current
非直线non-rectilinear flow
非稳定non-stationary flow
非稳定unsteady flow
非稳定层unsteady laminar flow
顶峰peak discharge
方向direction along flow
顺直河straight river
预报forecasting runoff
验算checked discharge
齐岸bankfull discharge
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