
Terms for subject Technology containing 法人 | all forms | in specified order only
一般印象人员选择法overall impression method of selection
不足法定人数lack a quorum
个人剂量测量法personal metering
中华人民共和国土地管理法Land Administration Law of the Peoples Re public of China
中华人民共和国宪法Construction of the People's republic of China
中华人民共和国文物保护法Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of cultural relies
中华人民共和国森林法Forest Law of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国民法通则General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国测绘法Law of Surveying and Mapping of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国海上交通安全法Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国环境保护法Environmental Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China
中华人民共和国矿产资源法Mineral Resources Law of the People's Repub lic of China
中华人民共和国经济合同法Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国行政诉讼法Administration Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国野生动物保护法Law of the People's Republic of China on Wild Animal Protection
中华人民共和国食品卫生法Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China (试行)
人力分配法manpower allocation
人力资本法human capital approach
人口预测图解法graphical method of population projection
人口预测图解法graphic method of population projection
人均需求法per capita demand method
人字式铺砌法herringbone paving
人字形排水法herringbone drainage system
人字形排水法herringbone drain system
人字形支护法herringbone timbering
人字形矿房采矿法herringbone method
人字形釆矿法herringbone stoping
人工压浆处理法artificial cementing method
人工变量法artificial variable method
人工合成化合物环境标记法environmental labeled method of artificial compound
人工吹制法hand blown process
人工吹筒摊平法hand cylinder process (平板玻璃)
人工吹筒摊平法hand cylinder method (平板玻璃)
人工吹管法blow cylinder process
人工密实法artificial consolidation
人工小时法man-hour method
人工小时法man-hour base
人工岛法artificial island method
人工干材法artificial seasoning
人工成本百分比法labour cost percentage method
人工成本百分比法labor cost percentage method
人工投入线性平衡法line balancing
人工控制地面沉降方法ground settlement method of artificial control
人工改造气候法weather modification process
人工方法hand labour method
人工方法hand labor method
人工旋压法manual spinning
人工旋压法conventional spinning
人工时间法man-hour method
人工智能法artificial intelligence approach
人工核法artificial nuclear survey method
人工润滑法hand lubrication
人工生物法artificial biological method
人工筑岛法artificial island method (深基础施工时下沉井,沉箱用)
人工节约法labor-saving device
人工补给方法measures of artificial recharge
人工造雨法artificial rainmaking process
人工降雨法artificial rain method
人工降雨试验法method of artificial rainfall experiment
人工黏性方法pseudo-viscosity method
人才流动法规personnel mobility law
人时评价法man-hour evaluation
人机联系模型法interactive modelling
人车分隔设计法Radburn method
代人法substitution method
健全的项目法人责任制the system of holding the legal person responsible for project
公司法人治理结构management structure of company legal body
分析式人员选择法analytical method of selection
分析式人员选择法analytic method of selection
制造费用分配的人工小时法labor hour basis for overhead application
单一法人unity of person
单一法人corporation sole
压人式打桩法press fit method
压人式施工法press fit method
司法受托人judicial trustee
司法受托人法案Judicial Trustees Act
合法经纪人sworn broker
合法经纪人legal broker
合法继承人legal successor
合法继承人right heir
合法继承人legal heir
商人惯常法law merchant
土壤人工冻结法artificial freezing of soil
外国法人foreign juridical person
对焊法兰人孔manhole with butt welded flange
布尔格斯人工设色法Bourges process
平焊法兰人孔manhole with common welded flange
平等的法人身份equal status of legal persons
插人特制纸板的地基排水法cardboard drain
普通法人ordinary corporation
树脂分批人浆法resin-in-pulp process
法人judicial person
法人代表legal representative
法人企业business corporation
法人保险额corporate coverage
法人决议corporate resolution
法人利润税corporation profit tax
法人单位impersonal entity
法人印章corporate seal
法人在场作证的试验witness test
法人居住税corporate inhabitant tax
法人所有权corporate ownership rights
法人清算liquidation of a judicial person
法人登记registration of juristic persons
法人的权利能力legal capacity of juristic person
法人的行为能力disposing capacity of juristic person
法人的责任能力capacity for responsibility of juristic person
法人corporation tax
法人章程charter of the corporate body
法人组织corporate organization
法人组织corporate body
法人能力corporate capacity
法人公司营业权corporate franchise
法人认可证certificate of corporation
法人资格capacity of corporate
法人资格凭证paper certifying its status as a legal person
法人身份status of a legal person
法定代理人legal representative
法定代表人legal representative
法定保管人authorized depository
法定债务人legal debtor
法定债权人legal creditor
法定占有人legal occupier
法定占有人lawful occupier
法定持有人legal holder
法定持有人holder in due course
法定监护人guardian by statute
法定继承人right heir
法定继承人heir by operation of law
法定财产清算人official liquidator
法定财产管理人legal administrator
法庭授予遗嘱执行人权利的命令letters testamentary
法线〔垂直〕人射broadside incidence
处理地基的化学药品浸人施工法impregnation method
滴人法drop method
沥青路面热贯人施工法hot penetration method
生产人工时数法productive labour hours method
用人工方法引来的水new water
直接人工成本法direct labour cost method
社团法人juridical person of an association
经理人员集体审定法jury of executive opinion method
被法院宣布为破产的当事人party adjudged bankrupt
课税法人tax corporation
课税法人tax corporate
销售人员综合市场预测法sales-force-composite method
非法占有人mala fide possessor
非营利法人non-profit corporation
非营利法人lay corporation
非课税法人tax free corporation
非课税法人exempt corporation
项目法人责任制project corporation responsibility system