
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一家公司只有册后才能开业A company shall not open before its incorporation
明日期without date
不可销的租赁a non-cancelable lease
为鼓励外国投资,册手续已简化The procedure of register has been simplified for the purpose of encouraging foreign investment
仅在销保险单时退费cancelling returns only
股票交换清单中removal from (the stock exchange list)
他们必须为公司的册登记采取必要的措施They have to take necessary steps for the incorporation of their company
他提请我们意报表中的一则错误He called our attention to the error in the statement
方便旗籍registration under (flag of convenience)
价目单旁margin of price list
估称registration of business names
余额cancellation of balances of accounts
你们意到纸张价格在飞涨吗?Do you notice that the paper prices are rocketing?
你们应意维持公司的声誉You have to be careful to preserve the company's reputation
你方有日期来信your letter dated
你方可能已意到我们完全有能力满足你方对钢材的需要You may note that we are able to satisfy your requirement for steel
你方必须付给特许商标的册费You must pay the registration fee of the licensed trademark
供应商在明付款时间时必须同时注明为提早付款而给予的折扣Suppliers should specify time of payment together with any discounts for early payment
侵占权明在一份施工现场的土地调查证书上The right of encroachment is given on a certified land survey of the site
全国册银行a national bank
公司设立incorporate (登记)
公开册旗flag of open registry
名单Watch List
兵险销条款war cancellation clause
其他制造商不得使用我方已在专利局正式登记册的商标Our trademark which has been duly registered in the Patent Office shouldn't be used by other manufacturers
册号net register tonnage
册吨位net registered tonnage
账目qualified accounts (即审计员有保留意见的账目)
提单上加盖或添加的批条款superimposed clause
务请意,由于市场价格频繁波动,所有报价有效期仅一周Please note that these quotations are open for a week only because there are frequent fluctuations in the market price
劳埃德商船册年鉴Lloyd's Register Book
参阅附see remarks
变更册事项the alteration on entries in the register
明时间only time noted
商业the commercial registration
商业business registration
商标册处Registry of Business Names
商标册条约Trademark Registration Treaty
商标册条约trade register treaty
商标册证trade-mark license
商标册证书trade-mark registration certificate
商标国际册的国际协定the Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks
商标国际册马德里公约Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks (1891年)
国外册的公司company incorporated abroad
国外册的联营附属公司an affiliate company incorporated abroad
国际频道册委员会International Frequency Registration Board
在留存盈余后标日期dating retained earnings
在裁决书上明理由give reasons for an award
在账单上明"收讫"receipt a bill (或"付清")
a reference column
外国代理商册法Foreign Agents Registration Act
外贸foreign trade register
如你方处于我方地位,无疑亦会与我方一样对那项索赔深为关If you were in our positions, there is no doubt that you would be just as deeply concerned as we are about that claim
如有需要,卖主可在箱上加说明文字The seller can affix indicative information on the case if necessary
如果你方同意我方的安排,请在有"同意并接受"字样下签名If you agree with our arrangement, please sign under the words "Agreed to and accepted"
如果在合同中有明显的矛盾,我们应特别意并加以消除If there is obvious contradiction in the contract, we shall pay special attention and remove it
一掷hazard of lotteries
_掷game of chance
客户总是提醒我们意,所有货物都应妥善包装Clients always ask us to see to it that all the goods are well packed
工序明在节点上的网络图event-on-node diagram
商标registered trade mark
册公司incorporated company
销款项amount written off
销股份retired stock
应有due care
应有的due regard
开业registration of establishment
引 人意的attractive
引人目的事物an eye-grabber
引人目的消费者conspicuous consumers
引起draw attention to
必须在通知中明所遭遇的自然状况The physical conditions encountered should be specified in the notice
册吨gross registered tons
册吨数gross register tonnages
册处general register office
恰当的due diligence
我们意到与贵公司交易往来各方面都很圆满,希望与你方继续发展经常的关系We have noted that dealings with your company are pleasant in every respect and wish to continue developing regular relationship with you
我们意到他们已扩大了业务范围,并设立了出口部We note that they have extended their scope of business, and set up an export department
我们意到目前有一种向内地市场销售的普遍倾向We notice a general trend to sell to inland market
我们十分意顾客的想法We care a lot about what our customers'think
我们已意到顾客偏爱那些位于街角的小商店We have noted the customers' preference for small comer shops
我们必须在当地册商标We must register trademarks locally
我们相信你会特别意合同义务的严肃性We believe that you will pay special attention to the solemnity of contractual obligation
我们相信贵方会特别意货物的包装We trust that you will give special care to the packing of the goods
我方意到你方关于产品质量的看法We note your remarks concerning the quality of the manufactures
我方与你方一样对这笔未清偿款项深为关We are just as deeply concerned as you are about this outstanding amount
我方在上一封信中提醒你方意必须给你们的货物投保失窃险和火险We impressed on you the necessity of insuring your goods against theft and fire in our last letter
我方已在商品清单页边作了We have made notes in the margin of the commodity list
我方确认你方订单上明的交货时间We confirm the delivery time on your order
我方认为必须提醒你方意合同的这一款项We found it necessary to remind you of noticing this section of the contract
手提式投用电脑终端器hand-betting terminal
条款a stamp clause
承运人carrier registration
册先后决定商标所有权制度priority of registration
换发册证书renew registration certificates
提单上加盖或添上的批条款a superimposed clause
提单例外批exceptions noted on the bill of lading
提单批的免责事项exceptions noted on the bill of lading
支票打孔销机cancel ling machine
收回已销的坏账recovery of uncollectible account write-off
收回已销的坏账bad debt collected
no noting
有批的提单foul bill of lading
有批的提单foul mate's receipt
册产品generic product
日期no dated
日期no date
任何日期not dated at all
明任何日期not dated at all
明日期的支票an undated check
明期限的on Trade and Development undated
未被意到not to be noted
本合同未经双方书面同意不得The cancellation of the agreement will not be permitted without the written consent of either party
査账附except for
根据提单批per remarks of bill of lading
此刻,我方愿请你方意议定的条件At this juncture n., we would like to call your attention to the terms agreed upon
比例the prorate cancellation
registry (处)
特许专利代理人chartered patent agent
公司办事处registered office
持照工程师chartered engineer
股票经纪人licensed dealer
册上市申请表registration statement
册代表registered representative
册优先原则priority of registration
册会计师chartered public accountant
册会计师registered accountants
册会计师certified public accountant
册会计师证明的账目certified account
册使用人a registered user
册公证会计师licensed and public accountant
册公证行chartered surveyor
册内部审计员certified internal auditor
货船册净吨位net registered tonnage
册名称registered name
册吨register ton
册吨位the register tonnage
册员a registrar of the register
册员register of the register
美国册商品表示法registered commodity representative
册商标registered trade mark
册场内办事员registered floor clerk
册总吨gross register ton
册总吨gross register tonnage
册总吨gross register ton
册执照书certificate of registration
册测量师chartered surveyor
册登记enter to the register
册的场内交易商registered floor trader
册票据registered paper
册票据registered bill
册股份personal share
册股份registered share
册股票持有人holder of record
册证书registered certificate
册证书registration certificate
册费the registry fee
册资本资产registered assets
册资本the registered capital
册资金registered assets
册银行registered bank for foreign payments
册预算师the chartered quantity surveyor
note (到)
take note of (到)
notice (到)
observe (到)
take notice
nota bene
nota bene (take notice)
表示贸易政策要点意、兴趣、愿望、行动attention, interest, desire, action
意、兴趣、需要、信服、行动和满意attention, interest, desire, conviction, action and satisfaction
意标志a caution mark
意标志a warning mark
意标志a care mark
明付款地点的汇票付款人person named for payment in a domiciled bill
明付款场所的汇票domiciled bill of exchange
明无追索权的出票条款drawing without recourse clause
明无追索权的发票的条款drawing without recourse clause
明理由的仲裁裁决the award containing reasons
期的已获盈余dated earned surplus
解卡comment card
重价格的市场price market
重品质的市场a quality market
重生计的方法livelihood centred approach
charge off...
债务writing off a debt, a claim
销一笔账write off a bad debt
销保单cancellation notice
销保险退费cancelling returns
销债务debt cancellation
销合同cancellation of treaty (条约)
销坏账bad debt written off
销报价cancellation of offer
销期write-off period
销条款cancel-ling clause
销登记nullify one's registration
销登记nullity one’s registration
销章cancellation stamp
销船舶登记derailment of vessel
销船舶的登记the deregistration of a ship
流动资金的the injection of liquidity
效果spillover effect
特别意某事make it one's business
甲方有权提请乙方Party A shall have the right to call to the attenuation of Party B
登记册的记名债券bond registered
票据上明付款场所domiciliation of an instrument
册的商行licensed house
明的票据a noted paper
仲裁裁决明理由give reasons for (an award)
裁决明理由give reasons for (an award)
renewal of registration
美国册会计师协会American Society of Certified Public Accountants
美国册会计师协会American Institute of Certified Public Accountant
美国册会计师学会American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
美国法典United States Code Annotated
美国联邦册银行national bank
联邦册银行券National Bank Note
股东册截止期holder-of-record date
美国国务院发行的背景Background Notes
a foot note
船舶册港a port of registry
船长意事项notice to ship's master
英国劳埃德商船协会所订商船册等级中的第二级AE 1 at Lloyd's
虽然对此事极为意,仍造成不少麻烦,实为抱歉We are regretful to have given you so much trouble through having paid great attention to the matter
设立registration of establishment
证券股票册的必要条件listing requirements
该公司不太关对外贸易This company doesn't pay enough attention to external trade
for your attention
意你方未开出所需的信用证We invite your attention to the fact that you have not yet opened the required L/C
意回示please note and return
意在这些新产品的质量方面不要有任何缺陷Please see to it that there is no defect in the quality of the new products
意我们的付款条件是保兑的、不可撤消的、见票即付的信用证Please note that our terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable and sight L/C
意我方建议对本协议作出修改Please note that we suggest modifications to the agreement
意这两个条款是互相矛盾的Please note that these two clauses are mutually inconsistent
意随后通知caution advised until further notice
意,首批岀口商品的质量代表公司的声誉Please note that the quality of the initial export represents the repute of our firm
请原谅我们没有意到你在2月 21日信中所提之事Please accept our apologies for ignoring what you said in your letter of Feb 21
请报你方最低价并明装船日期及可供数量Please let us know your low quotation with the date of shipment and quantity available
请用信报实盘,并明同业折扣和装运条件Please send us your firm offer by letter indicating trade discount and terms of shipment
财务报表explanatory notes to the financial statement
贵方必须意遵守我方的规章You must pay attention to the observance of our regulations
贵方提出此事引起我们的意,令人欣慰We are pleased that you brought this matter to our attention
资产write off
资产负债表脚the foot-note to financial statements
资本输capital infusion
资金capital writeoff
转让册资本the transfer of one's party's share in the registered capital
运输设备册号the registered members of transport equipment
运输设备册量registered members of transport equipment (注册号)
这是一家在美国册登记的公司This is a company incorporated in the USA
适当的due diligence
a foot note
备款memorandum clause
"需要密切意"的商品"requiring close attention" item
册股票investment letter stock
项目册周期CDM project registration cycle
项目册周期project registration cycle