
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
意装运指示disregard the shipping instructions
于技术研究be absorbed in technical study
值得be worthy of note
平皿poultry meat
公司册手续incorporation procedures
公司册证书corporate charter
公司册证明certificate of incorporation
公开册制度open registry system
对外贸易concern for foreign trade
关于国际商标册的马德里协定Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Trade Marks (1891 年)
加批票据claused bill
呆账bad debt written off
国外册联属公司affiliated company incorporated abroad
已回收销股票retired stock
带批提单claused bill of lading
广告引起attention directing
彳艮意货物质量pay scrupulous attention to quality of goods
我们一定意包装好这批货物We'll see to it that goods are properly packed
我们希望你方意你方包销地区的变化并随时告诉我们We hope that you'll observe changes in your territory and keep us advised
我方一定意及时开证We'll see to it that the L/C is established in time
我方一直意市场情况的变化We're keeping the market situation under constant observation
我方查不出曾收到过有该日期的信件We can't trace any letter of that date
册公司de facto corporation
意打字错误overlook typing errors
亦缩为 r.register
册吨register ton (每一注册吨等于100立方英尺的船舶容积)
册吨位tonnage registered
册商标续展trade mark renewal
册处record office
册模式registered pattern
册牌名registered brand
册续展renewal of registration
册说明书registration statement
册资本authorized capital
册资本registered capital (指法定资本 (authorized capital),名义资本 (nominal capital))
册资本nominal capital
亦缩为 ATN, ATTattention
意事项dos and don'ts
意市场形势watch the market situation
明日期的亦缩为 dtddated
明运费已付marked freight prepaid
销保单通知cancellation notice
销前有效good till cancelled
销坏账writing off uncollectible accounts
销支票cross out a check
销汇票cancellation of bill of exchange
册领有执照的公证人licensed surveyor
船舶册港home port
英国册会计师certified accountant (美国用 chartered public accountant)
英国商业册代号British Monomark
补偿总册吨位compensated gross register tonnage
计算错误你方未意到The error in calculation has escaped your notice
议付行意事项instructions to negotiating bank
please notice
意保险只包括平安险加战争险,如果要求投保附加险,所需额外保险费将由买方支付Please kindly note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only. Should additional insurance coverage be required, the extra premium incurred would be for the buyer's account
意本页背面规定Please notice the regulations overleaf
请对此事密切Please give this matter your close attention
证券过户order de transfert
除非信用证条款禁止转船,明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading