
Terms for subject Technology containing 油罐 | all forms | in specified order only
不合格油料储罐bad oil tank
中间油罐relay tank
中间油罐intermediate oil tank
油罐放出水及沉积物tank bleeding
使用中的油罐tank in use
供应油罐supply tank
油罐oil storage tank
油罐oil tank
油罐receiver vessel
油罐oil tank
油罐storage lank
油罐stock tank
油罐reserve oil tank
油罐flow tank
储气罐油膜oil film of gasholder
充水式储油罐aqua system
油罐filling tank
油罐oil can
加热油罐heated tank
卧式圆形油罐horizontal cylindrical tank
卧式圆形油罐horizontal cylindric tank
卧式蒸罐制焦油horizontal retort tar
双层油罐two-compartment oil tank
可任意形状的软油罐formed rubber tank
可折叠油罐collapsible storage tank
可折叠油罐collapsed storage tank
周供量油罐week-supply tank
油罐spout pouring pot
地上油罐land storage tank
地下储油罐gasoline storage tank
地下储油罐buried tank
埋藏储油罐buried storage tank
塞住油罐出口tank outlet plugging
工作油罐service tank
工厂内油罐的焊接装置shop-field erection of tank
常压储油罐atmospheric storage tank
常压储油罐atmospheric-pressure storage tank
平衡油罐balancing tank
成品油罐product tank
手压罐式润滑油枪hand-tank grease gun
折叠式油罐flexible rolled up tank
抽入油罐tank draws in
拖挂式油罐trailerized tank
油罐oil drain drum
油罐oil skimming tank
收缩油罐collapsed storage tank
木材防腐的敞罐浸油处理法open tank treatment
无力矩油罐moment-free tank
暴露油罐exposed tank
更换油罐tank replacement
构成储油罐的壁generatrix of tank
油罐tar pot
水下油罐submerged storage tank
水下储油罐underwater oil tank
水滴形油罐Horton spheroid
油罐gasoline cistern
油罐gasoline container
油罐jerry can
油罐petrol container
油罐gasoline can
油罐gas tank truck
汽油油罐gasoline tank truck
汽油油罐gas truck
汽油油罐gas tanker
汽油油罐gasoline tank car
沉没式油罐submerged storage tank
油槽罐车tank body truck
油气分离罐catch pot
油浸罐头oiled can
油漆罐paint tank
油漆罐paint pot
油燃料罐oil fuel tank
油田储[贮]罐oil field tank
油缓冲罐oil dashpot
油罐receiver pipe
油罐storage tank
油罐oil storage facility
油罐petroleum tank
油罐oil can
油罐与集装箱清洗tank and container clean
油罐中压力tank pressure
油罐中损耗tank outage
油罐中混合气tank air
油罐人孔盖tank hood
油罐使用期tank life
油罐保养tank maintenance
油罐信号发送装置tank unit
油罐内体积internal measurement of tank
油罐内稀释tank dilution
油罐内部压力pressure in the tank
油罐内部设备internal fittings of tank
油罐内部零件internal accessories of tank
油罐冷却器tank cooler
油罐凃料层tank coating
油罐分隔室tank compartment
油罐加油口tank filler
油罐加油口盖tank filler cap
油罐加油孔盖帽tank filler cap
油罐加热旋管tank heating coil
油罐加热盘管oil tank coil heater
油罐加热管线tank heating line
油罐区面积oil tank area
油罐卡车tank truck
油罐卡车tanker truck
油罐压力洒油车tank pressure distributor
油罐压力计tank pressure gauge
油罐压力计tank pressure gage
油罐周围的沟tank ditch
油罐tank farm
油罐tank battery
油罐场储存油料tank farm stock
油罐场管线tank farm pipe line
油罐基础tank foundation
油罐壳体tank shell
油罐壳厚度tank shell thickness
油罐失火tank fire
油罐失火时溅出物tank fire boil-overs
油罐安全阀oil pot relief valve
油罐安装tank setting
油罐安装tankage installation
油罐容积图表tank volume charts
油罐容量tank storage capacity
油罐tank base
油罐底凹处tank pocket
油罐tank pad
油罐微生物tank microflora
油罐换气tank ventilation
油罐探测管tank sound pipe
油罐接地tank grounding
油罐接地ground the tanks
油罐接缝tank joint
油罐搅拌器tank agitator
油罐操作tank operation
油罐支架系统tank support system
油罐支管tank manifold
油罐支管阀tank manifold valves
油罐放出口tank drain
油罐放气阀tank vent valve
油罐放气阀tank relief valve
油罐整形tank truing
油罐旋管tank coil
油罐旋管公式tank-coil formula
油罐tank rack
油罐标尺tank gage
油罐校正tank calibration
油罐校正表tank table
油罐桶数stock tank barrels
油罐检查工tank tester
油罐横梁tank cross member
油罐沉积槽tank sump
油罐洗出物tank cleanings
油罐浮动tank floating
油罐浮水移动tank water riding
油罐涂料tank coating
油罐混凝土基座tank concrete pad
油罐的修理rehabilitating of tank
油罐的周围长度tank circumference
油罐的固定tank anchoring
油罐的清扫口tank clean-out opening
油罐的通气隔膜tank breathing diaphragm
油罐的锥形部分tapered ring of tank
油罐tank cap
油罐空气tank air
油罐空气包tank dome
油罐空气驱除器tank air-mover
油罐tank station
油罐tank battery
油罐组驳船tank battery barge
油罐绝缘tank insulation
油罐绞车tank winch
油罐缝试验tank seam testing
油罐tank compartment
油罐蒸气tank vapour
油罐蒸气回收tank vapour recovery
油罐蒸气空间tank vapour space
油罐表面修整tank surface reconditioning
油罐装油系统tank filling system
油罐装油设备tank loading facility
油罐装置tank work
油罐装置tank installation
油罐设计tank design
油罐fuel tanker car
油罐oil car
油罐oil tanker
油罐tank lorry
油罐transportation tank
油罐road tank car
油罐oil tank car
油罐fuel tanker truck
油罐fuelling vehicle
油罐fueling vehicle
油罐车油泵tank truck pump
油罐车洗刷所oil tank washing plant
油罐车装载架tank truck loading rack
油罐车运输燃料tank truck pickup
油罐转证价tank cession price
油罐过滤器tank filter
油罐过滤阀tank filter valve
油罐远距离计量remote gauging of tanks
油罐连接管tank connections
油罐选择阀tank selector valve
油罐通气tank venting
油罐通气口oil tank vent
油罐通气管tank vent pipe
油罐通风孔tank draft hole
油罐量器tank content gauge
油罐量器tank content gage
油罐钢板tank plate
油罐铆合tank riveting
油罐间距tank spacing
油罐呼吸tank valve
油罐附件tank accessories
油罐隔板tank spacer
油罐鞍座垫板tank slabbing
油罐tank deck
油罐顶上的开口roof openings
油罐顶小门tank batch
油罐顶栏杆tank railing
油罐顶檐tank roof cave
油罐顶浮子tank deck float
油罐顶环tank ring
油罐顶盖tank top
油罐tank barge
油罐oil storage barge
油罐驳船tank lighter
油脂罐grease tank
浇柏油罐tar spray car
浮动储油罐floatation tank
浮动储油罐flotation tank
浮子式油罐液面计float-type tank gauge
浮子式油罐液面计float-type tank gage
海上中转油罐offshore tanker terminal
润滑油罐lubricating can
液化石油气高压气罐liquefied petroleum gas high pressure holder
混凝土油罐concrete tank
滑橇装油罐skid tank
潜没水下,地下油罐submerged tank
油罐pouring can
炼油厂油罐refinery tank
焊接储油罐welded tank
焦油沥青烧罐tar pot
油罐melting chamber
油罐fuel canister
燃料fuel oil tank
燃料油罐heating oil storage tank
燃料油罐heating oil tank
燃料油罐fuel oil drum
燃料油罐警笛fuel oil tank whistle indicator
燃料油油罐fuel dispenser
燃料油储罐fuel oil service tank
燃油储[贮]罐heating oil storage tank
燃油储[贮]罐oil fuel storage tank
燃油储fuel oil storage tank
球形油罐spheric oil tank
球形油罐spherical oil tank
球形油罐sphere can
球状油罐spheroid tank
用空气驱除油罐removing tank gas by air
用蒸汽驱除油罐tank gas freeing by steam
油罐tin case
石油储存罐field tank
石油储罐阻火器flame arrester for petroleum tank
管路或储罐内的储存油oil in reserves
终端油罐储量terminal tankage
油罐oil service tank
缓冲油罐buffer tank
罐内污油tank sludge
罐口量油法outage method
自动油罐automatic tank battery
自顶部注入油罐overshot tank filling
油罐oil storage tank
油罐petrol tank car
运送火箭燃料的油罐propellant trailer
重油储[贮]罐heavy oil service tank
金属焊接油罐welded steel tank
油罐steel storage
钢筋混凝土油罐reinforced concrete storage
锥形顶油罐cone roof reservoir
阻尼油罐damping oil vessel
油罐oil save tank
油罐oil collecting tank
非标准型油罐tailor-made tank-truck
顶部盖水油罐water-top tank
油罐vegetable oil tank car
馏出油接受罐run-down tank (storage)
高位油罐high oil-level tank
油罐viscous oil tank car