
Terms containing 法律依据 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.以事实为依据、法律为准绳base on fact and take law as the criterion
China, polit.依据宪法和有关法律in line with the Constitution and other relevant laws
China, polit.依据宪法和法律规定in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and laws
busin.依据法律ipso jure
busin.依据法律secundum juris
textile依据法律governing law
lat., busin.依据法律de jure
commer.依据的法律governing law
tech.依据的法律governing laws
econ.信用证的法律依据sources of law of letter of credit
busin.国际法律依据international legal basis
China, polit.明确适用法律的依据define the basis on which to apply a law
China, law法律依据legal basis
China, law法律依据legal ground
econ.法律依据legislative authority
environ.法律依据legal basis The fundamental law or judicial precedent that warrants or supports a subsequent decision or action by any governmental, corporate or private entity (任何一个政府、企业或私人个体反对或者支持一项后续决定或行动所依据的基本法律或者判决先例。)
law法律依据legal authority
China, law法律依据laws to go by
busin.法律依据legal argument
tech.空气污染法律依据legal authority for air pollution