
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
上架公司可以一次注册2 年内债券和股票多次发行的总额shelf registration
于市场commitment to market
中华人民共和国册会计师法Law of PRC on Certified Accountants
中央册系统central registration depository
交易册簿transaction register
交易册系统trade registration system
产权册簿proprietorship register
全球发行稳定价格global offering register of stabilizing actions
公司registration of incorporation
公司company registration
公司册前的合同/协议pre-incorporation contract/agreement
公司册登记证business registration certificate
公司册证incorporation certificate
公司变动册地点move domicile
公司更改册地址change of domicile
标准standard of care
办理销登记手续go through the formalities for the nullification of registration
加倍下理论martingale theory
双重dual registration
发布practicing note
发行人册簿issuer register
只付利息债券registered as to interest only
只付本金债券registered as to principal only
册资产registrable asset
可选择的册服务optional registration service
合伙倒卖joint speculation in securities
合理意义务reasonable care
同步向市场人资金synchronising injections of funds into markets
唯一的册交易董事sole registered dealing director
固定资产registry of fixed assets
国家债券册系统National Saving Stock Register
国际册投资分析师协会Association of Certified International Investment Analysts
国际册财务策划师协会International Association of Registered Financial Planners
在建项目中已人资产assets sunk in projects still under construction
增资前册资本previous capital
增资后册资本capital after expanding
explanatory comment
外资foreign capital injection
一掷hazard of lottery
一掷的措施股市desperate measures
定向册发行targeted registered offerings
屏气凝神视着股市hold breath to watch stock market
巨额giant liquidity
巨额extraordinary write-offs
巨额big bath writeoffs
册债务负担registered charge
册公司registered company
册的竞争做市商registered competitive market maker
册资本金registered capital
销证券retired security
应有的关义务duty of due care
开始initiate coverage
息票册簿coupon register
抵押品collateral register
拒绝refusal of registration
持照人及册机构名称的公布publication of names of licensed persons and registered institutions
推迟shelf registration
提醒您for your attention
放宽办理招股章程relaxation from registration of prospectus
放弃surrender one's registrations
新一轮资金new round of capital influx
无形资产价值的write off of intangibles
暂停册上市shelf listings
暂时吊销suspend a registration
有引人目的增长grow at a respectable pace
有效分公司册证valid branch registration certificate
有效商业册证valid business registration certificate
under registration
册中介机构unlicensed intermediary
册交易商unregistered dealer
册债券海外发行unregistered debt issue offshore
册公司de facto company
册有限公司unincorporated business
册的交易所unregistered exchange
册的公司unregistered company
册股东uncertificated shareholder
册股份unregistered stock
册股份unregistered share
册证券unregistered security
册银行unincorporated bank
日期的支票undated check
日期证券undated security
未经册的交易unregistered dealing
未领股息dividend forfeited
本地册银行locally incorporated bank
本地登记机构册的股份share on local register
杠杆押leveraged bets
查阅册记录inspection of register
招股章程核准authorized registration (prospectus)
核准登记verification notes
正式册成立duly incorporated
法人册记录register of company/corporation
人流动性injecting liquidity
人流动资金injecting liquidity
人资金injection of capital
enter in the register
册二次发行registered secondary offering
册交易registered transaction
册交易商licensed trader
册交易所registered exchange
册交易所场内职员registered floor clerk
册人registered person
册人需缴纳的年费annual fees for licensed persons
册代表licensed representative
册代表快速反映系统纽约证券交易所的计算机通讯系统registered representative rapid response program
册会计师Public Accountant
册会计师incorporated accountant
册会计师协会Institute of Certified Public Accountants
册信托公司registered trust company
册债券registered bond
册公共会计师certified public accountant
册公司licensing company
册公司de jure corporation
册内部审计师chartered internal auditor
册制发行股票前必须申请注册的规定registration system
册制度licensing regime
册和过户费registration and transfer fee
册商品代表registered commodity representative
册商品代表参见 future broker,期货经纪人registered commodity representative
册土地登记证registered land certificate
册地址legal domicile
册地监管home supervision
册地监管机构home supervisor
册地监管机构home regulator
册场内交易商registered floor trader
册场内交易商证券交易所registered competitive trader
册场外交易证券registered over-the-counter securities
册实体registered entity
册庄家registered trader
册延期renewal of registration
册息票债券registered coupon bond
册所有权registered ownership
册手续registration process
册投资咨询师chartered investment counsel
册投资管理顾问certified investment management consultant
册报告向 SEC 申报registration statement
册持有人registered holder
册授权机构披露的财务资料financial disclosure by incorporated authorized institution
册日期recorded date
册日期record date
册期权交易商registered options trader
册期权委托人registered options principal
册机构transfer register
册权registration rights
册核准的放款人licensed lender
册登记牌号listed brand
册登记通知notice of register
册的储备registered reserve
册的场外交易股票registered over-the-counter stock
册的投资代表registered investment representative
册的投资公司registered investment company
册的投资顾问registered investment adviser
册的投资顾问合伙registered investment advisers' partnership
册的招股书registered prospectus
册的经营范围或业务范围registered scope of business
册的财务策划师registered financial planner
册的退休储蓄计划registered retirement savings plan
册程序registration procedures
册管理会计师公会Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
册经纪人registered broker
册股东shareholder of record
册股东owner of record
册股份authorized shares
册股本authorized stock
册股本造市商registered equity market maker
册股票交易所造市商registered equity market maker
册董事registered director
册融资人代表registered financier's representative
册表格registered form
册规定registration requirement
册计划registered scheme
册记名的fully registered
册证券registered securities
册证券交易商存款deposit of a registered dealer
册证券投资分析师certified securities investment analysts
册证券本息分离出售separate trading of registered interest and principal of securities
册证券本息独立交易separate trading of registered interest and principal of securities
册证明certificate of registration
册财务策划师registered financial planner
册财务规划师certified financial planner
册资格registration status
册身份registration status
册选择权责任人registered options principal
册造市商registered competitive market maker
册金融策划师协会Institute of Certified Financial Planners
册金融风险管理师Certificated Financial Risk Manager
册银行licensed bank
意义务duty of care
意义务duty of attention
解备忘录explanatory memorandum
injection of capital
重隐私的大款privacy-fixated tycoon
销债务retirement of debt
销坏账write off bad debts
销股份cancel shares
销股票stock cancellation
销金额amounts written off
特别关贷款special mention loan
特快册服务expedited registration service
特许册会计师协会 eAssociation of Chartered Certified Accountants
特许册会计师协会Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
直线销法direct write-off method
知内情的人下的赌smart money
短期short-term registration
票据明的付款场所domiciliation of an instrument
简易形式的short form registration
纳人被关的范围coverage initiated
缓行shelf registration
美国册会计师协会American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
联邦册银行national bank
联邦免册证券federal covered security
股东share register
股份销缴人资本contributed capital from retirement of capital stock
营销关marketing emphasis
行业赌投资人对某特定行业看好,把赌注压在此行业上,增持其股票,例如看好 IT 行业industry bet
证券registration of securities
证券册持有者registered owner of securities
证券册系统securities register system
谨慎提醒证券市场中bespeak caution
豁免册的投资顾问registered exempt investment adviser
豁免册资格exempt status
财务报告notes to the financial statement
财务报表foot-note to financial statement
财务报表note to financial statement
财务报表附note to financial statement
账目notes to the account
资产assets injection
资产retirement of assets
资本capital injection
资本capital infusion
资本capital influx
资深册期权交易委托人senior registered option principal
违纪吊销disciplinary revocation
连带piggyback registration
连带册权piggyback registration rights
supporting schedule
supplemental disclosures
汇兑条款exchange as per endorsement
需求册权demand registration rights
册持有人non-registered holder
册有限合伙企业private limited partnership
册的交易所unregistered exchange
非居民册的公司non-resident corporation
非常extraordinary write-offs
非正式签irregular indorsement
风险赌risky bets
香港册的中国内地公司Hong Kong-incorporated mainland company
香港联交所册庄家SEHK registered market maker