
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
一年成本one-year cost method
一次付清方lump-sum methodology
一笔总付方lump-sum methodology
不公平贸易unfair trade practice acts
不确定状况下决策方miscellaneous decision rules for complete uncertainty
两种货币分算split currency-based scheme
临时办bridge method
二次计划quadratic programming
交叉加权cross-weights method
人员分类rank-in-person approach
以总部为中心的方HQ-centric approach
以总部为中心的方Headquarters centric approach
仲裁arbitral tribunal
住宅及都市发展housing and urban development act
例外管理management by exception
信息系统方information system methodologies
信息系统的处理方processing methods for information systems
修改的分配modified distribution method
修正分配modified distribution method
偿还办reimbursement formula
偿还方reimbursement methodology
克莱顿Clayton Act
决策方decision-making techniques
分派问题方assignment problem method
前瞻性方forward-looking approach
割平面cutting plane approach
区域为中心的雇佣方regiocentric approach to hiring
单纯simplex technique
单纯或单体法simplex algorithm
单纯表列simplex tableau
单纯形表算法,反复计算法simplex method
双重给价界限dual payline approach
双重给价界限dual payline method
反复iterative procedure
反托拉斯antitrust laws
反托拉斯anti-trust laws
变量比例law of variable proportions
司佩蒙氏简便求相关系数Spearman's footrule formula for the coefficient of correlation
受抚养人eligible dependant
同时搜寻simultaneous search method
图解scattergraph procedure
基于结果的方results-based approach
塔夫脱-哈特利劳资关系法labor-management relation act
塔夫脱-哈特利劳资关系法Taft-Hartley Act
孙子兵sunzi binfa,art of war
定期库存控制periodic review system
实施禁酒的州dry state
审计方audit approach
程序constitutional processes
对偶计算dual evaluation method
360度绩效管理方360 degrees performance management approach
延聘系数方lapse factor methodology
开放组综合OGA method
开放组综合open group aggregate method
总成本方aggregate cost method
总赔偿方total compensation methodology
律应得的最低限度数额minimum legally-due
散布图scattergraph method
数量分析方mathematical analysis method
数量方quantitative methods
新形成的标准方emerging standard practice
新颖最佳方emerging best practice
方案编制预算方programme-budgeting methodology
预料的突发事件event that could not be foreseen
最佳做FAO Best Practices
最大概似maximum likelihood
最小最大决策minimax criteria
本国化indigenization laws
极大值理论maximum principle method
极大极小决策maximin criteria
极大概似maximum likelihood method
树形寻优分枝边界法tree search method branch and bound method
格雷欣计划Gresham's Law of Planning
概率的乘定理multiplicative law of probability
概率的加定理additive law of probability
母国中心主义的雇佣方ethnocentric approach to hiring
汇总方consolidation policy
定假日official holiday
定储备金statutory reserves
定公式statutory formula
定审计statutory audit
定检查statutory audit
定责任statutory duty
律上最低限度应得的minimum legally-due
特别行动办Special Operations Approach
环境分析environmental analysis
现金转移统一办harmonized approach to cash transfers
理想点分析ideal point method
理想范围的方system of desirable ranges
用优势简化reduction by dominance
移民immigration regulations
税金补偿方grossing-up procedure
简单回归分析simple regression analysis method
简捷simplex algorithm
简捷标准simplex criterion
管理方和技术managerial methods and techniques
系统化的方systematic approach
组织和方分析O and M analysis
组织和方分析organization and methods analysis
统一费率偿还办standard flat-rate system of reimbursement
统一费率偿还办standard rate system of reimbursement
统一费率偿还办flat-rate system of reimbursement
网络分析network analysis techniques
职业安全卫生Williams Steiger occupational safety and health act
职业类共同分类Common Classification of Occupational Groups
良好沟通管理方good and communicative management practice
营造中国建筑手册Yingzao fashi,Chinese architectural manual
葡萄牙Portuguese legislation
薪资分段评定band approach
行列优先mutually preferred method
行政substantive administrative law
行政administrative law
西北魚northwest corner method
计划管理方programme management approach
谢尔曼美国最早且最主要的一项反托拉斯法Sherman Act
贝氏概率决策Bayesian probability decision method
资源平衡resource leveling method
软系统方缩写为SSMsoft systems methodology
软系统方soft systems methodologies
连续对自变数微分successive variation of independent variables
迭代优势iterative dominance
迭代最优iterative optimizing technique
重叠蜂房式方overlapping cell method
限额办scheme of limits
预计单元信贷projected unit credit method
领土以外的就业的应用extra territorial application of employment law
黄金分割golden section method