
Terms for subject Business containing 注册 | all forms | in specified order only
企业注册register of enterprise
企业注册business registration
企业注册Registry of Business Names
企业注册business registration fee
依法登记注册的公司商号名称legal name
公司注册register of company
公司注册registration of company
公司注册corporation franchise
公司注册地点place of incorporation
公司注册corporation franchise tax
公司注册簿register of company
公司名称注册registration of business name
注册net register
注册net register
注册net register tonnage
变更注册change in registration
商业注册登记簿commercial register (registry)
商标注册trademark registration certificate
商标国际注册international registration of trademark
商标国际注册international registration of marks
商标国际注册马德里协定Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Mark
商标的国际注册international registration of marks
国外注册公司company incorporated abroad
国外注册的附属公司affiliated company incorporated abroad
国籍注册registration of nationality
国际注册international registration
国际注册商标international trade mark registered
国际商标注册制度international trade mark registering system
国际商标注册手续international trade mark registering procedure
国际商标注册机构international trade mark registering agency
国际商标注册管理international trade mark registered administration
国际商标注册international trade-mark license
国际商标注册international trade mark registering fee
国际商标注册international trade mark registering charge
在国外注册船只foreign flag
注册债券bond registered
注册商船enrolled vessel
注册股票registered certificate of shares
注册船只registered ship
必须使用注册商标的商品goods must bear a registered trademark
船舶注册gross register tonnage
注册geneal register office
房产注册building property registration
所有权已注册registered title
更换注册registration of alteration
注册协会unincorporated association
本金注册registered as to principal
注册enter to the register
注册上市申请书registration statement
注册业主registered proprietor
注册事项变更alteration on entries in the register
注册会计师registered accountant
注册会计师licensed accountant
注册会计师统一考试uniform certified public accountant examination
注册会计师考试certified public accountant examination
注册会计师证书certificate certified public accountant certificate
注册债券registered debenture
注册公共会计师professional accountant
注册公司licensed company
注册公司registered company
注册公司company incorporated
注册内部审计人certified internal auditor
注册内部审计师certified internal auditor
注册办事处registered office
注册受托人incorporated trustee
注册变更change of registration
注册accession designation number
注册名称registered title
注册tons registered
注册吨位book tonnage
注册吨位register ton
注册吨位register tonage
注册吨数ton registered
注册商标注册商标 registered trade-mark 其符号为®,注册后商标拥有人即拥有一定期如40年的独占使用权,非经同意,任何人不得使用或仿冒,否则将被追究法律责任。商标属无形资产trade-mark
注册商标trademark registered
注册商标registered design
注册商行licensed house
注册商贩licensed pedlar
注册country of registration
注册country of incorporation
注册国船旗flag of necessity
注册国船旗flag of convenience
注册在先专有权priority of registration
注册country of incorporation
邮政注册地址略语abbreviated registered address
注册Registered Office
注册registry office
注册总吨gross registered tons
注册所有权absolute title
注册执照税registration and license tax
注册支付书registered warrant
注册数据registration data
注册日期date of registration
注册申请application for registration
注册经纪人licensed broker
注册股本capital stock registered
注册股本转让assignment of shares of registered capital
注册股票registered stock
注册股票registered share
注册设计registered design
注册设计版权copyright in registered design
注册certificate of registration
注册registration certificate
注册证书certification of registration
注册证副本certified copy of registry
注册登记证明书certificate of incorporation
注册registered fee
注册费用charges register
注册资本转让assignment of the registered capital
注册转期renewal of registration
船舶注册载重量register tonage
注册附优待券债券registered coupon bond
注册附息票债券registered coupon bond
版权注册copyright registration
税务注册tax registration
股票注册registered certificate of shares
船旗注册指船籍登记国flag of convenience country
船舶注册enrollment of vessel
英国注册代号British Monomark
英国商业注册标号British Commercial Monomark
补偿总注册compensated gross regulation tonnage
证券上市注册securities sold register
车辆注册car registration
运输工具注册carrier registration
运输工具注册carrier registration
运输设备注册registered number of transport equipment
连续注册continuous registration system
附加注册additional registration fees
验证注册资本validation of registered capital