
Terms containing 沿 海水域 | all forms | in specified order only
earth.sc.墨西哥湾沿海区域含水层系统分析计划美国地质调査局Gulf Coast Regional Aquifer System Analysis Project
tech.沿海岸水域coastal area
interntl.trade.沿海水域off shore
hydroel.st.沿海水域coastal waters
interntl.trade.沿海水域coast waters
environ.沿海水域coastal water Coastal waters are typically characterized by a shallow continental shelf, gently sloping seaward to a continental slope, which drops relatively abruptly to the deep ocean. The proximity of coastal water to land also influences the water circulation. In the vicinity of freshwater inflows, the nearshore circulation is altered by the presence of density-driven motions. Coastal waters are under enormous environmental stress, caused by a wide range of factors including pollution and the destruction and deterioration of marine habitats (沿海水域的一般特点是较浅的大陆架,缓慢地向海洋方向倾斜至大陆坡,随后相对突然下倾到深海。沿海水域接近陆地也影响了其水流循环。在淡水流入的区域附近,近岸环流受密度影响而改变。沿海水域目前面临众多因素所引起的严重环境压力,包括污染和海洋栖息地的破坏和退化。)
China, law沿海水域的交通安全traffic safety in the coastal waters