
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
不引人意的调査unobtrusive measures of investigation
式分散型convergent divergent
书面销通知written cancellation notice
书面临时销通知written provisional cancellation notice
企业register of enterprise
企业business registration
企业册处Registry of Business Names
企业册费business registration fee
使人意到come to one's notice
依法登记册的公司商号名称legal name
保車销条款cancellation clause
公司registration of company
公司register of company
公司corporation franchise
公司册地点place of incorporation
公司册税corporation franchise tax
公司册簿register of company
公司名称registration of business name
net register
册吨net register
册吨net register tonnage
半振幅half-amplitude beam
即时或销货单immediate or cancel order
受关的股票watched stock
受关的股票watched share
变更change in registration
只给销退费cancelling returns only
bad debts written off
周年期满发销通知notice of cancellation of anniversary date
商业登记簿commercial register (registry)
商标册证trademark registration certificate
商标国际international registration of trademark
商标国际international registration of marks
商标国际册马德里协定Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Mark
商标的国际international registration of marks
国外册公司company incorporated abroad
国外册的附属公司affiliated company incorporated abroad
国籍registration of nationality
国际international registration
国际册商标international trade mark registered
国际商标册制度international trade mark registering system
国际商标册手续international trade mark registering procedure
国际商标册机构international trade mark registering agency
国际商标册管理international trade mark registered administration
国际商标册证international trade-mark license
国际商标册费international trade mark registering fee
国际商标册费international trade mark registering charge
在国外船只foreign flag
定期销数periodic write-offs
对开发的关development mindedness
册债券bond registered
册商船enrolled vessel
册股票registered certificate of shares
册船只registered ship
销协议cancelled agreement
销金额cancelled amount
引起attracting attention
引起广告用语attention directing
必须使用册商标的商品goods must bear a registered trademark
船舶册吨gross register tonnage
册处geneal register office
房产building property registration
所有权已registered title
提单claused bill of lading
意力集中于企业目标上focus attention on objectives
保险按比例pro rata cancellation
系统filling and emptying system
提单上加批superimposed clause in bill of lading
提单上批免责事项exceptions noted on the bill of lading
提单附remarks of bill of lading
提货单批remarks of B/L
撤回的临时销通知withdrawn provisional cancellation notice
支票打孔销机cancelling machine
收回已销坏账bad debt collected
更换册证registration of alteration
册协会unincorporated association
明日期no date
明日期not dated
明日期支票undated check
明日期背书undated endorsement
销前有效good till cancelled
销废弃财产abandoned property not charged-off
本金registered as to principal
标签上明商品等级grade labeling
样本平均数interpretation of sample means
汇票cancellation of bill of exchange
入气和采出石油比infection gas-oil ratio
enter to the register
登记证明书certificate of incorporation
册上市申请书registration statement
册业主registered proprietor
册事项变更alteration on entries in the register
册会计师registered accountant
册会计师licensed accountant
册会计师统一考试uniform certified public accountant examination
册会计师考试certified public accountant examination
册会计师证书certificate certified public accountant certificate
册债券registered debenture
册公共会计师professional accountant
册公司licensed company
册公司registered company
册公司company incorporated
册内部审计人certified internal auditor
册内部审计师certified internal auditor
册办事处registered office
册受托人incorporated trustee
册变更change of registration
册号accession designation number
册名称registered title
册吨tons registered
册吨位register ton
册吨位book tonnage
册吨位register tonage
册吨数ton registered
册商标注册商标 registered trade-mark 其符号为®,注册后商标拥有人即拥有一定期如40年的独占使用权,非经同意,任何人不得使用或仿冒,否则将被追究法律责任。商标属无形资产trade-mark
册商标trademark registered
册商标registered design
册商行licensed house
册商贩licensed pedlar
册国country of registration
册国country of incorporation
册国船旗flag of necessity
册国船旗flag of convenience
册在先专有权priority of registration
册地country of incorporation
邮政册地址略语abbreviated registered address
册处Registered Office
册处registry office
册总吨gross registered tons
册所有权absolute title
册执照税registration and license tax
册支付书registered warrant
册数据registration data
册日期date of registration
册申请application for registration
册经纪人licensed broker
册股本capital stock registered
册股本转让assignment of shares of registered capital
册股票registered stock
册股票registered share
册设计registered design
册设计版权copyright in registered design
册证certificate of registration
册证registration certificate
册证书certification of registration
册证副本certified copy of registry
册费registered fee
册费用charges register
册资本转让assignment of the registered capital
册转期renewal of registration
船舶册载重量register tonage
册附优待券债券registered coupon bond
册附息票债券registered coupon bond
take care
意、兴趣、愿望及行动attention, interest, desire, action
意、兴趣、愿望、行动营销用语attention, interest, desire, action
意办理attend to
意安全cavendo tutus
意规则attention rule
意重复care duplication
明发信日期与地点date line
明日期的已获盈余dated eared surplus
明期限包装上注明的使用期限open dating
明留有盈余日期dating retained earning
明运费已付marked freight paid
解图表annotated diagram
释与疑问notes and queries
释卡comment card
释约定comment convention
cross out
cross off
一笔呆账坏账writing uncollectible account
销一大笔损失taking a bath
销一笔坏账write off a bad debt
销保险退费cancelling return
销债务cancellation of debt
销合同通知期period of the cancellation
销坏账write off a bad debt
销支票cancelled cheque
销支票cancelled checks
销无法收回的账目write off uncollectibles
销条约cancellation of treaty
销登记cancellation of registration
销登记nullify one's registration
销登记cancellation of booking
销纳费业务cancelling paid service
销贷款loan write-off
销费cancellation fee
销费cancellation charge
销通知cancelling advice
销遗失票据cancellation of lost instruments
销遗失票据cancellation of a lost instrument
版权copyright registration
特别意事项special remarks
特别special designation
特定销法specific write-off method
皮下hypodermic syringe
票面明承兑的债券enfaced bond
票面签noting the bill
税务tax registration
明的票据noted paper
综合财务报表脚note to consolidated financial statements
职业应有due professional care
肉眼检验的缺点备note of defect from visual inspection
股票册证registered certificate of shares
explanatory notes
与注释explanatory notes and comments
船旗册国指船籍登记国flag of convenience country
船舶enrollment of vessel
英国册代号British Monomark
英国商业册标号British Commercial Monomark
补偿总册吨compensated gross regulation tonnage
证券上市securities sold register
for your attention
财务报表脚note to financial statements
账目附note to the account
货物意标志cargo care mark
资本capital infusion
车辆car registration
运输工具carrier registration
运输工具册费carrier registration
运输设备册号registered number of transport equipment
连续册制continuous registration system
退保cancellation of the policy
通知议付银行意事项instruction to the negotiating bank
销毁已销的证券cremation of a canceled security
foot note
查账except for
附加册费additional registration fees
附加脚appended footnote
额外批即附条件批注exception remarks
验证册资本validation of registered capital
高空作业、意安全!danger, overhead project in progress!