
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing | all forms
三相接three-phase connection
三角形-曲折形接delta-zigzag connection
不对称绕unsymmetrical winding
线接线neutral connective method
串级接cascade method
二阶 R-K second order R-K method
互馈试验Hopkinson test
克莱默Cramer's rule
六相接six-phase connection
六相环接six-phase ring connection
共同润滑central lubrication
内点interior point method
内部internal approach
冷硬铸chilled casting
准三维quasi-3D method
准三维quasi three-dimension method
准三维有限元quasi-3D finite element method
准则优化criterion optimization
分开表示detached representation
分段拉第发电机segmenting-Faraday generator
分段线性化piece-wise linear approximation
动态规化dynamic programming
励磁方exciting method
勒布朗接线Leblanc connection
包络面测enveloping measuring method
半圈绕hemitropic winding
半圈绕half coiled winding
兰轴single-flange shaft
卡普Kapp method
压铸gravity die casting
兰轴two flange shaft
双三角形接twin delta connection
双三角形接△ connection
双三角形接double delta connection
双星形接double Y connection
双瓦特计time wattmeter method
发电机星形接的中性点generator star point
Z 变换Z-transformation
叠代iteration method
叠层绕banded winding
可伸缩式loose flange
同步阻抗synchronous impedance method
启动方starting method
周期再同步periodic resynchronization
噪声测量noise measuring method
四阶 R-K fourth order R-K method
回路loop method
回路电流loop current method
固定fixed flange
兰盘circular flange
埋设温度计embedded temperature detector method
备用reserve flange
多层绕layer-by-layer winding
安装用attachment flange
定子接线connection of stator
对接焊butt welding process
小信号分析small signal analysis method
兰的轴flanged shaft
并-串联接线parallel series connection
并网失步method of pull-out in paralleling
延长三角形接extension delta connection
开口三角形接open-delta connection
开口三角形接Vee connection
弗莱明Fleming's rule
弗莱明右手Fleming's right-hand rule
弗莱明左手Fleming's left-hand rule
弦绕chord winding
V 形接V-connection
V 形接vee-connection
V 形接open-delta connection
总损耗效率efficiency from total loss
感应电势induced electromagnetic method
抽头磁场削弱field weakening by tapping
拓扑topological method
△-△接△ connection
△-△接twin delta connection
接线wiring method
接线wire connections
支路电流branch current method
效率的总损耗计算calculation of efficiency from summary loss
效率的总损耗计算efficiency calculation from total loss
效率间接计算indirect calculation of efficiency
数值积分numerical integration
数值解numerical solution
整圈绕full-coiled winding
无刷励磁brushless excitation method
星形接star connection
星形接的中性点star point
构造实物几何constructive solid geometry
校准电机试验test method with calibrated driving machine
格莱弗Graeffe's method
桶形绕barrel winding
模拟退火算simulated annealing algorithm
欧拉Euler's method
正交试验orthogonal experimental method
气流测热air calometric method
水测热water calometry
兰型电动机flanged type motor
兰外径external diameter of flange
兰安装型flange mounting type
兰安装型电动机flange mounting motor
兰安装型电动机flanged-mounted motor
兰罩coupling cover
兰联轴器flanged-face coupling
兰联轴器flange coupling
兰装配轴承flange mounted bearing
兰西式水轮机Francis turbine
兰轴flanged shaft
兰轴连接flanged shaft joint
兰连接flange mounting
制马力French horsepower
拉第发电机Faraday generator
拉第圆盘Faraday's disk
拉第圆盘发电机Faraday's disk dynamo
拉第型发电机Faraday type generator
拉第循环器Faraday circulator
拉第电faradic electricity
拉第电流faradic current
拉第电磁感应Faraday's electromagnetic induction
拉第电磁感应定律change of linkage law
拉第磁流体动力发电机Faraday's MHD generator
拉第笼Faraday shield
拉第负荷参数Faraday loading parameter
拉第顺磁效应paramagnetic Faraday effect
波形绕wave winding
浸渍脱脂dip degreasing
湿式包带wet method of taping
精炼韧铜fire refined tough-pitched copper
灰色有限元grey finite element method
牛顿-拉夫逊Newton-Raphson method
状态空间state space approach
环形接线线电压mesh voltage
用量热测定效率determination of efficiency by calorimetric method
电制动electric braking
电化学除氧化皮electrolytic descaling
电化学除锈electrolytic rust removal
电化学除锈electrolytic derusting
电压降测阻fall of potential method
电抗同步reactance synchronizing method
电机温升测试Kapp method
电机的冷却方cooling method of electric machine
电枢兰盘armature flange
电枢接线connection of armature
电磁感应electromagnetic inductive method
电能反馈试验electric back-to-back test
电阻resistance method
电阻分流resistance-shunt method
直接启动self-starting method
直接启动method of direct starting
直接试验method of direct test
相量分析phasor analysis
磁场绘制field-plotting method
神经网络算neural network algorithm
空载短路no-load short-circuit method
端部terminal approach
等斜线isocline method
简化统计simplified statistical procedure
线圈试验coil testing method
线路斯考特接线变压器line Scott-connection transformer
线路斯考特接线变压器line Scott transformer
绝对absolute farad= 10F
绝缘配合的惯用conventional procedure of insulation coordination
绝缘配合的统计statistical procedure of insulation coordination
网孔mesh method
网络分析method of network analysis
网络变换network-transformation method
网络方程network-equation method
罗森堡启动Rosenberg starting
自启动self-starting method
节点电压node voltage method
虚位移virtual displacement method
规划算programming algorithm
解吸式冷却方desorption method of cooling
转子冷却方rotor cooling method
轴承bearing flange
输入-输出input-output approach
进化规划evolutionary programming
连接adapter flange
连接coupled flange
连接方type of connection
连续运行方continuous operation mode
连续运行方continuously-running duty
连集link set method
逐步测试方step test procedure
配对matching flange
配对butt flange
铁芯core flange
锻造forged flange
间接启动method of indirect starting
间接效率确定efficiency by indirect calculation
间接测量method of indirect measurement
间接试验method of indirect test
随机搜索Monte Carlo analysis
集中表示assembled representation
霍普金森负载反馈Hopkinson load back method
顺时针方向绕线right-handed winding
高斯主元消去Gauss elimination pivoting
高斯-勒让德积分Gauss-Legendre integration
高斯消去Gauss elimination method
高斯-约丹消去Gauss-Jodan elimination (method)
高斯-赛德尔迭代Gauss-Seidel method
高阶有限元high-order finite element method