
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 法人 | all forms | in specified order only
【团】 人字形分层造堆法chevron method
人字形分层造堆法chevron method
人工智能方法artificial intelligence approach
人工筑岛法artificial island method
人工配水法manual water distribution method
保护渣加人法powder-feeding method
保护渣加人法method for applying flux
保护渣加人法flux addition method
保护渣加人法feeding method of flux
保护渣连续加人法continuous flux-feeding method
出铁口铁棒埋人法taphole soaking bar method
动态投人产出法dynamic input-output method
埋人式吹氧法submerged injection process
埋人式吹氧法指平炉的submerged injection process
埋人式吹氧法SIP process (指平炉的)
埋人式吹氧炼钢法submerged oxygen steelmaking process
微气泡喷人法method to inject fine bubbles (【技】 钢水精炼方法之一,如通过多孔砖向中间包内吹人微气泡,改善钢水流动、促使夹杂物上浮以提高钢水纯净度。)
投人产出分析法input/output analysis method
无人铸造法no-man-casting process
无人铸造法no-man-casting philosophy
浸人式吹氧炼钢法submerged oxygen steelmaking process
渗人法infiltration process
熔剂加人法flux addition method
熔剂加人法feeding method of flux
稀土丝喂人法process of feeding rate earth wire
芬西德镁屑结压人铁水法Finsider process
【铁】 铁口铁棒埋人法taphole soaking bar method
项目法人legal entity of project