
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
动支座immovable bearing
动断层immovable fault
动断层impassive fault
standard railway live load specified by P. R. C. (P. R. C. The People's Republic of China)
载图diagram of standard railway live load specified by P. R.C
中华人民共和国铁路标准列车Standard Railway Train Live Load Specified by The People's Republic of China
人行道荷载sidewalk live load
公路live load of highway
列车live load of train
列车载产生的土压力earth pressure due to surcharge of live load of train
列车载产生的土压力earth pressure due to live load of train
半个静half static live load
地震seismic activity
地震动带seismically active belt
均布uniformly distributed live load
均布uniformly distributing live load
季节动层seasonal active zone
季节动层seasonal active layer
平转式动桥swing bridge
弧形动端支座cylindrical moving end bearing of bridge
恒载及载对圆形涵洞管节作用的水平压力horizontal pressure acting on pipe-section of circular culvert due to dead load and live load
恒载及载对圆形涵洞管节作用的竖向压力vertical pressure acting on pipe-section of circular culvert due to dead load and live load
承受局部载的杆件member subjected to local live load
承受局部载的杆件member borne local live load
承受局部载的杆件member partially loaded live load
拼装式动模板collapsible form
拼装式动钢模板collapsible steel shuttering
换算均匀equivalent uniform live load
换算均匀conversion uniform live load
普通ordinary live load
标准standard live load
桥梁标准standard live load for bridge
横向移动式动桥transversely shifting movable bridge
动便桥bailey bridge
动半径radius of action
动层active layer
动平台movable platform
动性河流active devastated river
动支座freely movable bearing
动支座expansion bearing
动支座底板base plate of movable bearing
动支座的摩擦系数coefficient of friction of movable bearing
动支座的摩擦系数factor of friction of movable bearing
动断层active fault
动板手coes wrench
动桥moving bridge
动桥traversing bridge
动桥跨movable span
动梯movable ladder
动楼梯movable stair
动楼梯moving stair
动模板moving shuttering
动模板traveling form
动模板trave ling shuttering
动模板moving form
动端movable end
动脚手架movable scaffold
动脚手架traveling framework
动荷载movable load
动跨movable span
动钢模板collapsible steel shuttering
性蒙脱土activate montmorillonite
movable load
live load
载作用于涵洞上的水平压力horizontal pressure acted on culvert due to live load
载作用于涵洞上的竖向压力vertical pressure acted on culvert due to live load
载储备系数coefficient of reservation of live load
载冲击力live load impact
载、冲击力及恒载的组合combination of live load, impact, and dead load
载冲击系数factor of impact of live load
载力矩live load moment
载压力强度intensity of compression of live load
载土压力earth pressure due to live load
载应力live load stress
载水平压力live load horizontal pressure
载的换算均布荷载equivalent uniformly-distributing load of live load
载竖向压力live load vertical pressure
载超载压力live load surcharge pressure
特种special live load
垃圾domestic refuse
垃圾domestic garbage
直升式动桥vertical lift bridge
短期short term live load
竖向vertical live load
竖向静vertical static live load
等代equivalent live load
计算载对涵洞的竖向压力和水平压力vertical and horizontal pressure acted on culvert due to computing live load
设计design live-load
轻便动桥portable bridge
远景荷载forward live load
远景荷载prospective live load
铁路列车竖向vertical live load of railway train
铁路标准载的换算均布活载conversion uniformly distributing live load of standard live load of railway
铰接动支座hinged movable bearing
长期long duration live load
长期long-term live load
static live load