
Terms for subject Business containing 法定 | all forms | in specified order only
不受法定约束的合同contract not subject to legal jurisdiction
不足法定人数insufficient quorum
专门鉴定法存货计价法之一specific identification method
交货定价法delivered pricing
产品分析定价法product analysis pricing
人寿保险公司的法定准备金legal reserves of life insurance company
以生产为基础确定营业收入法production basis of revenue recognition
价值评定法value rating
价表减额定价法list less pricing
任意定价法free pricing
传统定价法traditional pricing method
低需求定价法demand-backward pricing
使用系数限定直线法straight line modified by usage factor
假定因素法arbitrary factor method
Geneva, 1931关于制定统一支票法的公约日内瓦,1931年Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Cheques
分值定额法point-rating system
分区定价法zone system of pricing
分区定价法zone delivered pricing
分批测定法lot plot method
分支定界法branch bounding method
分支定界法branch and bound method
分支定界解法branch and bound solution strategy
分期定额付款法fixed installment method
分期定额折旧法depreciation-fixed installment method
折旧或分期付款的分期定额法fixed installment method
判定法decision approach
判断认定法judgement identification
利润极大化定价法profit maximization pricing
利—量定价法profit-volume pricing
到达时差定位法time-of-arrival location
制定法律enactment of law
功用定价法functional pricing
加成定价法markup pricing
加权平均法定出售价格weighted average official selling price
历史数据测定法historical measurement
历史工作测定法historical work measurement
双重否定法律double denial law
双重定价法double pricing method
否定法negative method
固定价格法constant price method
固定基数标记法fixed-radix scale
固定增量法则fixed increment rule
固定成本法fixed cost approach
固定排列法fixed array method
固定效果分析法fixed effectiveness approach
固定方法constant method
固定标志检査法constant mark check method
固定百分率法fixed percentage basis (method)
国际法定义务international legal duty
国际法定住所international legal domicile
国际法定净重international legal net weight
国际法定延误期限international legal delay
国际法定时限international legal time limit
国际法定时限international legal limits of time
国际法定最高利率international legal maximum of interest rate
国际法定权益international legal interest
国际法定检验international legal inspection
国际法定留置权international legal lien
国际法定皮重international legal tare
国际法定管辖international legal jurisdiction
国际法定约束international legal constraint
国际法定责任范围international legal limitation of liability
基点定价法basing point pricing
增加法定股本费用capital fee on increase of authorized share capital
复式定价法multiple pricing
多国转让价格制定法multinational transfer pricing
多种产品定价法multiple product pricing
多种定价法指同一产品,在不同市场定价不同,如高收入地区,定价较高等multiple pricing
多级定价法tiered pricing
奇数定价法odd pricing
存货定价法inventory pricing method
存货定价法inventory pricing
存货计价个别鉴定法specific identification method of inventory pricing
完全法定重量full legal weight
完全成本定价法absorption pricing
定价方法method of pricing
定值分配法constant sum method
定员方法method of determining personnel quota
定数比例折旧法depreciation-proportional method on fixed base
定期付款法periodic payment plan
定期存货管理法period review system
定期平均法periodic average method
定期平均盘存法inventory plans, periodic average
定期抽签法periodic drawing
定期盘存法periodic review system
定期盘存法periodic inventory method
定期盘点法periodical stock-taking method
定期进货法periodic ordering
定点法fixed-point method
定点法fix-point method
定率价值递减法fixed percentage of diminishing value method
定率法fixed percentage basis
定率递减余额法fixed-percentage-on-declining balance method
定率递减净值法fixed percentage of decreasing net value method
定级法grading method
定组主观密集法fixed groups subjective clustering method
定量分析法analytical and quantitative method
定量库存控制法fixed order size system
定量库存控制法fixed order point system
定量法quantity method
定量法base system
定量订货法fixed order quantity system
定额产量法standard yield method
定额分期付款法fixed installment method
定额分配法allocation method of quota
定额投资法fixed investment method
定额管理法norm control method
对数判定法logarithmic criterion
将银定为法定货币monetize silver
小数定点法fractional fix-point method
小样本推定法small sample estimation
工作抽样定时法work sampling method
工作测定法work measurement technique
工作测定法work measurement approach
工时定额幅度控制法control method of margin for workhours quota
差别定价法discriminating pricing
差益定价法contribution pricing
差量成本定价法differential cost pricing
市价定价法market pricing
市场扩张定价法expansionistic pricing
应经法庭认定的遗产bona notabilia
应计制营业收入确定法accrual method of revenue recognition
弹性加成定价法flexible mark-up pricing
强制性法律规定imperative rules of law
心理定价法psychological pricing
必须履行的法定义务enforceable legal obligation
成本分配测定法survey method of cost allocation
成本加利定价法mark up pricing
成本加利定价法cost-plus pricing practice
成本加固定附加费定价法cost-plus-fixed fee pricing
抑制不公平竞争和垄断协定法Act on the Suppression of Unfair Competition and Monopolistic Agreement
折扣净价确定法net price method of discount recognition
折让定价法discount and allowance pricing
抛币决定法coin tossing
按堆定价法bundled pricing
按工时和材料定价法time and material pricing
按成本固定百分比折旧法method of fixed percentage on cost
按成本固定百分比折旧法met hod of discount fixed percentage on cost
按成本定价出售库存股票法disposal of treasury shares on cost basis
按营业收入确定交货法delivery on basis of revenue recognition
推定估计法constructive estimation methods
撇脂定价法skimming-the-cream pricing method
收入认定法revenue recognition methods
收益的延期确定法deferment method of income recognition
政府法定币值此种货币不以含金量定币值fiat standard
断定抽样法凭经验选抽样本judgment sampling
方法—时间测定method-time measurement
方法—时间测定系统method-time measurement system
方法鉴定certification of process
旅客法定责任passenger legal liability
法定汇率的货币currency without legal rate
法定能力legal disability
无法确定的受益程度indeterminate benefits
曼—惠尼检定法Mann-Whitney test
最低法定就业年龄minimum legal age of employment
形成,达到,不足法定人数form a quorum
法定立约资格legally competent to contract
法定限制的statute barred
有限责任公司的法律规定legal provision for a limited liability company
未分配法定支用数unallotted balance of appropriation
未约定差分方法unconventional difference method
杀伤定价法extinction pricing
检定方法survey plan
正负号检定法sign test
最低利率official minimum rate
法人假定说fictional theory
法定专卖权legal monopoly
法定义务statutory duty
法定付款日legal day
法定代理人legal agent
法定代理权right of legal representation
法定代理部门authorized agency
法定价格legal value
法定企业statutory undertaking
法定企业statutory enterprise
法定估价法legal valuation method
法定保护人statutory guardian
法定保险legal insurance
法定债券公司债券legal bond
法定债务statutory obligation
法定债务obligation civilis
法定债务到期日obligatory maturity
法定债务幅度legal debt margin
法定债务满期obligatory maturity
法定债务限额statutory limits on debts
法定债务限额负债最高限额debt limit
法定假期approved leave
法定偿债基金legal sinking fund
法定储备statutory reserve
法定储备准备statutory reserve
法定储备金compulsory reserve
法定公债bond authorized
法定公司贷款限制statutory restrictions on company loans
法定公积金legal public loan fund
法定关税authorized tariff
法定准备比率mandatory reserve requirement
法定准备金official reserve
法定准备金legal reserve requirement
法定准备金legal reserves
法定减税statutory reduction of taxes
法定出口手续statutory export procedure
法定出售价格official selling price
法定利率state rate of interest
法定利率legal interest rate
法定利率费率official rate
法定利率波动上下限official upper and lower limit of fluctuation
法定利率波动上限official upper limit of fluctuation
法定受托人statutory trustee
法定受让人statutory assignee
法定合同lawful contract
法定地产legal estate
法定基金legal fund
法定外币存款制official foreign currency deposit system
法定外汇银行authorized foreign exchange bank
法定多数statutory majority
法定失业津贴statutory unemployment benefit
法定契约contract by deed
法定平价mint of exchange
法定年龄statutory age
法定广告宣传真实性truth-in-advertising legislation
法定延误时间legal delay
法定开支mandatory expenditure
法定必要条件statutory requirement
法定或判定的担保legal or judicial security
法定执照compulsory licence
法定扶养费legal aliment
法定投资statutory investment
法定抵押legal mortgage
法定担保legal warranty
法定拍卖statutory auction
法定损害赔偿statutory damages
法定损害赔偿额lawful damages
法定接收人statutory receiver
法定接收权statutory receivership
租金、利息法定支付期term time
法定收益净额net statutory income
法定收益率official returns
法定文件statutory instruments
法定日期dies juridicus
法定时限statutory time limit
法定普通信托基金legal common trust fund
法定最低准备公积legal minimum reserves
法定最低存款储备compulsory minimum reserve requirement
法定最低工资statutory minimum wage
法定最高额authorized ceiling
法定期限legal time limit
法定权利statutory right
法定权利legal right
法定权限statutory authority
法定条文statutory ordinance
合同法定条款clause of a charter
法定检验official test
法定检验official inspection
法定比价legal ratio
法定比价mint rate
法定汇率exchange rate parity
法定汇率波动下限lower limit of official rate of exchange
法定津贴statutory allowance
法定测量器具legal measuring instrument
法定海里statute miles
法定清盘legal liquidation
法定盘存估价法legal valuation method of inventory
法定福利费legal welfare expense
法定租赁statutory tenant
法定税则statutory tariff
法定税则authorized tariff
法定税收regulatory tax
法定税收legal duty
法定税率statutory rate of duty
法定簿记statutory books
法定级差利益graded vesting
法定经纪人official commission brokers
法定继承人lawful heirs
法定英里=5280 英尺statute mile
法定菜单介绍真实性truth in menu
法定补偿legal compensation
法定要求mandatory requirement
法定规则statutory rules
法定计价legal valuation
法定认领statutory acknowledgement
法定许可制mandatory licensing system
法定评税legal assessor
法定负债即具有法律责任的债务legal liability
法定账簿compulsory book
法定货币法律规定的支付货币legal tender
法定货币即不能兑换黄金或白银的纸币fiat money
法定货币债券即用法定货币清偿的债券legal tender bands
法定资本即公司按章发行的股本票面价值legal capital
法定资本对负债总额及净值之比ratio of vested capital to total liabilities and net worth
法定赡养费legal sustenance allowance
法定赡养费legal maintenance
法定转让legal cession
法定退休mandatory retirement
法定退休compulsory retirement
法定速限legal speed limit
法定配额fixed quota
法定重量指货物实重及其内包装的重量legal weight
法定鉴定人official referee
法定银行延迟偿付期bank moratorium
法定销售价official selling price
法定顾问机构statutory advisory body
法院做出"拒绝受理"的裁定bring in a finding of non liquet
法院判定的担保judicial security
法院指定的担保judicial security
流通资金定额计算方法calculation method of circulating fund quota
测定法survey method
测定趋势方法way of determining the trend
渗透定价法penetrating pricing
滑轮固定法fixing of trolley wheel
滴定分析法analysis by titration
点数评定法points rating method
特定成本盘存法inventory plans, specific cost
特定注销法specific write-off method
生产能力核定法method of checking on productive capacity
生产量制定法method of determining production order quantity
用电子计算机确定装配线操作程序的方法computer method for sequencing operations for assembly lines
盈亏临界点的图解确定法graphic determination of break-even point
盘存计价个别鉴定法specific identification inventory costing method
直接定价法direct pricing method
直观定价法intuitive pricing
相对值判定方法decision approach to relative value
确定出价法firm bidding
确定型经济批量法deterministic EOQ method
确定成本模型的经验认定法judgemental identification of cost patterns
确定收入的销售法completed sales basis
第三者法定责任third party legal liability
第三者责任法定保险如汽车compulsory third party insurance
管理定量方法quantitative method in management
美国1934年贸易协定法Trade Agreement Act of 1934
联合定价法combined pricing
英国法定度量衡imperial weights and measures
营业收入按约完成确定法completed contract method of revenue recognition
营业收入的收付实现确定法cash basis of revenue recognition
营业收入销售确定法sale basis of revenue recognition
营业权入确定权收现法cash collection basis on revenue recognition
虚假定价法fictitious pricing
计划制定法method of planning
计算存货成本个别鉴定法specific identification method of inventory costing
认缴的法定结果result of subscriptions
辅助变数推定法estimation method of instrumental variable
边际定价法margin pricing
运费免收定价法freight absorption pricing
适中定价法intermediate pricing method
递减价值定率折旧法depreciation-method of fixed percentage of diminishing value
递减定率折旧法depreciation-fixed percentage of diminishing value method
递增定价法incremental pricing
道德定价法ethical pricing
存货计价鉴定存货计价法identification method
铸币的法定公差mint remedy
限制性定价法limit pricing
随行就市定价法going-rate pricing
需求导向定价法demand-oriented pricing
非成本定价法non-cost pricing method
预定分配方法predetermined distribution
预定数额分配法predetermined basis
预定标准时间法predetermined time standard
预定比例分配法estimated rate distribution
魏氏配对正负等第检定法Wilcoxon match-pairs-signed ranks test
黄金计算的法定汇率par value in term of gold