
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
direct pouring
downhill teeming
direct teeming
pour from top
cast from the top
pour from the top
direct casting
top teeming
top pouring
top pour
cast from top
direct casting process
direct pouring process
top teeming process
top-pour ingot
bottom running
cast from bottom
pour from bottom
bottom pour
trumpet pouring
cast from the bottom
uphill teeming
cast uphill
bottom teeming
bottom pour
bottom pour mould
底板bottom pouring plate
扁锭bottom poured slab ingot
盛钢桶bottom teeming ladle
盛钢桶bottom pouring ladle
bottom poured steel
bottom run steel
钢包bottom pouring ladle
bottom-pour ingot
不间断浇uninterrupted casting
式铸centre-run mould
centre-run mould
centre pot
centre runner
central runner
feed trumpet
guide tube (砖)
管砖fountain brick
管砖centre runner brick (下注用)
管砖central runner brick
管集中浇注法hen and chickens method
中心riser gate
中间包tundish stream
中间包stream from tundish
中间包流保护tundish stream shrouding
中间包流保护stream shrouding of tundish
中间包流形状tundish stream shape
中间包流错位tundish stream misalignment
中间包流错位misaligned tundish stream
中间包与结晶器间的流保护stream shrouding from tundish to mold
中间包与结晶器间的流保护stream shrouding between tundish and mold
中间包低液位浇pouring at low tundish level
中间包初始initial filling of tundish
中间包浇tundish casting
中间包浇tundish pouring
中间包浇basket pouring
中间包浇位置pouring position of tundish
中间包浇位置tundish cast position
中间包浇位置casting position of tundish
中间包至结晶器tundish-to-mold stream
中间包至结晶器stream from tundish to mold
中间包至结晶器流保护系统tundish-to-mold stream shrouding system
中间包至结晶器流保护系统stream shrouding system from tundish to mold
中间包钢水tundish steel stream
中间包钢水steel stream from tundish
中间包钢水流控制control of steel stream from tundish
中间浇intermediate pouring vessel
中间罐浇basket pouring
浇口vertical gate
事故浇emergency casting stand
传递模,压transfer mould
低流量low flow rate stream
低流量low flow rate strand
低浇速度注流low casting rate stream
低温快high-speed pouring at low temperature
低温浇low temperature pouring
低过热度浇low superheat casting (【技】即钢水在较低过热度情况下进行的浇注。采用低过热度浇注,钢水凝固过程加快,可使拉坯速度提高10% ~ 15% ,使中心偏析和中心疏松减轻。)
倾动铸型tilt pouring casting
倾动浇tilt pouring casting
倾斜浇tilt pouring casting
偏离中心的off-center stream
冷结teeming arrest
冷结teeming arrest
线filling mark
光滑的圆柱形smooth and cylindrical stream
光滑致密的钢水smooth and dense steel stream
全程保护浇fully shrouded casting
全程保护浇completely shrouded casting
八角形钢锭浇octagon ingot area
兰兹珠光体铸铁浇Lanz-pearlite process
inner nozzle
内层浇速度pouring rate into inner layer
内层浇速度inner layer pouring rate (【技】在复合钢板坯连铸中,形成复合钢板坯内层钢水的浇注速度。)
分子离子束喷molecular ion beam injection
分散浇口multipoint injection
刚玉浇耐火corundum castable refractory (【技】以刚玉为骨料和粉料另加结合剂所制成的耐火浇注料。结合剂采用纯铝酸钙水泥、铝溶胶或铝硅溶胶等材料。此类浇注料比高铝浇注料和莫来石浇注料具有更高的强度和耐磨蚀等功能,但耐热震性稍差,主要用于高炉热风炉、加热炉、锅炉等工业炉窑的内衬。)
创造连续浇炉数新记录establish new record of sequence length
初始initial filling
前一炉正在浇的异钢种钢水old grade of steel being cast (In the grade change operation, the tundish containing the old grade of steel being cast is first emptied to a certain depth before pouring the new grade from the ladle. 变钢种操作时,在由钢包浇人下一炉异钢种钢水前,首先将盛有上一炉正在浇注钢种钢水的中间包排空到一定深度。)
套节filling socket
加速钢锭浇accelerated pouring of steel ingot
半门式浇semigantry pouring car
单包浇single-ladle cast
单辊平面流浇single-roll planar flow casting process
卡斯帕松中间罐多流Caspersson's method
卡斯帕松中间罐多流浇Caspersson's method
pressure pouring process
shot cylinder
injection cylinder
压力浇pressured teeming
压力浇pressure pouring process
压力箱保护浇pressure box shrouding pouring
压铸模,射塑模injection mould
合成渣浇synthetic casting
向下流动的钢水downflowing steel stream
吹人流的氩气argon injected into stream
lip-pour ladle
lip-pour ladle
lip-pour ladle
圆柱形cylindrical stream
均匀uniform stream
pit teeming (法)
pit teeming
垂直浇perpendicular pouring
垂直电磁浇vertical electromagnetic casting
复合材料浇composite material casting
复合浇composite pouring
复合浇composite casting
外层钢水浇速度outer layer molten steel pouring rate (【技】在复合钢板坯连铸时,形成复合钢板坯外层钢水的浇注速度。)
外层钢水浇速度liquid steel pouring rate into outer layer
多级逆流倾洗涤multistep countercurrent decantation
定向凝固浇unidirectional solidification pouring (【技】钢锭凝固过程中的热流方向呈一维或近似一维且与金属凝固方向相反的浇注工艺。由于金属的凝固是单方向的,故亦称单向凝固浇注。)
定向凝固浇teeming of one-way solidification
实验浇pilot casting
小浇pony ladle
小车浇buggy casting
少数载流子injection of minority carriers
层流laminar stream
带节流口的浇系统choked runner system
平面流浇planar flow casting process (一种单辊连铸法,用于生产薄带钢)
应急浇emergency casting stand
cast uphill
indirect pouring
pour from bottom
uphill casting
bottom casting (Bottom casting refers to a method of casting in which the molten metal enters the mould at the bottom by means of runners. 底注指的是液态金属经过浇道从锭模底部流人锭模的浇注方法。)
uphill teeming
uphill pouring
rising pouring
indirect teeming
indirect casting
cast from bottom
bottom teeming
bottom running
bottom pour
柱塞式浇包stopper ladle
式浇包bottom tap ladle
式浇口bottom gate
式钢包bottom tap ladle
式钢包bottom pour ladle
式铸钢桶bottom tap ladle
扁锭bottom poured slab ingot
bottom pouring method
uphill casting
盛钢桶bottom pour ladle
盛钢桶bottom pouring ladle
盛钢桶Bessemer ladle
装置holloware (中注管、底板等)
设备holloware (中注管、底板等)
bottom run steel
bottom poured steel
铸型bottom pour mold
铸型bottom pour mould
铸造bottom casting
bottom-poured ingot
锭模bottom pour mold
锭设备ingot bottom pouring facilities
锭设备ingot bottom pouring equipment
开式浇open casting
开式浇open cast
恒速浇constant-speed pouring
成盘浇用底板group teeming stool
成盘浇用底板group teeming bottom plate
手工浇hand ladling
扩大的浇enlarged pouring region (漏斗形结晶器的)
敞口浇open-poured steel
敞开浇open pouring
敞开浇操作open pouring operation
敞开浇时间open pouring time
敞开浇的注流free-pouring stream
敞开浇open-poured steel
整体浇内衬的钢包ladle with monolithic poured lining
普通起重机式浇plain crane truck ladle
poured short
杜威勒翻转浇Durville pouring
杜威勒翻转浇Durville process
杜威勒翻转浇Durville pouring
格里芬低压浇Griffin process
正在浇的钢水steel being cast
正在浇的钢水质量quality of steel being cast
正常浇normal pouring stage
气体gas injection
气压浇混凝土air placed concrete
气流浇flowing gas casting process (熔模铸造)
氧化铝-碳化硅浇alumina-silicon carbide castable refractory (【技】以刚玉或矶土、碳化硅为主要原料,掺加超微粉、结合剂和外加剂配制而成的耐火浇注料。它具有耐铁水和熔渣的侵蚀、抗冲刷能力强、体积稳定性和抗热震稳定性好等特点,主要用于高炉出铁沟和渣沟的砌筑。)
氩气保护浇argon shrouded pouring
氩气保护的Ar-shrouded stream
氩气保护的argon shrouded stream
水平浇horizontal casting
水平浇horizontal casting machine
水平电磁浇horizontal electromagnetic casting
水泥整体浇monolithic castable cement
入法mercury intrusion method
水淬法pit granulation
水淬渣pit-granulated slag
炉渣粒化pit granulation
粒渣pit-granulated slag
流人incoming stream
流人inlet stream
流人incoming melt stream
中断termination of casting
中断pouring interruption
中间包pouring tundish
位置cast position
位置pouring position
作业pouring pit practice
准备工作pouring preparation
socket cup
pouring pot
pouring region (A funnel mold is a continuous steel casting mold with an enlarged pouring region in the top center area of the cavity, which facilitates insertion of a submerged entry nozzle (SEN) for filling the cavity with molten steel (Figure 1). 漏斗形结晶器是一种连续铸钢用结晶器,在它的内腔上部中心区有一个扩大的浇注区,以便浸人式水口 (SEN) 插人,将钢水注人(结晶器)内腔(图 1)。)
半径casting radius
参数pouring parameter (【技】控制浇注操作、保证钢锭质量的浇注操作要素,主要有镇静时间、注温、注速等。)
lip feeder
pouring hole
cast tuyere
pouring stand
casting stand
teeming table
teeming table
casting stand
周期pouring cycle
pouring lip
场地pouring floor
场地casting floor
teeming pit
pouring pit
pouring pad (中间包的)
casting pad
pour plug
套箱pouring jacket
pouring hole
green hole
实践teeming practice
密度poured density
ladle stopper man
工段teeming department
工段teeming floor
工段pouring station
工艺teeming process
工艺pouring process
工艺casting process
巴比合金cast-on white metal
平台pouring platform
平台teeming stage
底板 casting plate
底板 casting bottom
底板casting bottom
成品率casting yield
折叠teeming lap
披缝casting fin
操作teeming operation
操作pouring operation
方向casting direction
方法pouring procedure
时间pouring time
时间duration of pouring
时间teeming time
时间casting time
时间比casting time ratio
末期final teeming stage
末期final pouring phase
casting machine
条件teeming condition
条件pouring condition
casting plate
栈桥casting bridge
foundry ladle
pouring pot
teeming ladle
pouring ladle
charging launder
水口pouring nozzle (However, the operating experience with the electric ladle preheater has not indicated any problem with inadequate heating of the ladle bottom as evidenced by solidified steel or difficulty in opening the pouring nozzle. 然而,使用钢包电能预热器的操作经验尚未显示出任何可以证明与钢包底部加热不足有关的问题,如钢水凝固或浇注水口难于打开等。)
teeming process
pouring method
casting process
法:浇注过程pouring process
casting slip
混凝土depositing concrete
温度pouring temperature
温度pour point
温度teeming temperature
温度pouring point
温度casting temperature
漏斗sprue cup
pouring gang
pouring gang
pouring crew
用盛钢桶teeming ladle
用耐火材料pouring refractory
用耐火材料pouring pit refractory
用耐火材料casting-pit refractory
用钢包pouring ladle
用钢包casting ladle
casting nozzle
程序pouring procedure
管废钢sprue-and-runner scrap
pouring box
粉剂casting powder
系统pouring system
系统gating system
线teeming track
线teeming line (【技】锭模内标注金属浇注到达的线。)
pouring crew
终点pouring end
终点end of pouring
缺陷pouring defect
水硬性耐火材料砌块castable refractory block
试验pouring test
pouring bay
casting bay
pouring aisle
teeming bay
跨地面pouring bay floor
跨地面casting bay floor
跨盛钢桶吊车teeming bay ladle crane
跨钢包吊车teeming bay ladle crane
跨钢包吊车pouring bay ladle crane
跨间pouring side
pouring car
pouring truck
铸锭车间pouring hall
车间pouring hall
轴承合金cast-on white metal
casting roll
过程casting process
过程teeming process
速度rate of casting
速度teeming rate
速度teeming rate
速度casting rate
速度pouring rate (【技】连铸专业的浇注速度指的是单位时间内连铸机浇注的钢水重量。而连铸专业的拉坯速度 (casting speed 或 cast speed) 指的是单位时间内连铸机拉出的铸坯长度。二者既有区别,又有联系,其相互关系为:浇注速度 = 钢水比重 × 铸坯横截面积 × 拉坯速度。对于铸坯横截面积不同的连铸机,其浇注速度快并不一定说明其拉坯速度也快。)
速度teeming speed
速度casting speed
速度控制control over pouring rate
速率rate of casting
速率rate of pouring
速率casting rate
重皮teeming lap
重皮single lap
金属与锭模的接触cast metal/mould contact
钢水分析pit analysis
钢水分析pit analysis
钢水分析cast analysis
高度pouring height (到锭模的)
高度pour height
高度pouring elevation
漏斗形浇funnel-shaped casting area (漏斗形结晶器的)
瀑布式浇cascade teeming
焊接意事项welding precaution
焊料熔钎焊flow brazing
耐火材料cast-fused refractory
耐火材料cast refractory
成形耐火材料cast refractory
耐火材料castable refractory
熔拖浇melt drag process (【技】由美国于上世纪六十年代中期研制成功。主要设备为一旋转的铸轮,通过调节其旋转速度和冷却强度,可以生产规格不同的铸钢带。)
熔融金属浇温度hot metal casting temperature
电子electron bundle
电子electron beam
电子cathode beam
电子electron injection
电子功率管beam power tube
电子四极管beam tetrode
电子electron injection
电子beam tube
电子beam trap
电子束收beam catcher
电渣浇electroslag casting
电磁浇electromagnetic casting
真空浇vacuum teeming
真空浇vacuum casting process
真空浇vacuum pouring
真空浇vacuum casting
VC 真空浇精炼法VC process
真空浇设备vacuum casting plant
真空自动浇系统automatic vacuum ladling system
破记录浇record cast
稳态浇速度steady-state casting rate
等流量equal flowrate stream
等流量equal flowrate strand
等离子体入器plasma injector
等离子束喷plasma beam injection
粉末射成形powder injection molding (【技】将现代塑料注射成形技术引人粉末冶金领域而形成的一门近终形成形新技术,亦称为 PIM 技术。首先将固体粉末与有机粘结剂均匀混合并制成粒状喂料,在加热状态下用注射成形机将其注人模膛内冷凝成形。然后用化学溶解或热分解的方法将成形坯中的粘结剂脱除,最后经烧结致密化得到最终产品。采用该成形技术可以直接制造出具有最终形状的零部件。其产品不仅精度高、组织均匀、性能优异,而且生产成本低,不污染环境。其中粘结剂是粉末注射成形技术的核心。它具有增强粉末流动性和维持坯块形状的两个基本功能,一般由低分子量组元和高分子量组元加上一些必要的添加剂和表面活性剂组成。 PIM 技术现已成功应用于铁基合金、不锈钢、磁性材料、精密合金、高比重合金、金属间化合物、高温合金等。已制备的零部件涉及诸多重要领域,例如汽车零件、医疗器械零件、通信产品零件、电子封装零件、枪械零件、航空航天发动机关键零部件等。)
粉浆浇slurry casting
粉浆浇slip cast
粗糙rough stream (【技】表面粗糙,甚至呈麻花状的注流。暴露在空气中的自由落体钢水注流,表面越粗糙,卷人的空气就越多,二次氧化的程度就越严重,在钢水浇注中应尽量避免。)
粗糙ragged pouring stream
耐火浇砌块castable refractory block
耐酸耐火浇acid-resistant castable refractory (【技】以耐酸的耐火原料为骨料和粉料,以水玻璃为结合剂,加人促硬剂配制而成的,具有抵抗酸和酸性气体的耐火浇注料。)
脉冲氯化钾示踪剂人技术pulse KCl tracer injection technique
foot note
艾德林熔模铝热离心浇Adeline steelmaking process
topping up a casting
back pouring
补充加topping up
表面光滑的stream with smooth surface
表面光滑的smooth surface stream
质量体系审核册制度audit registration system in quality system
超高频电磁浇ultra-high frequency electromagnetic casting
车上底uphill casting on car (法)
车上底uphill casting on cars
逆流倾洗涤法CCD system
包浇时间ladle pouring time
钢包stream from ladle
钢包ladle stream
钢包与中间包间保护浇shrouded pouring between ladle and tundish
钢包浇ladle spout
钢包浇时间pouring time of ladle
钢包浇时间ladle pouring time
钢包钢水steel stream from ladle (The impact pad is designed to disperse the steel stream from the ladle evenly throughout the tundish. 防冲击垫的设计目的是分散钢包钢水注流,使其在中间包内均匀分布。)
钢包钢水ladle liquid steel stream
镁砂浇magnesia castable
镁铝浇magnesia-alumina castable refractory (【技】以 Al₂O₃ 和 MgO 为主要化学成分,可浇注施工的碱性耐火材料,具有优良的化学性能和力学性能,主要用做钢包衬、渣线和中间包挡渣墙以及水口座砖等的材料。)
口砖extended nozzle
静态浇static casting
非等流量unequal flowrate stream
非等流量unequal flowrate strand
top pouring
cast from the top
top teeming
downhill teeming
pour from top
top pour
direct pouring
cast from top
式浇注系统top gating
预定浇温度planned pouring temperature
预定浇温度target casting temperature
预定浇温度planned casting temperature
预浇出钢口袖砖precast taphole sleeve
预留浇future casting bay
预留浇future teeming bay
额定浇时间normal casting time
齿轮倾翻式浇ladle with tipping gear appliance
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