
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 河 流 | all forms | in specified order only
俄亥俄河流域能源研究Ohio River Basin Energy Study
准河口环流quasi-estuarine circulation
凯里奥河流域开发管理局肯尼亚Kerio Valley Development Authority Kenya
南哥伦比亚河流域灌溉区South Columbia Basin Irrigation District
哥伦比亚河流域管理局Columbia Valley Authority
圣华金河流San Joaquin Valley
圣华金河流域排水计划San Joaquin Valley Drainage Program
圣费尔南多河谷地下水流域San Fernando Valley Groundwater Basin
地貌均质河流断面morphologically homogeneous river section
河流coarse fluvial faces
大阿蒂西安河流澳大利亚great artesian basin Australia
山脉、河流和湖泊mountain, river and lake
格林河流green river basin
水文地球化学与河流泥沙调査研究hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance
沃尔特河流域管理局西非Volta River Authority
河川径流监测与预报系统streamflow monitoring and forecasting
河川流量预报中心Streamflow Forecast Centre
河流与港口工程师管理局Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors
河流分叉道river turnout
河流山脉river mountains
河流弯道重力波bend-gravitation waves
河流水力程序包stream hydraulic package
河流水面river surface
波托马克河流域委员会Commission on the Potomac River Basin
湖泊-河流油溢去污模拟模型lake-river oil spill simulation model
用回归法预报河流流量forecast river flow by regression
河流coarse fluvial faces
美国国家气象局河流预报系统得出的萨克拉门托土壤水分计算模型Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model-U.S. National Weather Service's River Forecast System