
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
他在美国呆了五天,拜访杉矶的客户He spent 5 days in the U.S.A., visiting the clients in Los Angles
克斐勒基金Rockefeller Foundation
美国克菲勒基金会Rockefeller Foundation
希尔银行Banque Rothschild
Lausanne (瑞士城市)
桑会议the Lausanne Conference
桑会议Lausanne Conference
桑学派the Lausanne school
桑学派Lausanne School
Lome (多哥首都)
美公约Lome Convention
欧洲共同市场优待亚非拉某些国家贸易的美协定Lome Convention
蒙特卡Monte Carlo (摩纳哥城市)
蒙特卡模拟法Monte Carlo Simulation
蒙特卡Monte Carlo Method (一种预示结果的统计检验法)
蒙特卡近似法Monte Carlo approximation
这批货先由铁路发送至上海,再用船运抵杉矶The goods will be sent by rail to Shanghai and then by ship to Los Angeles
阿古agora (以色列辅币,= 1/100 镑)
马斯的需要层次Maslow's hierarchy of needs
马斯需要分类理论Maslow's need hierarchy theory