
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
低比LSA-1非裂变的或预计裂变的放射性物质radioactive material, low specific activity LSA-1 non-fissile or fissile-excepted (UN 2912)
入级classification activities
区域内activities in the area
半潜式生平台semi-submersible accommodation platform
国际海事International maritime activities
国际海事卫星组织的公务空间段INMARSAT space segment
国际防止生污水污染证书International sewage pollution prevention certificate
圆顶dome head piston
在使用性物质或制剂方面的实质相似substantially similar in relation to use of an active substance or preparation
家居生污水生活废弃物domestic wastes
对向对置活塞opposed pistons
对置塞内燃机opposed-piston internal combustion engine
拆装塞环的钳子piston ring pliers
振动塞式取样管shock piston type corer
操纵灵handling facility
未经处理的生污水untreated sewage
动仪器的接地装置earthing device for portable instrument
动厕所simple toilet
动式海底生物呼吸测量器free vehicle respirometer
动拦杆柱detachable rail stanchion
动栏杆collapsible railing
动桌面板folding flat
动梯步feathering tread
动矩形窗opening square window
动舷窗opening side scuttle
动踏脚板folding step board
塞冷却泵活塞冷却液泵piston cooling pump
塞加油法piston oiling
塞坏对口间隙piston ring end clearance
塞套管piston boss
塞孔piston eye
塞平均速度piston mean speed
塞底泵扫气piston underside pump scavenging
塞式制冷压缩机reciprocating refrigeration compressor
塞式扫气泵piston type scavenging pump
塞式阀piston valve
塞水冷却器piston water cooler
塞环端面间隙piston ring side clearance
塞环结胶piston ring sticking
塞运动速度velocity of piston
塞销杆销,十字头销,轴头销gudgeon pin
性区格子core cage
性有机物viable organisms
性物质和配制品的数据集data-set for active substances and preparations
桨叶feathering paddle
节接合球形接合spherical joint
鱼舱wet well
鱼运输船live fish carrier
鲜鱼运输船carrier for fresh fish
activation zone
球面弯头管接spherical elbow union
accommodation areas
平台accommodation vessel
污水储存舱污水柜,粪便柜sewage tank
污水处理sewage treatment
污水处理daily sewage treatment
污水处理系统sewage disposal system
污水处理舱sewerage treatment space
污水处理装置sewage disposal unit
污水处理装置sewage treatment plant
污水处理装置daily sewage treatment unit
污水排射器sewage ejector
污水管理程序sewage management procedure
污水管理计划sewage management plan
污水粉碎和消毒系统sewage comminuting and disinfecting system
污水系统sewage system
用水系统domestic water system
质量指数life quality index
筒型塞柴油机trunk piston type diesel engine
筒形塞柴油机trunk piston type diesel
级差differential motion piston
组合combination piston
自动识别系统 AIS 目标的激activation of an AIS target
航行动记录records of navigational activities
船到船ship to ship STS activity
船/港界面ship/port interface
补偿平衡compensating piston
被激的自动识别系统 AIS 目标activated AIS target
起重生平台lifting accommodation platform
过俭朴生haul in one's sails
重力塞式取样管gravity piston type corer
防止生污水污染证书sewage pollution prevention certificate
鱼运输船fresh and live fish vessel