
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一切海运输险all marine risk
不定期远货船ocean tramp (轮)
中国海石油总公司China National Offshore Oil Corporation
中国远运输公司China Ocean Shipping Company
中央太平矿产公司Central Pacific Minerals
临时海适航证书interim seaworthiness certificate
亚洲及太平农村综合发展中心Centre of Intergrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific
联合国亚洲及太平经济社会委员会Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
联合国亚洲太平地区经济与社会委员会Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific
加拿大太平石油与天然气公司Canadian Pacific Oil and Gas
包装不适应远运输insufficiently packed for ocean voyage
北大西承包商North Atlantic Contractor
北大西承包商no account
国际民航组织派出的北大西气候观测船weather ship
国际海保险联合会International Union of Marine Insurance
刊名国际造船业与海工程Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering International
大西共同体拉美开发集团投资公司Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin America Investment Company
大西航线the Atlantic line
大西诸港Atlantic coast ports
太平地区经济合作理事会Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
太平有限公司在该国拥有几家最大的百货公司Pacific Ltd. owns a few of the largest department stores in that country
太平标准时指美国和加拿大西部太平洋沿岸地区采用的标准时,比格林威治时间晚 8 小时Pacific Standard Time P. S. T
太平沿岸各港口Pacific coast ports
美国太平海岸诸港Pacific coast ports
太平盆地经济理事会Pacific Basin Economic Council
太平经济合作集团Pacific Economic Cooperation Group
美国, 洛杉矶、旧金山太平股票交易所Pacific Stock Exchange
太平资源公司Pacific Resources Inc.
美国安全太平国民银行Security Pacific National Bank
1936年美国海货物运输法Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936, USA
1924年英国海货物运输法规Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924, UK
日本海盆地经济合作带Japan Sea Basin economic cooperation zone
NATO 是北大西公约组织的缩写NATO is the abbreviation of North Atlantic Treaty Organization
上层带epipelagic zone
保险合同contract of marine insurance
区域the marine and ocean space
收入maritime revenue
污染防止法marine pollution prevention law
maritime law
生物marine life
自由freedom of the sea
资源marine resourse
运输the sea carriage
运输货物保险marine cargo insurance
运输货物保险条款ocean marine cargo clause
钻井the offshore drilling
环太平国家Pacific Rim countries
由于信赖大西公司有能力满足并履行我方的各项经营要求,我们选定该公司为我方在美国的代理We have selected Atlantic Company as our agent in U.S.A. in reliance upon its ability to meet and fulfil our operating requirements
联邦太平银行Federal Pacific Banking Corporation
西western world
西the western world
西北太平Pacific Northwest (航线)
西南太平Pacific southwest (航线)
local steamer
运输short range ocean transportation
an oceangoing area
巨轮large oceangoing ship
快轮ocean greyhound
捕鱼long-range fishing
海运提单ocean bill of lading
渔业deep-sea fishing
渔业国家distant fishing state
渔业大国distant fishing power
航线ocean lane
航运the ocean shipping
船上的载驳船a barge carried on ocean-going ship
货轮sea-going ship
货轮ocean going vessel
货轮an oceangoing freighter
轮船an ocean steamer
载驳承运人an oceangoing barge carrier
运输the ocean shipping
运输保险ocean shipping insurance
运输率ocean freight rate
运输船an oceangoing barge carrier
适合海运输的包装packing suitable for ocean
适合长途海运输suitable for long distance ocean transportation
通向出入access to the sea
非洲、加勒比和太平地区国家集团Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific Region Countries