
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
中国浦港Yangpu Harbor, China
中国远物流公司COSCO Logistics
俄罗斯远东海轮船公司Far-Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd
全国海学协会National Oceanography Association
加拿大海学数据中心Canadian Oceanographic Data Center
北京远国际货运公司Beijing Int'l Ocean-freight Co.
北大西联盟North Atlantic Alliance
南京远运输股份有限公司Nanjing Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd
印度航区navigation area of the Indian Ocean
国家海学委员会National Committee on Oceanography
国际全球海观测站系统international global ocean station system
国际海科学咨询委员会International Advisory Committee on Marine Science
国际海科学组织International Organization on Marine Science
国际海站系统international global ocean station system
多功能巡multiactivity cruiser
大型巡large cruiser
大西开发委员会Atlantic Development Board
大西海洋学与气象学实验室Atlantic oceanographic and MeTeorological Laboratory
大西海洋学实验室Atlantic Oceanographic Laboratory
大西港湾研究学会Atlantic Estuarine Research Society
大西航区Atlantic navigation area
太平危险海域danger area in the Pacific
太平夏季时Pacific daylight time
太平航区navigation area of the Pacific Ocean
太平船务中国有限公司Pacific International Lines China Ltd
宁波远运输有限公司Ningbo Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd
定期远船运费ocean liner freight
定期远船运费率ocean liner rate
导弹轻型巡guided missile light cruiser
导弹重型巡guided missile heavy cruiser
舰型船尾结构图cruiser stern constructional drawing
舰改装的布雷艇cruiser minelayer
广州远运输公司Guangzhou Ocean Sipping Company
广西防城港市海运输公司Guangxi Fangcheng Port Ocean Shipping Co.
战列巡battle cruiser
扬州大造船有限公司私营企业Yangzhou Dayang Shipbuilding Company Limited
扬州大造船有限公司Yangzhou Dayang Shipbuilding Company Limited
指挥巡command cruiser
新加坡太平船务有限公司Pacific International Lines Ltd
新加坡太平船务有限公司Pacific International Lines Ltd, Singapore
日本海学资料中心Japanese Oceanographic Data Center
核动力导弹巡nuclear power guided missile cruiser
核动力导弹巡nuclear-power guided missile cruiser
核动力巡nuclear-powered cruiser
横渡大西航线transatlantic line
横渡太平航线transpacific line
江苏远运输公司Jiangsu Ocean Shipping Co.
河北远运输有限公司Hebei Ocean Transport Co., Ltd
法国大西船厂Atlantic Shipyard, France
法国造船企业大西船厂Atlantic Shipyard
苏木Jamaica wood
专用调查船oceanographic research vessel for single purpose
专用调研船oceanographic research vessel for single purpose
动力学和船舶研究所Maritime Dynamics and Ship Laboratory
地质调研船marine geological research vessel
大气腐蚀marine atmospheric corrosion
学和海洋生物研究所Institute of Oceanography and Marine Biology
学统筹委员会Interagency Committee on Oceanography
开发船marine development vessel
技术委员会Commission on Marine Technology
救生艇ocean lifeboat
数据中心Oceanographic Data Center
气象委员会Commission of Marine Meteorology
联合国世界气象组织气象研究咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Oceanic Meteorological Research
水文气象调查船marine hydrometeorological research vessel
水文气象调研船marine hydrometeorological research vessel
水文深度记录仪oceanographic depth recorder
测量船marine surveying vessel
生物调研船marine biological research vessel
监视船ocean surveillance ship
研究中心Oceanographic Research Center
研究和开发委员会Commission for Research and Development
研究咨询组advisory group on ocean research
研究所Ocean Research Institute
科学与工程研究委员会Commission on Marine Science and Engineering Research
科学中心Marine Science Center
科学、工程与资源委员会Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resource
科学研究所Institute of Oceanographic Science
综合调研船oceanographic research vessel for multipurpose
考察船oceanographic research ship
调查和开发用船ship for oceanographic research and development use
调查船oceanographic research vessel
调研船oceanographic research ship
调研船oceanographic research vessel
联合国粮食与农业组织资源研究咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research
钻井船marine drilling ship
钻井辅助船marine drilling tender
间运河研究委员会Interocean Canal Study Commission
海军海技术研究所Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment
澳大利亚远货船Australia oceangoing cargo-ship
现有远船吨位existing oceangoing tonnage
现有远船吨位existing ocean-going tonnage
珠海北轮船有限公司Zhuhai Beiyang Shipping Co., Ltd
《美国1936 年海货物运输法》Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936, U.S.A.
美国大型巡large cruiser
美国太平舰队United States Pacific Fleet
美国海学会American Society of Oceanography
美国海学会American Institute of Oceanography
航行通过印度navigating through the Indian Ocean
航行通过大西navigating through the Atlantic Ocean
航行通过太平navigating through the Pacific Ocean
英国国家海学研究委员会British National Committee for Oceanographic Research
英国海学研究委员会British National Committee for Oceanographic Research
英国海工业协会Association of British Oceanic Industries
英国海当局British oceanic authority
轻型导弹巡guided missile light cruiser
客货轮ocean passenger-cargo ship
救助拖轮rescue ocean tug
油轮oceangoing tanker
oceangoing ship
船吨位ocean-going ship tonnage
船吨位oceangoing ship tonnage
船吨位oceangoing tonnage
船碰撞collision between seagoing vessels
船舶保险ocean-going ship insurance
货船ocean-going cargo ship
货轮oceangoing cargo ship
辅助拖轮auxiliary ocean tug
运费ocean freight
运输ocean trans
通过大西航行navigating through the Atlantic Ocean
重型导弹巡guided missile heavy cruiser
重庆太平国际货物运输代理有限公司Chong Qing Pacific Ocean International Freight Co., Ltd
重庆太平国际货物运输代理有限公司Chongqing Pacific Ocean Int'1 Freight Co., Ltd
重庆太平国际货物运输代理有限公司Chongqing Pacific Ocean Intz 1 Freight Co., Ltd
防空巡anti-aircraft cruiser
韩国大宇造船和海工程责任有限公司Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Company Limited, South Korea
香港中国海豪华邮轮有限公司旅游船China Ocean Deluxe Cruises Limited, Hongkong
香港太平海南邮轮有限公司旅游船Pacific Cruises Hainan Ltd, Hongkong
高级海工程实验室advanced ocean engineering laboratory
高级的海工程实验室Advanced Ocean Engineering Laboratory
高速巡high speed cruiser