
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing 流量 | all forms | in specified order only
三通流体流量tee fluid flow meter
不介入式流量non-intrusive flowmeter
两级流量压降试井two-rate falloff test
两级流量注入测试two-rate injection test
串联式临界流速流量in-line flowprover
临界流量critical flow rate
临界流量校准器critical-flow prover
临界流量critical flowmeter
临界溢流量critical kick size
主涡轮流量master turbine meter
二级流量试井two rate testing
井下流量控制subsurface flow control
井下流量subsurface flowmeter
井下流量downhole flowmeter
井下流量调节器downhole flow regulator
井下流体体积测量down-hole volumetric measurement
井口流量控制wellhead flow control
井底流量sandface flowrate
井底流量bottom-hole inflow rate
井底流量褶积sandface rate convolution
井底流量downhole flowmeter
井底流量bottom-hole flowmeter
井底流量调节器bottom-hole regulator
井底流入量bottom-hole inflow
井底流压一产量关系well inflow performance
井底流压一产量关系inflow performance relationship
井底流压一产量关系inflow production relation
井底流压一产量关系曲线inflow performance curve
井眼流量剖面borehole flow-rate profile
伞式流量basket flowmeter
流量断流特性low-flow cutoff characteristics
体积流量volumetric displacement meter
余流流量afterflow rate
侧向流量lateral flow
修正流量modified flow rate
流量处理total flow treatment
全井眼流量计探头full-bore flowmeter sonde
全井眼涡轮流量full-bore spinner flowmeter
全径转子流量full-bore spinner flowmeter
流量net throughput
净外汇流量net exchange flow
流量fractional flow
流量方程fractional flow equation
流量曲线fractional flow curve
分段限流量staged limited-entry technique
分流流量diverting flowmeter
分流计量仪表shunt meter
初始流量initial flow rate
动量流向量momentum flow vector
单壳流量single-case meter
压头一流量曲线head capacity curve
压差式流量differential pressure flowmeter
双壳流量double-case meter
双头流量dual-head meter
双管压差流量differential twin flowmeter
双转子质量流量twin-rotor mass flowmeter
双量程流量记录仪double-range recording flowmeter
流量variable production rate
流量variable flow-rate
流量试井variable-rate test
变截面流量variable-area flow meter
台阶状流量注入试井step-rate injectivity test
同心圆筒流变性测量concentric cylinder rheology measurement
吸入流量suction flowmeter
喷嘴流量系数nozzle orifice coefficient
喷嘴流量nozzle flowmeter
喷嘴式流量nozzle flowmeter
回流液量backflow volume
地下流量控制subsurface flow control
地面流量surface flow rate
垫圈流量orifice tester
垫圈流量U-tube flow meter
垫圈流量orifice well tester
基准流量reference flowmeter
外汇流入量foreign exchange inflow
流量测试multirate test
多孔板流量multiple orifice meter
多点无阻流量测试multi-point open-flow potential test
多相流量multiphase flow rate
多相流量multiphase flowmeter
多管孔板流量multi-tube orifice meter
多级流量测试multiple-rate test
多级流量试井multiple flow rate test
天然气孔板流量gas orifice meter
美国石油学会天然气流体测量委员会Committee on Natural Gas Fluids Measurement
孔口流量orifice discharge
孔板流量orifice plate flowmeter
孔板式天然气流量orifice well tester
宏观流量macroscopic flux
定点流量station flowmeter
定量流动constant flow
实测无阻流量practical open flow potential
实际平均流量actual mean flow rate
实际敞喷流量practical open flow potential
容量一流量调节器volume-and-flow controller
宽量程孔板流量wide range orifice meter
封隔器型流量packer flowmeter
嵌入式涡轮流量turbine insertion flowmeter
差压式流量differential pressure flowmeter
差式流量differential gauge
干涉流量interference meter
年径流量annual runoff
弯管流量elbow meter
弹性刮板流量spring scraped-blade flowmeter
当量液流面积equivalent flow area
往复式活塞液体流量oscillating piston liquid meter
往复活塞式流量reciprocating piston meter
往复球式流量oscillating ball meter
微差涡流测量differential eddy current measurement
流量total flux
流量quantity meter
流量控制阀constant flow control valve
流量注入泵constant flow injection pump
恒压流量测试constant-pressure flow test
扬程-流量曲线head-capacity curve
折现现金流量收益率discounted cash flow rate of return
振动流量nutating meter
排代式浮子流量displacement type float
控制流量dominant discharge
摩尔流量molar flow rate
放射性示踪流量radioactive-tracer flowmeter
数字流量指示器digital flow rate indicator
旁路分流流量by-pass shunt meter
旁路式流量by-pass flowmeter
旋转式气体流量rotary gas meter
旋转活塞流量rotary piston flowmeter
无量纲裂缝导流能力dimensionless fracture conductivity
无阻流量open-flow capacity
无阻流量open flow potential
无阻流量试井deliverability test
标准流量计孔板standard metering orifice
标定流量计法test meter method
标定用流量reference flowmeter
校正流量输送flux-corrected transport
校正流量输送的有限差分法flux corrected transport finite difference method
椭圆齿轮流量oval-gear flowmeter
模拟流量analogue flow rate
模拟接触式流量simulate contact-type flowmeter
正向流量positive flow meter
每日流量daily flow
流量unit rate of flow
气体流量dryflow meter (指巴顿记录仪)
气体涡轮流量gas turbine meter
气体质量流量mass-flow gas meter
气流计量gas flow measurement
水相分流量water fractional flow
河流泥沙量stream load
油层表面净流量net sandface flowrate
波动流量oscillating flow
波动流量fluctuating flow rate
泥流动度测量圆锥grout flow cone
泥浆流量指示器mud-flow indicator
泥浆流量监测仪mud flow monitor
泥浆流量mud flow rate meter
洪水流量high flow
活塞式流量piston liquid meter
流体产量fluid-withdrawal rate
流体含量fluid content
流体静压储罐测量hydrostatic tank gauging
流体静压储罐测量计hydrostatic tank gauge
流入量rate of inflow
流出量图flowout diagram
流速式流量flow rate type flow meter
流量一压力图flow-pressure diagram
流量不均度flow nonuniformity
流量优选flowrate optimization
流量分布图profile of flowrate
流量分配器flow diverter
流量剖面flow rate profile
流量变化flowrate variation
流量均布型裂缝uniform-flux fracture
流量增加百分数flow increase percentage
流量差法delta flow method
流量扩散器flow diffuser
流量控制分布函数flow control distribution function
流量控制器flow controller
流量控制浮箍flow control float collar
流量控制阀flowrate control valve
流量控制隔膜flow control diaphragm
流量显示器flow indicator
流量标定器flow calibrator
流量检查flow check
流量检验仪flow prover
流量波动flow rate fluctuation
流量波动flow fluctuation
流量测井flow rate log
流量测井控制面板flolog control panel
流量测定flow measurement
流量测试管线flow-test line
流量测量flow survey
流量测量flowrate measurement
流量范围flow range
流量flow gauge
流量计净累计值net meter registration
流量计标定meter proving
流量计标定装置flowmeter calibrator
流量计标定装置meter prover
流量计校正系数meter factor
流量计检定meter proof
流量计灵敏度meter sensitivity
流量计特性meter performance
流量计算discharge calculation
流量计累计值meter registration
流量计记录纸flow chart
流量计量flow metering
流量记录控制器flow recording controller
流量记录积分器flow rate recorder integrator
流量记录调节器flow recording controller
流量调整试井flow-after-flow test
流量调节器flow conditioner
流量调节阀flow regulating valve
流量逐次更替试井flow-after-flow test
流量限制装置flow rate limiting device
浮子流量float flowmeter
浮子式流量float type flow meter
涡流挡板流量vortex shedding flow meter
涡流笼式流量vortex cage meter
涡流通量eddy flux
涡街流量vortex shedding flowmeter
涡街流量vor tex flow meter
涡轮流量turbine flowmeter
流量weir flow
流量overflow quantity
滑片式流量sliding vane meter
潜在绝对无阻流量absolute open flow potential
流量heat flux
热丝流量hot wire flowmeter
热流测量heat flow measurement
环式离心流量ring channel centrifugal flowmeter
环形活塞流量ring piston meter
环空压力控制流量annulus-pressure-operated flow valve
现金流量cash flow statement
现金流量贴现discounted cash-flow
现金流量贴现率discounted cash-flow rate
电子流量electronic flow-meter
流量flowing potential
百分流量剖面percentage flow profile
盘式流量disc meter
直流分量恢复d-c reinsertion
直流分量插入级D. C. inserter stage
直流分量还原器d-c restorer
直流测量d-c direct current measurement
流量phase flow rate
瞬时流量instantaneous flow rate
短时间流量脉冲short-rate pulse
磁性流量magnetic flowmeter
磁感应式流量magnetic induction flowmeter
示踪流量测井tracer flow survey
示踪式流量tracer flowmeter
科里奥勒流量Coriolus meter
积分式锐孔流量integrating orifice meter
稀释液注入流量diluent injection rate
空气注入体积流量volumetric air injection rate
空气流过量air flux
等百分比流量特性equal percentage flow characteristic
管式流量计标定装置pipe prover
管路流量in-line flowmeter
管道锐孔流量pipeline orifice
累计流量integrated flow
累计流量flow quantity recorder
累计流量flow totalizer
累计气体流入量cumulative gas influx
累计流过量cumulative throughflow
绝对流量absolute flow rate
绝对敞喷流量absolute open flow
绝对无阻流量absolute open flow capacity
续流流量afterflow rate
罐切换流量dump meter
罗茨流量Roots flowmeter
胀式流量inflatable flowmeter
能量流率energy flux rate
脉动流量fluctuating flow rate
腰轮流量rotary-lobe meter
膜片式流量diaphragm meter
膜盒流量aneroid flowmeter
膨胀式封隔器流量inflatable packer flowmeter
膨胀式封隔型流量inflatable packer flowmeter
流量调节器self acting flow controller
自流流量dumping rate
自流注水量water dumping rate
流量热器throttling calorimeter
节流式流量throttling type flowmeter
花篮式流量petal basket flowmeter
蒸汽流量steam-flow meter
螺旋桨式流量propeller-type flowmeter
表面空气流量superficial air flux
记录式孔板流量chart-recording orifice meter
贝利流量Bailey meter
财务现金流量cash flow table
货物流向流量volume and indication of traffic flow
质量流量mass flowrate
质量流量mass rate
质量流速mass velocity
贯眼流量full-bore flowmeter
起点流量zero flow
转子流量spinner type flowmeter
转子流量计响应spinner response
转子分流流量rotary shunt meter
转盘式流量rotary disc meter
输出流量delivery rate
过堰流量weir flow
过量回流excess reflux
返出流量return flow
返回流量return flow
进出流量in and out flowing method
进出口泥浆流量differential flow-in and out
进站流量station meter
远距表盘流量remote dial flow meter
连续流量剖面continuous flow profile
连续流量continuous flowmeter
连续记录流量continuous flowmeter
钟形流量校准器bell prover
钻井液流量drilling fluid flowmeter
钻井液流量drilling fluid flowing indicator
锥板流变性测量法cone rheology measurement
间接式流量inferential flowmeter
集流式流量flow-concentrating flowmeter
流量zero flow
零热流量zero heat flux
额定流量nominal flow rate
高固相含量流体high solid content fluid
齿轮流量gear flowmeter