
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
动账inactive dormant account
动账户dormant account
跃市场thin market
专案task group activity
业务operational activities
业务operation action
交易brisk trade
英格兰银行从"前门"进行公开市场业务"at the front door"
英格兰银行从后门进行公开市场业务at the back front door
英格兰银行从"后门"进行公开市场业务"at the back door"
偿还技术合作动资助费用reimbursement of support of technical cooperation activities
公开市场业务open market operations
公开市场干预open market interventions
兼并merger activity
减少进口对经济动的影响effect of lessened imports on economic activity
初级期存款primary demand deposit
原始动率crude activity rate
参加经济动人口economically active population
参加经济动人口active population
发起promotional activities
各国生水平比较international comparison of levels of living
证券投机中的哄抬价格bull operations
商品化的经济monetized economic activities
国际international activities
国际货币基金组织IMF jargon
增业Make-Work Activities
节后的星期一英国银行休业日Easter Monday
大规模广告促销advertising campaign
小额期存款petty cash deposit
市场brisk trade
市场业务market operation
广泛动的工业谈判磋商industry wide bargaining
投机speculative investment
抛售...... 的投机speculate against
抢购..... 的投机speculate on
按生费用自动调整工资cost-of-living escalator
最低限度生水平minimum standard of living
未参加经济动人口inactive population
未参加经济动人口economically inactive population
洋务westernized enterprises
动上下限movable band
动分析active analysis
动平价mobile parity
动性酵母active yeast for bakers
动汇率movable rate
动物live animal
动率activity rate
动的国际资本mobile international capital
动经费预算operating budget
动资产active assets
动资本active capital
due on demand
期借款利息interest on calls
期借贷帐户working account
期存单demand certificate
期存款current deposit
期存款deposit liquid savings
期存款checking account
期存款账户current account
期抵押放款call loans secured
期放款demand loan
期放款及透支demand loans and overdrafts
期放款市场call market
期贷款call loan
期贷款利率rate of call
期贷款市场call money market
期透支overdraw (overdrawn)
牲畜保险livestock insurance
牲畜运输Carriage of livestock (live animals)
牲畜运输保险livestock transit insurance
跃产品dynamic product
跃人物dynamic personage
跃的市场active market
跃的股票active stock
跃的需求buoyant demand
跃股piece of the action
跃股票active stock
跃证券active securities
跃部门dynamic sector
页分户账loose-leaf ledger
页分类账loose-leaf ledger
页票leaflet ticket
页簿loose-leaf book
页账簿loose-leaf accounting book
派生性期存款derived demand deposit
关税flexible tariff
平台living quarters platform for
工资只够生活的最低工资living wages
水平level of living
津贴subsistence allowance
补助subsistence allowance
subsistence expenses
subsistence cost
费用指数cost of living index
资料means of subsistence
社会信贷social credit movement
稳定股票市场价格的业务operations for stabilizing the stockmarket price
管理management activities
动率crude activity rate
经济economic activity
经营management activities
职业性occupational activities
计划评审法网络的动分析activity analysis in PERT net work
证券交易投机manipulation on stock exchange
谋生earn one’s bread (or one’s living)
质量管理小组quality control circle activity
贷款lending activity
资金筹集fund raising activities
边际marginal activities
闲置的期存款idle demand deposit
非商用通uncommercial call