
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing | all forms
中国东邻太平China is bounded by the Pacific on the east
国家海气象管理局National-Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
本文建议使用爆破气体释放标准以保护海哺乳动物、并介绍了在水下施工爆破邻近区域探测海洋哺乳动物的优选方法blast emission criteria are recommended for the protection of marine mammals, a preferred method described far the detection of marine mammals in the vicinity of underwater construction blasting,in this paper
水下爆破对海生物的潜在影响potential impacts of underwater blasting on marine life
流能energy of ocean current
大地测量利用人造卫星及其他导航定位系统对海洋进行的大地测量,主要包括在海洋范围内建立大地控制网、进行重力测量、海面和水下定位以及测定海洋平均海面等marine geodetic survey
工程地质研究与海岸、近海工程建设有关的地质问题的学科marine engineering geology
测绘以海洋水体和海底为对象所进行的测量。主要包括:海洋大地测量、海底地形测量、海道测量、海洋专题测量和海图编绘等marine surveying and mapping
测绘学研究海洋定位、测定海洋大地水准面和平均海面、海底和海面地形、海洋重力、磁力、海洋环境等自然和社会信息的地理分布以及编制各种海图的理论和技术的学科marine surveying and charting
energy from the sea
爆前海生物探测和监测pre-detonation detection and monitoring of marine creatures
肺部大出血引起的窒息可能是海哺乳动物死于水下冲击波的主要原因Suffocation caused by lung haemorrhage is likely to be the major cause of marine mammal death from underwater shock waves
这里包括减轻水下爆破对海生物的负面影响所采取的亠些措施Included here are a number of measures to mitigate the adverse environmental effects of underwater blasting on marine creatures
深海区abyssal pelagic area