
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
不通航non-navigable river
流中线为界ad filum aquae
internal waters
inland waters
提单river bill of lading
水脚river freight
水运发货单inland waterway consignment note
水运提单inland waterway bill of lading
港口的、沙滩港bar port
river dues
航行inland navigation
航行权right of inland navigation
航行船舶inland navigation vessel
船舶保险river hull insurance
货物运输合同公约Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterways
运费river freight
运输transport over inland waterways
运输保险river transportation insurance
运输保险inland marine insurance
内陆inland waters
到岸价加内运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway
到岸价加内运费价CIF inland waterway
到岸价加内运费价C.I.F. inland waterway
到岸价格加内运费价成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway
国际international rive
多国pluri-national river
巴拿马运货运申报单Panama Canal Cargo Declaration
年内航行船舶注册公约,附议定书Convention on the Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels, with annexed Protocols 1965
成本、保险费、运费加内运费价到岸价格加内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway C.I.F. inland waterway
流域river basin
泊司harbour master
流贸易river traffic
运提单river waybill
运提单river-way bill
海上运maritime canal
海船可通行的运ship canal
苏伊士运丈量规则Suez Canal measurement
苏伊士运条款Suez Canal Clause
Canal Zone
政策canal policy
canal dues
通行税canal dues
通行费canal dues
通行费canal tolls
通洋运transoceanic canal
通洋运trans-oceanic canal
通洋运interoceanic canal
通航运ship canal