
Terms containing 波动的 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.一旦签定合同,将严格遵守,不受价格波动的影响Once a contract is signed, it must be strictly abided by and not influenced by price fluctuation
avia.上下波动的频率fluctuated frequency
avia.上下波动的频率条件下fluctuated frequency condition
met.不受控制的波动uncontrolled fluctuation
expl.为了减少索赔事件的发生、炸药的使用人员保存完整的爆破作业记录是聪明的举措、监测爆破振动和冲击波、尽可能通知公众、尽量降低钻孔和交通噪声、减少粉尘并减小其他可觉察到的影响In order to reduce damage claims, the explosives user is wise to keep complete records of his operations, to monitor vibrations and airblast, to do what he can to inform the public, and to minimize drilling noise,dust,traffic noise, and other perceptible effects
securit.交易出现异常波动的公司债券corporate bonds with abnormal fluctuation
sport.今天、在美国波士顿市和纽约市举行的一年一度的马拉松赛跑吸引了成千上万的长跑运动员参加比赛Today, annual marathon races in Boston and New York City attract tens of thousands of distance runners
proj.manag.他说他的职责是"牢牢地控制通货膨胀、以避免更多的波动He said that it was his duty to "solidly anchor inflation expectations to avoid additional volatility
securit.价格剧烈波动的股票fluctuating stock
fin.价格的自由波动uncontrolled fluctuation in price
fin.允许加大人民币每日交易的波动幅度permit more volatility in the daily trade of the currency
tech.光的波动概念wave concept of light
tech.光的波动理论wave theory of light
expl.冲击波压力损失与炸药的爆炸压力有关、可以通过计算炸药的密度和爆速来估算。因此、炸药的冲击波压力损失的测定可以通过实验引人一些诸如温度、静态和动态预压及导爆索支线等变量来确定The shock pressure loss is related to the explosive's detonation prepressure, which can be estimated by knowing the density and detonation velocity of the explosive. Therefore, the SLF for a test explosive can be experimentally determined by introducing in the test certain additional variables, such as temperature,static and dynamic pre-compression and detonating cord downline
econ.出口波动的资金供应financing of export fluctuations
construct.分界面上的波运动interfacial oscillations
slang利用某人情绪的波动说服其改变做法catch sb. on the rebound
gen.利用某人情绪的波动说服其改变做法take sb. on the rebound
gen.利用某人情绪的波动说服其改变做法catch sb. at the rebound
gen.利用某人情绪的波动说服其改变做法take sb. at the rebound
org.name.协调对波兰和匈牙利援助的行动计划Action Plan for Coordinated Aid to Poland and Hungary
securit.历史上的波动性historical volatility
econ.反周期波动的财政政策countercyclical fiscal policy
el.发光强度的波动幅度amplitude of fluctuation of the luminous intensity
econ.市场、 价格等消息、政策等的影响而波动market, price, etc. rebound on (the news, policy, etc.)
busin.可按市场波动而增减的报盘offer subject to market fluctuation
expl.在炸药爆炸过程中、合成能量转化为破岩和位移这些有益的实用能量。振动、冲击波和飞石这些不利的负面效应也是由合成能量产生的In the detonation of explosives, the resultant energy is converted into beneficial applications such as fragmentation and displacement. It is also responsible for adverse side effects such as vibration, airblast and flyrock
securit.基差的波动basis fluctuation
securit.基础波动的可预测性on predictability of basis fluctuations
IT多相系统的波动功率fluctuating power of a polyphase system
econ.容许的波动幅度allowable bonds of fluctuations
securit.市场的波动性风险market volatility risk
el.带冷却盘管的波动箱[平衡箱]surge tank with cooling coil
fin.应对资本流动的波动manage capital flow volatility
securit.异常的价格波动unusual price fluctuation
econ.异常的市场波动the singular waving of market
expl.所需数值的波动fluctuating of the numerical values desired
tech.承受快速的压力波动subject to rapid pressure fluctuation
econ.投机引发的价格波动speculation-driven price volatility
econ.投机引发的价格波动speculation-driven volatility
econ.投机引发的波动speculation-driven price volatility
econ.投机引发的波动speculation-driven volatility
busin.抽样的随机波动chance fluctuation of sampling
securit.更大的投资波动即风险higher volatility risk of the investment
fin.最小的价格波动minimum price movement
space杂波和干扰的自动门限automatic thresholding of clutter and jamming
avia.气压波动的高度fluctuating pressure levels (层)
avia.气压波动的高度fluctuating pressure level (层)
agric., meteorol.气旋生成的波动理论wave theory of cyclongensis
tech.水的温度波动temperature fluctuation in water
el.水面的波动fluctuation of water surface
econ.汇价波动的范围margin of exchange rate fluctuations
interntl.trade.汇价围绕平价波动的范围margins of exchange rate fluctuations in terms of parity
econ.汇价围绕平价波动的范围the margin of exchange rate fluctuations in terms of parity
econ.汇价围绕平价波动的范围margin of exchange rate fluctuations in terms of parity
commer.汇价波动幅度的扩大widening of margins
econ.汇价的波动范围margin of exchange rate fluctuation
econ.汇率波动的上下限threshold of divergence
econ.汇率波动的上下限量threshold of divergence
commer.汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limit of fluctuation
interntl.trade.汇率的波动exchange fluctuations
interntl.trade.汇率的波动幅度fluctuation margins of exchange rate
fin.汇率的过度和无序波动excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates
commer.波动不定的市场fluctuating market
securit.波动大的交易日volatile session of trading
IMF.波动性极大的资本volatile capital
commer.波动的价格fluctuating price
interntl.trade.波动的利率fluctuating interest rates
interntl.trade.汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limit of fluctuation
busin.波动的实际收益率fluctuating effective rate of return
tech.波动的时间路径time path with fluctuation
tech.波动的法定上下限official upper and lower limit of fluctuation
fin.波动的股票volatile stock
busin.波动的股票fluctuating stock
busin.波动的行情fluctuating market
securit.波动的行情volatile market
avia.波音公司的Renton 自动绘图系统automated drafting system renton
avia.波音安装的发动机性能程序Boeing installed engine performance program
el.温度波动引起的翘[扭]曲temperature warping
expl.爆炸振动的波谱输出spectral output of blast vibration
interntl.trade.物价波动的对比comparative price movements
el.mot.由静止电力变流器供电的直流电动机电枢电流的额定波形因数rated form factor of direct current supplied to a DC motor armature from a static power converter
econ.破坏性的短期波动disruptive short-term movement
avia.移动的微波着陆系统mobile microwave landing system
tech.组合转子的振动波型mode of combined rotor
tech.经受压力突然波动的开孔openings subjected to rapid pressure
econ.经济积极性的波动tides in business activity
fin.缓解周期性波动的调控政策mitigate against pro-cyclicality in regulatory policy
fin.美元对人民币汇率的正向波动性upside volatility in USDCNY
proj.manag.股价不正常的波动undue movement in share prices
securit.股价剧烈波动的市场fluctuating stock market
expl.肺部大出血引起的窒息可能是海洋哺乳动物死于水下冲击波的主要原因Suffocation caused by lung haemorrhage is likely to be the major cause of marine mammal death from underwater shock waves
econ.能量波动的大小the magnitude of energy fluctuation
gymn.臂的波浪动作arm moving up and down
econ.蛇形波动的规定the snake arrangement
econ.蛇形波动的规定snake arrangement
econ.行情易起波动的商品sensitive item
econ.被控制的波动controlled variability
econ.贴现率的波动the fluctuation of discount rate
econ.贴现率的波动fluctuation of discount rate
fin.资本流动剧烈波动的危险dangers of volatility of capital flows
bridg.constr.连续介质的波动理论theory of wave propagation in continuous media
genet.选择强度的随机波动random fluctuation of selection intensity
ecol.量子力学的波动方程Schrodinger equation
econ.金融当局干预外汇市场的汇价波动上下限the upper and lower intervention limits
commer.鉴于价格的波动,卖方暂停报盘In view of the price fluctuations, the seller withheld offers for the time being
fin.防止经济出现大的波动prevent large economic fluctuations
interntl.trade.随机的或意外的或不规则的波动random or accidental or irregular fluctuation
eng.geol.水面随潮汐波动的ebbing well
tech.需求的周期性波动cyclical swings in demand
tech.需求的周期性波动cyclic swings in demand
econ.震波的动力特性dynamic property of quake
econ.非控制的波动uncontrolled variability
econ.频繁的大幅度价格波动阻碍了交易Transactions are hampered by wide and frequent price fluctuations