
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一切海运输及战争险all marine and war risks
不定期远货船ocean tramp
关于海科学的非正式协商和谈判小组informal consultation and negotiating group on marine scientific research
关于防止从船舶和飞机上倾卸垃圾污染海的公约1972.2.15Convention for the Prohibition of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ship and Aircraft
的股票加拿大太平铁路股票Canadian Pacific RaHway Co.
包装不能适应海运输需要insufficiently packed for ocean voyage
包装不足,不适海航行insufficiently packed for ocean voyage
北大西共同体North Atlantic Community
北大西North Atlantic Coast
北大西自由贸易区North Atlantic Free Trade
北太平铁路Northern Pacific Railroad
1959 年 国际东北大西渔业公约《国际条约集》1958 ~ 1959年;P. 409; 1959年 1 月 24 0International Convention for the North East Atlantic Fisheries
国际养护大西金枪鱼公约1966年International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
1952 年国际北太平公海渔业公约International Convention for the High Seas Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean
国际海开发理事会公约Convention for the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
国际海maritime international law
夕卜轮船ocean liner
航海船foreign going vessel
航路foreign going course
沿海国oceanic coastal state
大西共同体拉美开发团投资公司Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin America Investment Company
大西自由贸易区Atlantic Free Trade Area
大西航路Atlantic line
太平地区经济合作委员会Pacific Basin Economic Co-operation Committee
太平地区贸易及发展会议Conference for Pacific Trade and Development
太平沿岸诸港Pacific Coast ports
太平经济圈设想idea of Pacific Economic Sphere
太平西行班轮公会Pacific West Bound Conference
太平远东轮船公司Pacific Far East Lines
太平邮船公司PMSS Pacific Mail Steamship Company
1936 年美国海货物运输法Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936 USA
1924 年英国海货物运输法规Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924 UK
务活动westernized enterprises
务派"Westernization" group
务运动westernization movement
菇罐头canned mushrooms
foreign firms
货进口import foreign goods
主权maritime sovereignty
区域marine and ocean space
及铁道ocean and rail
国家maritime power
国家maritime state
提单marine bill of lading, ocean bill of lading
提单ocean bill of lading
sea right
法会议conference on law of the sea
生物资源living marine resources
盆地ocean basin
管理局maritime administration
自由mare liberum
货轮sea-going freighter
货运保险cargo marine insurance
贸易ocean commerce
运输sea carriage
运输ocean shipping
运输ocean transport
运输carriage by sea
.海运输保险ocean transportation insurance
运输保险ocean transportation insurance
运输保险maritime transportation insurance
运输保险marine insurance
运输保险法marine insurance law
运输公司ocean shipping company
运输货物保险ocean marine cargo insurance
运输险条件marine insurance conditions
风险risk and perils of the sea
联合国亚洲及太平经济和社会委员会United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia & the Pacific Escap
联合国亚洲和太平经济社会委员会亚太经社会United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
联合国海法会议UN Conference on the law of the sea
船运和海运费率工作队Working Party on shipping and Ocean Freight Rates
英联邦太平航空公司British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines, Ltd.
行驶外ocean going
散装货轮ocean-going bulk cargo carrier
渔业pelagian fishery
班轮ocean liner
航路foreign going course
船只载运的驳船barge carried on ocean-going ship
船舶oceangoing vessel
船舶ocean vessel
船舶ocean going vessel
货轮sea-going freighter
贸易ocean trade
sea-going vessel (ship)
轮船ocean steamer
运费率ocean freight rate
运输ocean shipping
运输ocean carriage
适于长途海运输suitable for long distance ocean transportation
运河trans-oceanic canal
运河transoceanic canal
运河interoceanic canal
通往海access to the sea
集中海运输货物aggregation of marine cargoes