
Terms for subject Ecology containing 流水 | all forms | in specified order only
低透水土壤层的地下水流subsurface lateral flow along low-permeability soil layer
低频水流low passed current
分流制下水系统separate sewerage system
分流制污水管separate sewer
半轴流式水泵semi-axial flow pump
原水人流raw water influent
合流下水道系统combined sewerage system
合流下水道系统combined sewage system
合流制下水道系统combined sewerage system
回水分流管系统separate flow and return system
地下水径流ground water flow
地下水渗流seepage flow of underground water
地表水流水力学hydraulics of overland flow
坡面水流slope flow
城市水土流失urban soil and water loss
废水回流过程recycled waste-process
废水流量quantity of waste flow
建筑合流污水管combined building sewer
流水runoff water
快速回归水流quick return flow
截流式排水管系统intercepted drain system
承受水流河川receiving stream
暴雨污水溢流storm sewage overflow
水力射流泵hydraulic ejector
水土流失water and soil loss
水土流失分期soil erosion stage is divided
水土流失分级grade of soil and water loss
水土流失危害disaster of soil erosion
水土流失因素factor of soil and water loss
水土流失系统soil and water loss system
水土流失调查survey of soil and water loss
水土流失防治soil and water loss prevention
水土流失预测prediction on soil and water loss
水流流量volume attenuation coefficient
水流线条water thread
水流调节adjustment of stream
污水射流泵sewage ejector
污水流sewage stream
流水能资源hydropower resources of river
流水water quality of river
河流取水口river intake
洞穴水流tunnel flow
流出水槽effluent trough
流域产水量多年平均水量yield of drainage basin
流域水文watershed hydrologic
流域水污染控制规划river basin water pollution control planning
流来废水incoming waste
流水动物eotic animal
清水出流clear effluent
清水溢流clear effluent
流水spilling water
潜在水土流失potential soil and water loss
澄清水流clarified effluent
焦化流出水carbonization effluent
矿区水土流失mining area soil and water loss
硝化水出流nitrified effluent
碱水流海水saline current
细沟水流rill flow
表面水流effluent stream
贯流式水力发电厂river-run plant
较低交变级水流lower alternate stage flow
较高交变级水流upper alternate stage flow
酸性流出水acid effluent
重点水土流失区main soil and water losses area
集流节水保摘reduce and save water
雨水污水分流系统separate system
雨水补给河流rainfed stream
雨水集流rainwater harvesting
雨水集流rainfall collecting
雨污合流制下水water borne sewerage
雨污水合流下水管道combined sewer
雨污水合流下水管道系统combined sewer system
零维河流水质模型zero dimentional water quality model of river
高含沙水流hyperconcentrated flow
高含沙水流特性behavior of hyperconcentrated sediment flow
黄土高原水土流失区soil and water loss region of loess plateau