
Terms for subject Geology containing 油 显 示 | all forms | in specified order only
天然气和凝析油显示shows of gas and distillate
天然气和凝析油显示shows of gas and condensate
好的油显示good show oil
好的油气显示good show oil and gas
油显示no show oil
无油气显示no show oil and gas
极轻微的油显示very slight shows of oil
重质油显示dead oil show
油和水显示shows oil and water
油显示shows of oil
油显示oil shows
油显示的砂层sand showing oil
油显示良好good show oil
油气显示shows of oil and gas
油气显示shows of gas and oil
油气显示良好good show oil
油气水显示shows of oil, gas and water
游离油显示shows of free oil
直接油气显示direct hydrocarbon indication
直接油气显示器direct hydrocarbon indicator
石油彩虹显示rainbow show of oil
轻微油显示slight show of oil
轻微油气显示slight shows of oil and gas