
Terms for subject Desert science containing | all forms
一般正林generalized normal forest
三极three electrode method
人口普查census method
伊斯罕五趾跳鼠iranian jerboa
尔地区Dhofar (阿曼)
尔地区Zufar (阿曼)
尔高原Zufar (阿曼)
尔高原Dhofar (阿曼)
体积volume law
侧点bayonet point (研究草丛结构的一种方法)
公共public corporation
内插method of interpolation
凯里Carey Act (美国颁布于1894年,旨在国家荒漠土地兴修水利以后,可卖给农场主,以鼓励中、西部的开发工作)
化学固沙方chemical method
区域办regional arrangement
半平均semi-average method
半微量凯氏定氮semimicro kjeldahl method
单样含沙量测验方observational method of index sediment concentration
双名binomial nomenclature (瑞典博物学家林奈所创立的生物命名法)
双米点double metre point (研究草丛植物学成分的一种方法)
双线性内插bilinear interpolation
取样方sampling method
吸收光谱absorption spectrometry
吸量管pipette method
土地开发奖励办land development encouragement
土壤保持Act of Soil Conservation
土壤速测rapid test for soil
土壤速测quick test for soil
地区性解决办regional approach
地层叠置law of superposition
地球化学方geochemical method
地球化学的分布principle of geochemical distribution
地衣测量年代lichenometry (指用测量地衣直径来确定其生长年代或其生长地区年代的方法)
萨塞特沙漠Tenéré du Tafassasset (尼日尔)
复测method of repetition
外翻outthrow (翻耕土地的一种方法)
定点method of fixed points
室内常规方routine methods of lab work
容积volume method
容量volumetric procedure
导线traverse method
少耕minimum tillage
差分method of finite differences
常规耕作conventional tillage
分析analysis by dry way
广义正林generalized normal forest
康莫生态学Commoner's Laws of Ecology
得克萨斯色草Texas phacelia
得克萨斯色草Texan phacelia (奇瓦瓦沙漠)
得克萨斯色草gypsum phacelia
微量凯氏定氮micro Kjeldahl method
扇尾佛racket-tailed roller (非洲南部沙漠)
扇形排列地震勘探fan shooting
拉纳井Bir Zafarâna (埃及)
拉格朗日方Lagranian method
挖沟trenchout method
捕捉标记回收capture-recapture method
放射性示踪radiotracer method
放射性示踪剂radioactive tracer method
散森方Thiessen method (分析各雨量站重要性的简单方法)
明挖out and cover method
最优化方optimization method
最小二乘原则principle of least squares
最小因子law of the minimum
机械加固mechanical stabilization
机械固沙方mechanical method
机械方mechanical method
条分finite slice method
条带strip coating method
林业立forestry legislation
标记capture-recapture method (一种调查动物种群量的方法)
株行plant to row method
样地sample plot method
样方use of quadrat
样方quadrat method
格网grid method
梅格斯分类Meigs Classification
棕顶佛rufous-crowned roller (非洲南部沙漠)
模拟造林analogue forestry
模糊聚类fuzzy C-means
次表土耕作subsurface tillage
氟年代测定fluorine dating
氧同位素oxygen isotope method
水利water law
水析elutriation method
水量测算方estimation method of water quantity
沙量测算方estimation method of silt-quantity
沙量测算方可靠等级reliability level of estimation method of siltquantity
沙障固沙方mechanical method
河岸riparian act
亚-拉若地区Faya-Largeau Area (乍得的一个极端干旱荒漠地区)
吉宾湖Figibin Lake (马里)
吉宾湖Lac Faguibine (马里)
吉宾湖Faguebine Lake (马里)
国苋Joseph's coat (榕树状虾钳菜)
国茉莉poet's jasmine
国茉莉common white jasmine
国菊ox-eye daisy
国菊common daisy
国薰衣草Spanish lavender
国薰衣草Italian lavender
国薰衣草French lavender
定年legal year
定时legal hour
希-比尔马沙海Fachi-Bilma Sand Sea (尼日尔,即比尔马大沙漠、面积为15万km²)
正收获量normal yield
正林normal forest (美)
正林index forest
正林model forest
正林balanced forest (美)
正生长量normal increment
正龄级分配normal age-class distribution
氏荆芥ornamental catmint
西沙漠Erg de Fachi
泛克里金插值universal Kriging
泰尔维井Bir Terfawi (埃及)
流域保护方watershed approach
流量推算方method of discharge computation
¹⁴C测年C-14 age method
测流方observation method
浮园耕作chinampa (阿兹特克人和玛雅人使用的一种耕作方法)
Haifa (以色列)
栽培种cultivar Haifa (以色列培育的一种白三叶栽培种)
海岸sea coast act
海洋ocean law
浸泡immersion method
添减put-and-take system (放牧试验中为了保持草地的设计放牧强度、随时将放牧家畜增入或减去的方法)
清洁水clean water act
渗透力测定infiltration capacity measuring method
渗透压osmosis pressure method
湿分析analysis by wet way
湿烧wet combustion method
点测needle point method (测定植被成分的一种方法)
烘干oven drying method
热发光断代thermoluminescent method
燕尼佛lilac-breasted roller
勒干河Oued el Tfal (突尼斯)
生化biochemical process
生命表life table method
生物反应调节biological response modification
生物固土方biological stabilization method
生物固沙方biological stabilization method
生物固沙方biological method
生物方biological method
生物鉴定biological assay method
生物集约方biointensive method
盆地basin method
砂桩加固sand compaction pile method
碳定年radiocarbon dating
示踪剂测定方tracer flow method
祖斯纳干河Zousfana (阿尔及利亚)
离心分离centrifuge method
种群数量调查census method
科学方scientific method
等时线测年isochron dating method
类比method of analogue
粒径分析方analysis method of particle side
粪钛分析titanium analysis of feces (根据粪中含钛量来计算家畜食入土的数量)
系谱育种pedigree method of breeding
红外分光光度infra-red spectrophotometry
统一土质分类unified soil classification
缝植planting in notches
耐受性law of tolerance
耕作方farming method
联合国粮农组织荒漠化评价和制图暂行方FAO Provisional Methodology for Assessment and Mapping of Desertification
肥水灌溉fertigation method
2/3 自疏the 2/3 thinning law
航空地质调查方aerial method of geology
草田轮作grassland farming
蓝头佛Abyssinian roller
蓝胸佛European roller (南非、阿拉伯半岛)
蓝腹佛lilac-breasted roller (非洲南部沙漠)
薄片slice method
补偿方compensating method
观测方observation method
解析factorial method
试验设计方experimental programming method
资源评价方resource evaluation method
迈勒Bir al Malfa (利比亚)
高原Ed Déffa (埃及-利比亚)
酶偶联测定enzyme coupled assay
采样sampling method
鉴别染色differential staining
针刺needle point method
钾-氩potassium-argon age method
钾氩测年Potassium-argon Dating
钾氩计年Potassium-argon Dating
钾氩年代测定potassium dating
钾氩年代测定potassium argon method
铀-针-铅测年uranium-thorium-lead dating
铢俄年代测定rhenium osmium method
铷锶年代测定rubidium strontium method
铺沙试验sand patch test
间接评估indirect evaluation method
防侵蚀erosion control law
阳离子比例断代cation-ratio dating
尔高原Afar (尼日尔比尔沙漠西缘)
拉格沙漠Erg Afarag (阿尔及利亚)
阿泽尔沙漠Azefal (毛里塔尼亚-西撒哈拉,为流动沙漠)
阿泽尔-蒂吉里特-马克蒂尔-阿克査沙漠Azefal-Tijirit-Makteir-Akchar (毛里塔尼亚-西撒哈拉,是四个沙漠的合称,为流动沙漠,面积 8.5 万km²、地处努瓦克肖特-阿克茹特-阿塔尔一线以西)
降水dewatering method
除氮denitro genation
隔日饲喂alternate-day feeding
隔日饲喂skip-a-day feeding
需氧aerobic process
面积列表areas with species ranking (以各种植物所占面积的大小依次排列,以表示植被成分的一种方法)
高温灭菌high temperature pasteurization
velvet rose
tree aeonium