
Terms for subject Technology containing 流出 | all forms | in specified order only
不含有机物的流出organo-free effluent
人群流出系数coefficient of crowd outflow
从陆冰流出的流冰outlet glacier
侧流抽出口sidestream withdrawal
信号输出电流signal output current
入流储量出流曲线inflow-storage-discharge curve
入流蓄水出流曲线inflow-storage-outflow curve
入流蓄水出流法inflow-storage-outflow method (洪水追踪)
入流蓄水出流法inflow-storage-discharge method (洪水追踪)
出口射流discharge jet
出口气流jet exit
出口流动函数export flow function
出口流态outlet flow condition
出口流量rate of discharge
出口流量outlet flow rate
出口流量系数exit coefficient
出口节流式回路meter-out circuit
出口节流系统meter-out system
出口节流调速式metering-out control system
出口节流阀speed control muffler
出气整流锥exit cone
出水回流recycle of effluent
出水股流effluent plume
出流outflow volume
出流outflow (量)
出流三通outflowing T-piece
出流三通outflowing tee
出流井outlet chamber
出流余量outflow margin
出流再用effluent reuse
出流历时flow duration
出流变化outflow variable
出流堰outflow weir
出流室outlet chamber
出流总量total outflow
出流总量outflow volume
出流断面outlet section
孔口的出流方程efflux equation
出流曲线图flow out diagram
出流槽effluent trough
出流水outlet water
出流水收集槽effluent collecting trough
出流水槽outlet trough
出流河outflowing river
出流河effluent stream (地下河)
出流河outflowing stream
出流河effluent river (地下河)
出流流速velocity of discharge
出流流速outflow velocity
出流浓度outflow concentration
出流渠tail channel
出流渠outlet channel
出流湖drainage lake
出流漩涡outflow vortex
出流点outflow point
出流特征effluent characteristics
出流率outflow rate
出流率effluent rate
出流系数discharge coefficient
出流装置outflow device
出流角discharge angle
出流边界outflow boundary
出流边界条件outflow boundary condition
出流过程线outflow hydrograph
出流速度escape velocity
出流速度velocity of escape
出流速度issuing velocity
出流速度velocity of retreat
出流速度discharge velocity
出流量outflow rate
出流阀outlet valve
出渣口流槽runner trough
出钢口流槽runner trough
出铁流槽tapping launder
初次出流物primary effluent
单位长度出流effluent per unit length
压出流水线extrusion line
含水层断面流出outflow from the cross-sectional of aquifer
含水层断面流出outflow from the cross-section of aquifer
呈股流出flow out in shape of stream
喷出流discharging jet
喷出的地热流体outcoming geothermal fluid
流出by-pass outlet
地下出流groundwater outflow
地下水流出area of groundwater discharge
地下水流出tapping of groundwater
地下水流出groundwater tapping
地下水流出地面的泉眼discharge point
地下水流出rate of discharge of ground water
地下水流出面积groundwater discharge area
地下水出流phreatic water discharge
地下水出流groundwater outflow (量)
地下水出流groundwater discharge (量)
地下水出流区groundwater discharge area
地下水出流区area of groundwater discharge
地下水出流口tapping of groundwater
地下水出流量phreatic discharge
地下水出流量hydraulic discharge
地下水逸出水流effluent stream
地表水的流出outflow of surface water
均匀流出smooth outflow
塔底流出bottom stream
塔顶流出的高质量油overhead bright stock
外汇流出amount of foreign exchange outflow
多余油漆流出paint-drainage hole
多输出变化流程表multiple output change flow table
天顶流星出现率zenithal hourly rate
孔口出流orifice flow
射流挑出长度jet trajectory length
工业流出industrial effluent
平稳流出smooth outflow
平缓流出smooth outflow
并流浸出cocurrent leaching
底部流出的管子bottom-discharge pipe
底部出流subterminal outflow
引出水流diverted flow
引出电流projected current
流出现以前的降水initial precipitation
流出现以前的降雨initial rainfall
流出现以前的降雨initial rain
流出口区exit region
总动力出流水头total dynamical discharge head
总动力出流水头total dynamic discharge head
承压水流出area of artesian flow
挤出式流变仪extrusion rheometer
挤出式流变测定法extrusion rheometry
排出口节流throttling discharge
排出气流exhaust stream
排出流discharging current
排出流discharge current
排出流束outflow jet
排出流速度discharge velocity
排出流量数throughput number
排出流量数pumping capacity number
排出物分流系数effluent segregation system
排出节流exhaust choke
放出口流槽tap-hole launder
放射性流出物处置radioactive effluent disposal
放射性流出物控制处置controlled disposal of radioactive effluent
整流器输出电压调整器rectifier output voltage regulator
无出流湖drainless lake
无出流湖lake without outflow
无出流湖closed lake
无害出流水innocuous effluent
无有机物额出流物organo-free effluent
无毒流出innocuous effluent
曳出流体entrained fluid
最后流出final effluent
最大流出peak output
最大流出maximum output
最终出流物final effluent
有出口湖湖出流lake with outlet
有机流出organic effluent
有流体排出的泉discharging spring
气体流出gaseous effluent
气流排出jet exit
氧化塘出流水oxidation pond effluent
流出throughput of water
流出逸口outcrop of water
流出露口outcrop of water
水库流出reservoir outflow (水)
水库出流量outflow from reservoir
污染流出contaminated effluent
污水流出effluent sewer
污水流出wastewater outfall
污水流出sewage outfall
污水出流sewage effluent
流出stream outlet
流出river outlet
流出disembogue of stream
流出disembogue of river
流出海口river offing
河段出流量outflow from reach
流出管道oil-out line
油类流出oil drainage
油类流出oil drain
油缸流出cylinder tapping
泉最大流量出现时间emerging period of maximum discharge of spring
泉最小流量出现时间emerging period of minimum discharge of spring
泉水流出状态flow out state of spring
泉水流出通道flow passage of spring
流出effluence (物)
流出outflow (口)
流出tapping (口)
流出flow outlet
流出drain off
流出flowing well
流出体积修正drainage correction
流出efflux value
流出元内溶质通量solute flux of flow-out volume element
流出元内溶质量变化速率change rate of solute flowing-out volume element
流出bleed opening
流出地表的地下热水geothermal discharge water
流出eluting peak
流出废水effluent sewage
流出式黏度计efflux viscosimeter
流出式黏度计efflux viscometer
流出总量outflow volume
流出指令escape instruction
流出时间efflux time
流出时间delivery time
流出曲线elution curve
流出flow cup
流出efflux cup
流出杯法efflux cup method
流出tapping pit
流出running-out pit
流出running off water
流出effluent water
流出水头static pressure for outflow
流出水头outflow head
混凝土透水试验用流出水量测定法output test
流出污水effluent sewage
流出spillage oil
流出efflux method
流出泥沙outflux sediment
流出泥沙outflowing sediment
流出物数据effluent data
流出物稀释effluent dilution
流出瓦斯feeder gas
流出的压头discharge head
流出的水流量effluent charge
流出端饱和度effluent end saturation
流出efflux tube
流出系数orifice coefficient
流出系数coefficient of runoff
流出exhaust chamber
流出efflux angle
流出速度take-off rate
流出速度velocity of discharge
流出速度outflow velocity
流出outflow tract
流出efferent tract
流出outflow volume
流出flushing rate
流出量图flow out diagram
流出阻力resistance to outflow
流出顺序elution order
流域出水口watershed outlet
流式输入输出stream-oriented input/output
流行色重复出现colour cycle
流行色重复出现color cycle
流量计读出器flow meter readout
流出marine outfall
涡轮导向器气体流出速度turbine nozzle exit velocity
润滑油流出lubricant discharge
润滑脂流出grease creeping
液体流出fluid outlet angle
淹没出流submerged efflux
流出seepage exit
渗流水出流vadose-water discharge
渗流溢出点位置position of vadose overflow
渗漏出流量seepage outflow
湖泊出流量outflow from lake
湖泊出流量lake outflow
溢出回流flood back
溢出水流spillway stream
溢流液出口overflow box outlet
滤出流量元件filtrate flow element
滤器流出fliter effluent
滤器流出filter effluent
滤器出流液filter effluent
漩涡出流outflow vortex
潜伏出流submerged efflux
潜水出流phreatic water discharge
潜流式出水口submerged outlet
牢靠出流量firm discharge
现金流出cash out
现金流出总额aggregate cash outflow
现金流出amount of cash outflow
玻璃液流出glass out flow pipe
电流输出放大器current output amplifier
皮革厂流出tannery effluent
相对流出relative exit angle
管道出流sewer outflow
紫外一可见光流出物监测器ultraviolet-visible effluent monitor
累积出流量accumulated outflow
纺织流出textile effluent
线性输出电流linear anode current
脉动流出positive discharge
自流流出artesian discharge
自流井出水量artesian capacity of well
自由流出free discharge
自由出流free outflow
自由出流free outlet (口)
自由出流free efflux
自由出流free discharge
自由出流孔free orifice
节流阀在执行元件出油路上的调速回路meter-out circuit
蓄水池出流曲线storage-outflow curve
表面流出surface runoff
试样流出effluent sample
读出电流read current
货物流通出行freight circulation trip
资本流出capital exodus
超高质滤池出流物ultra-high quality filter effluent
载流子的拉出carrier extraction
输出交流声电平output hum level
输出客流output passenger flow
输出流道delivery channel
输出流量delivery flushing flow
输出流量控制output traffic control
输出流量范围output flow range
输出电流额定值output current rating
输出端扼流圈output choke coil
输出端扼流圈output choke
输出管接头处流量discharge connection delivery
酸性流出acid effluent
钻出自流井artesian bored well
闸孔出流flow under sluice gate
雷德伍德黏度计流出秒数Redwood second
雷德菲尔德流出型黏度计Redfield efflux viscometer
非流动资产出售收益gain on disposal
非溢出自流井non-flowing artesian well
黏度流出时间flow time of viscosity