
Terms containing 注意 使 | all forms | in specified order only
earth.sc.仪表使用注意事项instrumentation notice
archit.使〔叫〕N 注意 Mbring M to the attention of (N)
archit.使 N 注意Mimpress M upon (N)
archit.使 M 注意〔感觉到,看到〕Nimpress M with (N)
archit.使 N 注意Mimpress M on (N)
archit.使〔叫〕N 注意 Mcall M to the attention of (N)
busin.使人注意到come to one's notice
gen.使再注意到bring up
gen.使…注意put ...on to
gen.使…注意hold the attention of
gen.使注意open sb.'s eyes to sth.
agric.使用杀虫剂的安全注意事项safety precautions for insecticide users
gen.使转移注意力divert (from)
gen.促使〔引起〕M 注意 Ndirect the attention of M to (N)
gen.促使〔引起〕M 注意 Ndraw the attention of M to (N)
gen.促使〔引起〕M 注意 Ncall the attention of M to (N)
gen.促使〔引起〕M 注意 Nattract the attention of M to (N)
agric.农药使用及其注意事项use and misuse of agricultural chemicals
station.在此示例中,请注意,我们使用活页夹标题作为提要的标题Notice in this sample, we use the binder's title for the feed's title
avia.数据使用者注意事项data-users' note
gen.注意使see to it that
expl.现场使用注意事项field use considerations