
Terms containing 注空气 | all forms | in specified order only
construct.注空气接触曝气池downflow bubble contact aerator (DBCA)
expl.人们注意到、这种物质很可能悬浮在空中、称为悬浮微粒。并认为这种物质可由人呼进肺腑、穿透肺部的气体交换区This material is recognized as being likely to become airborne and farm an aerosol хим. and considered to be capable of being inhaled by humans, penetrating the gas exchange region of the lungs
met.暴露在空气中的钢包注流ladle stream exposed to air
oil注入空气一釆出原油比ratio of injected air to produced oil
met.注流卷人的空气stream entrapped air
met.注流卷人的空气air entrapped by stream
mining.注空气air injection
mining.注空气air injection process
mining.空气注入井injection well-air
oil空气注入体积流量volumetric air injection rate
tech.空气注入式燃烧器atmospheric injection-type burner
mining.空气注入法air injection process
oil连续注空气continuous air injection
mining.高压空气注入high-pressure air injection